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1702 results found

Killing militants or killing militancy? The internet and Kashmir
Aug 03, 2020

Killing militants or killing militancy? The internet and Kashmir

If there is a learning to be made, it is that in the last one year, the absence of the internet has not helped in security, commercial, economic, heal

Knowing India's nuclear credentials
Jul 24, 2014

Knowing India's nuclear credentials

Through concerted attack on India from the usual suspects in recent days, India is first being made the whipping boy for the failure of the American non-proliferation lobby in their own country. Then it has to accept blame for the complex relations the U.S. shares with Pakistan and China that is driving these Asian allies to increase their arsenals. Can we get real, please?

Dec 03, 2003


After 9-11, many Americans remember Pakistani dictator Gen. Pervez Musharraf¿s speech to Pakistanis in English, in which he explained his U-turn on the Taliban and Al Qaida. Faced with a ¿with us or against us¿ ultimatum from an angry America, Gen.Musharraf told his rich Pakistani elite brethren that Pakistan had to finally ¿shun extremism¿ and join hands with the US.

Lashkar-e-Tayyeba 2010
Nov 25, 2010

Lashkar-e-Tayyeba 2010

Two years after the Mumbai attack, and despite the intense global crackdown, one of the world's most networked, resourceful and dangerous terrorist group, Lashkar-e-Tayyeba (LeT), remains operational in Pakistan, and ready to hit again.

LeT's social media warfare
Jul 03, 2013

LeT's social media warfare

Lashkar-e-Tayyeba is rapidly expanding its presence and influence in the social media networks. The group is using these networks to recruit tech-savvy younger generation not only from Pakistan but also from the Pakistani diaspora.

LeT: Future threats and counter measures
May 29, 2013

LeT: Future threats and counter measures

Lashkar-e-Tayyeba, the terrorist group behind the Mumbai 2008 attacks and operating from Pakistan, is likely to continue with its terror campaign against the security forces in India, according to a study on LeT done by Dr Subrahmanian and his team at the University of Maryland.

Let’s BIMSTEC Together
Mar 28, 2022

Let’s BIMSTEC Together

After the marginalisation of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (Saarc) since 2016 owing to tensions between India and Pakistan, a search for alternative regional collaborations led India to Bimstec.

Let’s cut China some slack
Jul 10, 2017

Let’s cut China some slack

There is a modicum of double standards being displayed by China — it has had little compunction in assisting Pakistan with the CPEC.

Life after American raids on Pak posts
Dec 06, 2011

Life after American raids on Pak posts

The United States wants a higher strategic relationship with India, which does not include agreeing with Indian views on Pakistan. Our participation in the Bonn conference should bear this in mind.

Life in Kashmir After Article 370
Jan 28, 2020

Life in Kashmir After Article 370

This special report analyses insights gathered by the author from different sections of the Kashmir public regarding the impact of the abrogation of Article 370 on their lives. The interviews were supplemented by secondary sources, primarily news reports in the national and international media after 5 August 2019, when the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led government of India abrogated the enforcement of Article 370 of the Constitution, which sinc

Like a Lady Macbeth
Nov 13, 2014

Like a Lady Macbeth

Throughout the 1990s, the Anglo-US duo remained obsessed with India's nuclear plans and virtually refused any discussions on Pakistani assistance to terrorism in India. The US also did succeed in delaying our missile programme even as they equipped Pakistan with nuclear capable F-16s.

Linkages between Jihadis of Singapore and India
Jun 13, 2006

Linkages between Jihadis of Singapore and India

According to the Delhi Police, Haroon Rashid, an Indian mechanical engineer, who is alleged to be a member of the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT), was arrested by them at the Delhi airport on May 16, 2005, on his arrival from Singapore where he had reportedly gone to do a training course.

Little room for fresh India-Pak initiative
Mar 06, 2017

Little room for fresh India-Pak initiative

India's Pakistan policy is now inextricably linked to its China policy.

Logbook of a lost war
Jul 31, 2010

Logbook of a lost war

What does the 90,000-plus leaked classified documents on Afghan War show? Two things are most obvious-one, the Americans have lost the script in Afghanistan and two, Pakistan has emerged as a full-fledged terrorist State,

Lt-Gen Rizwan Akhtar, the new ISI boss
Oct 24, 2014

Lt-Gen Rizwan Akhtar, the new ISI boss

The post of Director-General (DG) of Pakistan's premier intelligence agency, Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), believed to be the second most important post in the country's military set-up now, has a designated successor to the outgoing Lt-Gen Zaheerul Islam.

