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48 results found

हवामान बदलाचा नवा X फॅक्टरः सोशल मीडिया आणि हवामान 'धोरण' यांच्यातील दुवा!
Oct 30, 2024

हवामान बदलाचा नवा X फॅक्टरः सोशल मीडिया आणि हवामान 'धोरण' यांच्यातील दुवा!

डिजिटल जगाची गतिशील मनःस्थिती लक्षात घेता, विद्यमान अभ्�

Climate change’s new ‘X’ factor: The interconnection of social media and climate policy
Oct 14, 2024

Climate change’s new ‘X’ factor: The interconnection of social media and climate policy

The dynamic nature of digital spaces urgently requires existing scholarship to be regularly updated. This has most certainly been lacking, particularl

Accessing news and information online: A Pandora’s box?
Sep 27, 2024

Accessing news and information online: A Pandora’s box?

Globally, most people access news and information online today, but the trend has a dark underside that we must act together to address.

सायबर सुरक्षा क्षेत्रात भारत आणि एस्टोनिया यांच्यात सहकार्याची प्रचंड शक्यता!
Aug 14, 2024

सायबर सुरक्षा क्षेत्रात भारत आणि एस्टोनिया यांच्यात सहकार्याची प्रचंड शक्यता!

भारत आणि एस्टोनिया ही डिजिटल क्षेत्रातील अग्रगण्य राष्�

America’s gambit: Putting Tibet in the legal spotlight
Aug 13, 2024

America’s gambit: Putting Tibet in the legal spotlight

The recently enacted Resolve Tibet Act marks another chapter in America's engagement with the Tibet issue, potentially reinvigorating international at

The untapped potential of India-Estonia cyber cooperation
Jul 31, 2024

The untapped potential of India-Estonia cyber cooperation

India and Estonia, leading digital nations, are exploring a strategic cybersecurity partnership. Success will depend on India balancing its diplomatic

Election security, influence operations and Indo-Pacific: New challenge(s) for Democracies
Apr 30, 2024

Election security, influence operations and Indo-Pacific: New challenge(s) for Democracies

China’s growing influence operations necessitates the implementation of proper measures to ensure election security

चीनची रणनीती ‘कॉग्निटिव्ह वॉरफेअर’ची
Apr 26, 2024

चीनची रणनीती ‘कॉग्निटिव्ह वॉरफेअर’ची

प्रत्यक्ष लष्करी कारवाई न करता तैवानमधील जनमत आणि विश्व�

AI: 'निवडणूक, कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्ता आणि परदेशी हस्तक्षेप!
Apr 09, 2024

AI: 'निवडणूक, कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्ता आणि परदेशी हस्तक्षेप!

लोकशाही राष्ट्रांनी जनरेटिव्ह एआयच्या अफाट क्षमतांचा व

The essence of cognitive warfare: Focusing the lens toward Chinese strategies
Apr 08, 2024

The essence of cognitive warfare: Focusing the lens toward Chinese strategies

China has employed cognitive warfare tactics to sway the opinions and beliefs of the Taiwanese public without resorting to direct military confrontati

Flex, flux and the foreigner: AI and election interference
Mar 19, 2024

Flex, flux and the foreigner: AI and election interference

The democratic world must defend against the designs of adversarial regimes intent on manipulating electoral outcomes by exploiting generative AI's va

ICMR study on sudden deaths among youth
Dec 04, 2023

ICMR study on sudden deaths among youth

A recent paper by the Indian Council of Medical Research puts the popular theories linking the COVID-19 vaccination and the rise in sudden deaths amon

Changing dynamics of counterterrorism in Kashmir
Oct 17, 2023

Changing dynamics of counterterrorism in Kashmir

To counter Islamabad’s determined push to stir up trouble in the Kashmir Valley, India will have to formulate a new counter-terrorism strategy that

डीप फ़ेक ग़लत सूचना और धोखा!
Sep 22, 2023

डीप फ़ेक ग़लत सूचना और धोखा!

जेनरेटिव AI का उपयोग संज्ञानात्मक या कॉग्निटिव युद्ध में �

India and Australia: Building media resilience in the Pacific and Indian island states
Sep 19, 2023

India and Australia: Building media resilience in the Pacific and Indian island states

The Pacific and Indian Ocean islands states require support from external partners to protect the integrity of independent thought and defend themselv

Decoding crucial trends from the Maldives’ Presidential elections
Sep 16, 2023

Decoding crucial trends from the Maldives’ Presidential elections

As Maldives heads to the second round of elections, uncertainty looms large for the island nation

Deep fake, disinformation, and deception
Aug 25, 2023

Deep fake, disinformation, and deception

The adoption of generative AI in cognitive warfare poses a significant threat to national security

Atlas Shrugged: The platform v. the state
Jan 14, 2021

Atlas Shrugged: The platform v. the state

The decisions social media platforms take about the content and users they host can affect livelihoods, political processes, and major public policy d

Data localisation in emerging markets: The case of Turkey
Oct 07, 2020

Data localisation in emerging markets: The case of Turkey

Data localisation requirements under Turkish law have so far been sector-specific and, hence, limited in scope.

