Search: For - Iran

643 results found

Dealing with the Iran conundrum — The future of the nuclear non-proliferation regime
Jun 13, 2019

Dealing with the Iran conundrum — The future of the nuclear non-proliferation regime

The lack of consensus amongst key stakeholders in the nuclear non-proliferation regime has been an underlying factor in the discord that surrounds san

Narendra Modi and his soaring popularity
May 28, 2019

Narendra Modi and his soaring popularity

Prime Minister Modi contested the recent parliamentary election with at least half-a-dozen prime ministerial aspirants representing the opposition vyi

Six headwinds Modi will face in Season 2
May 27, 2019

Six headwinds Modi will face in Season 2

In a constantly-evolving discourse and a politically and economically disruptive world, new ideas will demand a greater control over Modi’s actions.

The spectre of a naval conflict in the Persian Gulf
May 22, 2019

The spectre of a naval conflict in the Persian Gulf

The threat posed by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Navy to the Strait of Hormuz is real, but exaggerated. Its advantages in open, asymmetric warfare wo

India’s options as US announces end of Iran waiver
Apr 24, 2019

India’s options as US announces end of Iran waiver

The United States’ decision to end waivers from Iran sanctions for countries dependent on Iranian oil poses tough political and economic questions f

आखिर क्यों ईरान का भविष्य अंधकारमय है
Apr 01, 2019

आखिर क्यों ईरान का भविष्य अंधकारमय है

चीन की बड़ी तेल कंपनियां ईरान से प्रतिदिन तकरीबन 3,60,000 बैरल

Why the future looks bleak for Iran
Feb 25, 2019

Why the future looks bleak for Iran

Chinese energy majors are now importing 360,000 barrels per day, of crude oil from Iran. This is only half of what they were importing before the US p

China and Iran: JCPOA and beyond
Feb 18, 2019

China and Iran: JCPOA and beyond

Beijing’s Middle-East policy, especially that towards Iran, remains an enigma of sorts. Though it remains heavily engaged with Teheran, it is taking

Does Trump have a policy on Iran?
Nov 26, 2018

Does Trump have a policy on Iran?

It is quite evident that Trump did not have a compelling set of arguments for his actions against Iran, particularly when the sole body that was manda

What does the United States want?
Nov 21, 2018

What does the United States want?

To punish China, isolate Iran and forgive Russia. This is the new US foreign policy doctrine.

ईरान पर प्रतिबंध: भारत में तेल आयात का खेल कठिन नहीं
Sep 28, 2018

ईरान पर प्रतिबंध: भारत में तेल आयात का खेल कठिन नहीं

ईरान पर अमेरिकी प्रतिबंधों के बाद भारत के पास तेल आयात के

Beyond JCPOA — China
Jul 21, 2018

Beyond JCPOA — China

While the US economic sanctions are likely to have implications for China’s investments in Iran, they inadvertently motivate Iran to look out for al

Beyond JCPOA — Economics
Jul 21, 2018

Beyond JCPOA — Economics

With the imposition of sanctions on Iran, India is left with two options: either find other avenues of oil imports or risk facing the US sanctions.

Beyond JCPOA — Chabahar
Jul 21, 2018

Beyond JCPOA — Chabahar

The imposition of fresh sanctions on Iran jeopardises the Chabahar project. Not only do sanctions deter countries and companies from doing business wi

Beyond JCPOA — Secondary sanctions, projects and investments
Jul 20, 2018

Beyond JCPOA — Secondary sanctions, projects and investments

India has planned several oil and gas development projects, and pipeline projects in Iran. It is believed that the proposed investment for these proje

Beyond JCPOA — Non-proliferation regimes
Jul 20, 2018

Beyond JCPOA — Non-proliferation regimes

NPT is the cornerstone of the global non-proliferation regime but its internal inconsistencies are becoming increasingly visible. In terms of its non-

Beyond JCPOA — Europe
Jul 20, 2018

Beyond JCPOA — Europe

The volatile security situation in the region, a nuclear arms race and a possible war against Iran would directly affect Europe, if only by causing a

Beyond JCPOA: Iranian and regional politics
Jul 20, 2018

Beyond JCPOA: Iranian and regional politics

While the consequences of a complete disintegration of the JCPOA will be felt globally, much of the brunt will have to be absorbed by Rouhani.