Machine-driven weapons need an international system of accountability
Feb 22, 2019

Machine-driven weapons need an international system of accountability

In the absence of clear norms on human accountability and attribution for autonomous weapons, we could see states like Pakistan deploy LAWS for operations outside their borders.

Major Sop for a Non-ally
Mar 31, 2004

Major Sop for a Non-ally

After a groundbreaking visit to India, which focused on strengthening the Indo-US ¿strategic partnership¿, US Secretary of State Colin Powell was supposed to take a tough message to Pakistan¿s Gen. Musharraf. Nuclear proliferation and Pakkistan¿s reluctance to clean up its tribal areas were slated to be on the cards in

Maldives President sacks Defence Minister after police recover weapons
Jan 22, 2015

Maldives President sacks Defence Minister after police recover weapons

In Maldives, a midnight police break-in and alleged yet uncontested seizure of 'dangerous weapons' from Defence Minister Mohamed Nazim's residence has led to his unceremonious replacement by Maj-Gen (Retd) Moosa Ali Jaleel, until then High Commissioner to Pakistan.

Maldives: Backing India at OIC, a new high in bilateral ties
May 26, 2020

Maldives: Backing India at OIC, a new high in bilateral ties

This is not the first occasion in recent times that Maldives figures prominently regarding Pakistan’s attacks on India.

Maldives: Closing in on an economic crisis
Sep 20, 2022

Maldives: Closing in on an economic crisis

The Maldives is said to be in a brittle economic state, slowly inching closer to what Sri Lanka and Pakistan are experiencing.

Maldives: Why Yameen camp seeks Indian attention
Feb 03, 2021

Maldives: Why Yameen camp seeks Indian attention

The Opposition — PPM-PNC combine — has called upon New Delhi, along with Sri Lanka and Pakistan, to help obtain freedom for Yameen.

Maulana Azam Tariq
Oct 13, 2003

Maulana Azam Tariq

There are quite a few things which are known about Maulana Azam Tariq, chief of the banned Sunni extremist group, Sipah-e-Sahaba (SSP), who was shot dead in broad daylight in Islamabad on October 6. What is not so well-known is that the Maulana and his organisation had a cosy working relationship with Pakistan's intelligence and security forces for more than a decade.

Mehran attack: implications and lessons
May 25, 2011

Mehran attack: implications and lessons

The armed assault and siege carried out by the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) on Pakistan's highly secured Pakistan Navy's Mehran airbase in Karachi (May 22-23) has raised fundamental concerns about the continuing failure on the part of Pakistan's intelligence and security agencies,

Mid-summer diplomacy in New Delhi
May 30, 2014

Mid-summer diplomacy in New Delhi

While it may be necessary to keep channels to Pakistan open, so long as the Pakistan military remains the arbiter of Pakistan's destiny, it may be prudent to keep in mind what may be in store for both India and Afghanistan.

Middle Powers in the Gulf: Navigating the Return of the Taliban in Afghanistan
Feb 19, 2024

Middle Powers in the Gulf: Navigating the Return of the Taliban in Afghanistan

Amid the ongoing fundamental changes in the international order, such as the growing bipolar competition between the US and China and the promotion of multipolarity, middle powers may take more ownership of conflict points such as Afghanistan. To comprehend this possibility, it is important to trace the evolution of middle powers in the Persian Gulf. This paper looks at the complexities of the Gulf middle power states, with Afghanistan as the the

Military leadership: In the eye of storm
Oct 26, 2021

Military leadership: In the eye of storm

Politicians are trying hard to keep behind curtains the true state of affairs along the Line of Actual Control but it’s only adding to credibility deficit

Minilateral momentum in South Asia
Mar 13, 2024

Minilateral momentum in South Asia

The Nepal-India-Sri Lanka initiative could be used to pursue better people-to-people relations.

Missing the big stick in Kashmir
Aug 29, 2016

Missing the big stick in Kashmir

Theodore Roosevelt in his famous dictum “speak softly, and carry a big stick,” spoke on Pakistan Occupied Kashmir and Balochistan.

Modi and the tale of two terror speeches
Sep 26, 2016

Modi and the tale of two terror speeches

Modi appears to recognise that it is strategic restraint that has brought India to the front rank of economic powers.