डिजिटल दुष्प्रचार और संचार में मानवीय आवाज़ की भूमिका: शोध
Sep 18, 2020

डिजिटल दुष्प्रचार और संचार में मानवीय आवाज़ की भूमिका: शोध

जब बात जटिल विचारों और विचारधाराओं को व्यक्त करने की हो, त

When a pandemic meets the era of ‘infodemic’
Jun 12, 2020

When a pandemic meets the era of ‘infodemic’

The ideas of disinformation and misinformation are as old as history. What is new, are the technologies that enable its rapid spread.

Kashmir blackout: Counterterrorism and an increasingly challenging role of the internet
Sep 04, 2019

Kashmir blackout: Counterterrorism and an increasingly challenging role of the internet

The security challenges posed by the online sphere today are not new, nor is India in Kashmir the only state facing questions on the use of the intern

Social media and politics in Africa: The good, the bad, and the ugly
Jun 07, 2019

Social media and politics in Africa: The good, the bad, and the ugly

As significant as the surge of multiparty politics has been, the decade since a social media boom started in Africa is driving even more transformatio

Countering Disinformation and Hate Speech Online: Regulation and User Behavioural Change
Jan 25, 2021

Countering Disinformation and Hate Speech Online: Regulation and User Behavioural Change

Social media platforms facilitate the sharing of information and enhance connectivity and civic engagement. At the same time, however, they are vulnerable to abuse by malicious actors who use the channels to spread misinformation and hateful and divisive content. Regulatory reforms must seek to align the utility of social media platforms with the welfare of citizens, while safeguarding the right to free speech. This paper explores the regulatory

Digital Dreams, Real Challenges: Key Factors Driving India’s AI Ecosystem
May 08, 2024

Digital Dreams, Real Challenges: Key Factors Driving India’s AI Ecosystem

India, like much of the rest of the world, is faced with the twin but opposing conditions of economic potential and social concerns that need to be negotiated to realise the digital dividends from artificial intelligence (AI) and achieve sustainable and balanced growth. AI systems involve layers of technological dependencies that necessitate and enable social and institutional interdependency between stakeholders, enabling conditions, and resourc

Elections, Accountability, and Democracy in the Time of A.I.
Nov 20, 2024

Elections, Accountability, and Democracy in the Time of A.I.

This paper assesses how a transformational technology like Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be used by malicious actors to manipulate information and influence election results. It analyses the impact of such activities, and explores ways by which democratic polities can address this challenge. Reviewing cases from India and other countries in South Asia, and the United States, the paper also looks at the required regulatory landscape. It outline

In times of fake news and manufactured outrage, how do we reclaim empathy?
Feb 10, 2020

In times of fake news and manufactured outrage, how do we reclaim empathy?

As misinformation and propaganda become the mainstay of public discourse, the space for reason is shrinking

Stock markets, volatile and vulnerable
May 20, 2004

Stock markets, volatile and vulnerable

The ¿steep fall¿ and the ¿smart recovery¿ of stock prices with every bit of new information, misinformation and disinformation, on government-formation at the Centre has once again proved the volatility of market sentiments, often not grounded in political realities or economic fundamentals.

एआयचा युद्धामध्ये अवलंब, चुकीची माहिती आणि फसवणूक
Oct 28, 2023

एआयचा युद्धामध्ये अवलंब, चुकीची माहिती आणि फसवणूक

जनरेटिव्ह एआयचा सज्ञानात्मक युद्धामध्ये अवलंब होत असल्याने राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षेसाठी महत्त्वपूर्ण धोका निर्माण झालेला आहे.

मानवी आवाज आणि अपप्रचार
Sep 03, 2020

मानवी आवाज आणि अपप्रचार

डिजिटल अपप्रचारात मानवी आवाज खूप महत्त्वाचा आहे. हिटलरच्या प्रक्षोभक भाषणांमुळेच नाझी पक्षाचे कार्यकर्ते ज्यूंच्या वंशविच्छेदाठी सज्ज झाले, हा इतिहास आहे.

सोशल मीडिया स्पर्धेमुळे सुधारेल?
Oct 20, 2021

सोशल मीडिया स्पर्धेमुळे सुधारेल?

धोकादायक ऑनलाइन कंटेंट रोखण्यासाठी समाज माध्यमांमध्ये जबाबदारीची जाणीव व्हावी, म्हणून जगभरातील सरकारे प्रयत्न करताहेत.