Search: For - Fourth Industrial Revolution

37 results found

China, India, and the race to EVs
Jun 28, 2024

China, India, and the race to EVs

In case of India, a long-term trend of relocation of industries (EVs as well as others) from China is seen as a foregone conclusion by a section of Ch

नवीन तंत्रज्ञानामुळे नव्या जबाबदाऱ्याही येतात
Feb 16, 2024

नवीन तंत्रज्ञानामुळे नव्या जबाबदाऱ्याही येतात

अल्गोरिदमचा फायदा घेणाऱ्या कॉर्पोरेट्स संस्थांनी योग्�

With new tech comes new responsibilities
Jan 30, 2024

With new tech comes new responsibilities

Corporates which leverage algorithms need to hold themselves accountable to mitigate the harm caused by algorithmic systems until proper legislation i

The Technology, Water and Security Nexus
Oct 26, 2022

The Technology, Water and Security Nexus

Can emerging technology and the fourth industrial revolution aid in the increasing water insecurity in India and globally?

Completing the 1991 Agenda: Reforms for the Fourth Industrial Revolution 
Jul 24, 2021

Completing the 1991 Agenda: Reforms for the Fourth Industrial Revolution 

The reforms of 1991 were designed for a different technological frontier than what faces India in 2021.

Exploring the prospects for higher education
May 19, 2021

Exploring the prospects for higher education

Only by combining both AI and communities will higher education be relevant and prepare students for the adventures of the fourth industrial revolutio

De facto shared sovereignty and the rise of non-state statecraft: Imperatives for nation-states
Apr 22, 2021

De facto shared sovereignty and the rise of non-state statecraft: Imperatives for nation-states

The Fourth Industrial Revolution has created complexity in the international power model of state sovereignty.

The future of work: For man or machine?
Jan 28, 2021

The future of work: For man or machine?

Education and skills development are key factors in the ‘man or machine’ debate.

Towards resilient cities: Harnessing digital services and creating global city alliances
Jan 28, 2021

Towards resilient cities: Harnessing digital services and creating global city alliances

What can cities do to ensure progress and prosperity for all?

Tech @2021: The dark underbelly of the chrome age
Jan 04, 2021

Tech @2021: The dark underbelly of the chrome age

As we enter the new decade, it is critical that nations and communities be able to realise the transformative potential of emerging technologies, in a

Networked security: 5G and supply chains
Dec 30, 2020

Networked security: 5G and supply chains

While the geopolitical contestation in emerging technologies will continue, the importance of strengthening policies towards network security cannot b

Inevitable questions, concerns, and inequalities in the fourth industrial revolution
Dec 30, 2020

Inevitable questions, concerns, and inequalities in the fourth industrial revolution

Perhaps, the most integral step towards inclusivity in the fourth industrial revolution is trust.

Digital Wise: How will we prepare ourselves for the future?
Oct 13, 2020

Digital Wise: How will we prepare ourselves for the future?

Whole brain function is required to support not only analysis functions — where we zoom in to see the detail — but also synthesis functions where

D10 or Bust? Finding purpose in the 5G club of democracies
Jun 10, 2020

D10 or Bust? Finding purpose in the 5G club of democracies

Is being ‘anti-China’ a compelling enough driver to bring the ten disparate democracies together?

New geographies are transcending old divides
Jul 26, 2019

New geographies are transcending old divides

In a world buffeted by multiple headwinds, it appears that we have a dearth of progressive leadership. How can individuals and institutions rise abo

AI policy analysis: AIDP of China vs. India’s NITI Aayog AI policy paper
Jul 10, 2019

AI policy analysis: AIDP of China vs. India’s NITI Aayog AI policy paper

Tighter collaboration between private, government, nonprofits and educational institutes will be the key to India’s development of new-age technolog

New knowledge paradigms for Tech and I: Toward a more ethical digital society
Jun 06, 2019

New knowledge paradigms for Tech and I: Toward a more ethical digital society

Measuring the proportion of internet users globally is done in disparate ways, and even those who have some degree of access may not have meaningful a

India and Bangladesh need to create a 20 year joint vision of growth and development
Mar 25, 2019

India and Bangladesh need to create a 20 year joint vision of growth and development

Samir Saran, President of ORF, spoke to New Age's Shahidul Islam Chowdhury about the various matters affecting India-Bangladesh relations, including t

No country left behind: Sub-Saharan Africa in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Jan 29, 2019

No country left behind: Sub-Saharan Africa in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

The technologies of the 4IR will increasingly blur the lines between the physical and the digital and exponentially increase the speed and efficiency

Trumping China’s leadership in the fourth industrial revolution: A “New Era” in Sino-American relations
Nov 14, 2018

Trumping China’s leadership in the fourth industrial revolution: A “New Era” in Sino-American relations

The generational shift in American policy will have three critical consequences for the Middle Kingdom and its ambitions for leadership in the fourth

An African millennial’s toolbox for the 4IR
Aug 16, 2018

An African millennial’s toolbox for the 4IR

African millennials need strategies to position themselves in such a way that they are able to take advantage of rather than suffer from the effects o

Why Turkey’s joining BRICS should be welcomed
Aug 13, 2018

Why Turkey’s joining BRICS should be welcomed

There are no rules of entry to the BRICS.

A roadmap for skills universities in India
May 25, 2018

A roadmap for skills universities in India

Setting up skills universities across the country is an ambitious and expansive initiative. It cannot afford to fall prey to the ignorance of the poli

Rethinking education and skilling in India
May 10, 2018

Rethinking education and skilling in India

Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity. – Aristotle

Circa 2018: Digital dragon and lessons for Digital India
Jan 06, 2018

Circa 2018: Digital dragon and lessons for Digital India

To ride the next wave of innovation, India needs its own strategy. Its agenda for 2018 should be to leverage the hundreds of millions it brought onlin

BIMSTEC and the fourth industrial revolution: The role of technology in regional development
May 24, 2023

BIMSTEC and the fourth industrial revolution: The role of technology in regional development

After a hiatus of almost two decades, the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) appears poised to once again assume significance in regional affairs. The renewed vigour has already resulted in a fresh agreement on tangible areas of cooperation and ways of resuscitating the organisation. This brief examines the role that will be played by technology and digital skilling in BIMSTEC’s goals toward

The future of the Indian workforce: A new approach for the new economy
Mar 21, 2018

The future of the Indian workforce: A new approach for the new economy

India is at a crossroads. It has the largest young workforce anywhere in the world, and is the fastest growing economy today. At the same time, the economy is not creating enough jobs, and therefore not fully harnessing its “demographic dividend” in preparation for the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”. To create more and better jobs, certain fundamental realities need to be recognised – the untapped opportunities in the services sector, t

The need to rethink skilling India
Dec 07, 2017

The need to rethink skilling India

The Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) must account for the possibility of interstate migration, rapid urbanisation and possible changes in the social fabric as populations react to new job opportunities.