Modi government can't afford to repeat foreign policy mistakes in 2018
Jan 02, 2018

Modi government can't afford to repeat foreign policy mistakes in 2018

In 2018, significant developments could take place in Southeast Asia, beginning with the Indo-ASEAN commemorative summit on January, followed by New Delhi hosting all the ASEAN leaders collectively as chief guests at the Republic Day function.

Modi government chooses rhetoric over substance in Kashmir
Feb 09, 2018

Modi government chooses rhetoric over substance in Kashmir

Ideology and political gain seem to play a role in the Modi government’s Pakistan policy. If it was ideology, India ought to have declared Pakistan a state sponsor of terrorism instead of going around the world asking others to do so.

Modi government has two choices in dealing with J&K’s Pulwama attack
Feb 15, 2019

Modi government has two choices in dealing with J&K’s Pulwama attack

Given the state of India-Pakistan relations, India doesn’t have much diplomatic leverage with Islamabad at this juncture.

Modi isn’t the only ‘Chowkidar’, he can learn from Hooda report
Apr 25, 2019

Modi isn’t the only ‘Chowkidar’, he can learn from Hooda report

A key element of the 44-page document entitled ‘India’s National Security Strategy’ (INSS) is the view that India must be prepared for unilateral, limited military actions against terror groups in Pakistan.

Modi must get India out of COVID-19 crisis to make foreign policy work
May 21, 2020

Modi must get India out of COVID-19 crisis to make foreign policy work

There are many metrics to measure the Modi foreign policy of the past year.

Modi reimagines the Indian military
Sep 09, 2019

Modi reimagines the Indian military

By announcing the creation of a chief of defense staff, New Delhi hopes to modernise India’s armed forces.

Modi's diplomatic master stroke
May 28, 2014

Modi's diplomatic master stroke

India has signalled that it will embed its regional policy within the framework of SAARC. This should reduce the disquiet among our neighbours arising from the sheer size of India and its economy. This has a history since India's Pakistan policy of today is rooted in Vajpayee's visit to Islamabad to attend the 12th SAARC summit.

Modi's Pak Pivot
Jul 14, 2015

Modi's Pak Pivot

The Chinese and Russians have replaced the US and the West as the lead singers in the international orchestra for Indo-Pak amity. Instead of telling them to mind their own business, Modi appears to have recognised that he can use the weight of Beijing and Moscow to facilitate India's engagement with Pakistan.

Modi's third date with Obama
Sep 28, 2015

Modi's third date with Obama

New Delhi can't really expect that the Americans can or will solve India's problems with Pakistan. India can better leverage support from the US and other international partners only when it has a strong and sustainable engagement of its own with Pakistan.

Modi-Sharif meeting: A small move in larger reckoning
Jul 13, 2015

Modi-Sharif meeting: A small move in larger reckoning

To characterise the Modi-Sharif meeting and joint statement in Ufa as a "breakthrough" would be a gross exaggeration. It is another move - a positive move, but only one small move in the larger reckoning - in the elaborate chess game of India-Pakistan relations.

Most–read commentaries, 2018
Dec 30, 2018

Most–read commentaries, 2018

Our 20 most–read commentaries this year.

Moving forward on Kashmir
Oct 01, 2004

Moving forward on Kashmir

In agreeing to explore with Pakistan a final settlement of the Kashmir question as part of a normalisation of bilateral relations, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has pushed the India-Pakistan dialogue into what could be an exciting, if not decisive, phase.

Multi-front battle on sales reforms
Jan 28, 2011

Multi-front battle on sales reforms

As the Pakistani People's Party (PPP) Government struggles to get the Reformed General Sales Tax (RGST) passed into legislation, an international team of IMF experts are scheduled to meet with political parties this week to be the mediators for a much-needed consensus.

Musharraf & His Theatre
Apr 15, 2005

Musharraf & His Theatre

India and Pakistan are currently engaged in a war of attrition through the use of the soft power of the electronic media and skilful psychological warfare in the hope of thereby making each other's traditional position on the Kashmir issue increasingly untenable and thus making possible a forward movement in their bilateral negotiations on the subject.

Musharraf and his terrorism policy
Jul 05, 2004

Musharraf and his terrorism policy

When Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf speaks, he gets lots of attention in Washington DC and other capitals in the western world. For the past three years, he has been saying that he was determined to root out terrorism from the world. He was quickly dubbed as a staunch ally by the Bush administration.

Musharraf seeks out Ummah
Jul 24, 2003

Musharraf seeks out Ummah

President Pervez Musharraf¿s recent trans-national tour¿four western nations and three African nations¿has significant implications for him, and Pakistan.