When Trump and Putin meet in Helsinki
Jul 13, 2018

When Trump and Putin meet in Helsinki

The Helsinki summit presents an opportunity for the US and Russia to resume a dialogue even if to disagree on matters.

Is the US a reliable strategic ally?
Jun 02, 2018

Is the US a reliable strategic ally?

India needs to reconsider the depth to which it is willing to engage the US in the strategic domain.

क्या ईरान ट्रम्प के लिए समस्या है
May 31, 2018

क्या ईरान ट्रम्प के लिए समस्या है

क्या ट्रम्प के साथ कोई समस्या है या फिर वो बराक ओबामा के स�

Iran deal: War games in the Middle East
May 08, 2018

Iran deal: War games in the Middle East

It is yet another unnerving week in the Middle East. What happens if Trump does not give a nod to the deal?

ईरान में हो रहे विरोध प्रदर्शन किसके लिए फ़ायदेमंद?
Jan 20, 2018

ईरान में हो रहे विरोध प्रदर्शन किसके लिए फ़ायदेमंद?

यदि इस सब के बीच विरोध असल में रूहानी का ही है तो इस विरोध क

Iran protests underline need for urgent reforms
Jan 11, 2018

Iran protests underline need for urgent reforms

Without real reform, domestic turmoil is likely to continue and will afford opportunities to outside powers to meddle in the internal affairs of Iran.

Who benefits from the protests in Iran?
Jan 11, 2018

Who benefits from the protests in Iran?

If Rouhani is the middle, it is not wise to celebrate an attack against him. Not until, organically most if not all of Iran and not just Tehran like i

China and the Saudi-Iran conflict
Dec 20, 2017

China and the Saudi-Iran conflict

Beijing would find it hard to sustain its balancing act between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

How the ‘fall’ of IS, more than its rise, challenges global diplomacy
Dec 12, 2017

How the ‘fall’ of IS, more than its rise, challenges global diplomacy

The Syrian crisis, at its current juncture, looks set for a prolonged battle.

इराक में बढ़ती ईरान की भूमिका
Nov 14, 2017

इराक में बढ़ती ईरान की भूमिका

आईेसआईएस के खात्मे के धमाके को नहीं, इसकी सिसकियों को सुन�

Has President Trump lost the plot in the Middle East?
Nov 04, 2017

Has President Trump lost the plot in the Middle East?

Not only are the important regional players getting into a huddle to discuss the implications of President Trump’s actions, but are also re-calibrat

In post-ISIS Iraq, Iran emerges a significant player
Oct 26, 2017

In post-ISIS Iraq, Iran emerges a significant player

It is bewildering to notice the whimper and not the promised bang ISIS ended with.

India and Iran: More than what meets the eye
Aug 23, 2017

India and Iran: More than what meets the eye

It is in New Delhi’s interests to maintain cordial relations with Iran.

Why Chabahar agreement is important for Iran?
Jul 17, 2017

Why Chabahar agreement is important for Iran?

The Chabahar agreement which entails the development of free trade zone could be capitalised to generate employment and rope in investments.

Saudi Arabia gets a new heir-apparent: Implications for India
Jun 27, 2017

Saudi Arabia gets a new heir-apparent: Implications for India

Mohammad bin Salman's ascent to the second most important position in the kingdom will reinforce Saudi Arabia's newly assertive foreign policy.

SCO Summit: A Russian perspective
Jun 22, 2017

SCO Summit: A Russian perspective

Moscow is interested in continuing the SCO's expansion — primarily by making Iran a member.

The war beyond ISIS: How US and Iran tensions are flaring in Syria
Jun 22, 2017

The war beyond ISIS: How US and Iran tensions are flaring in Syria

ISIS provides a single common enemy where foreign interventionists in the conflict will increasingly find themselves elbowing for space.

Trump ups the ante against Iran and stokes fires
May 29, 2017

Trump ups the ante against Iran and stokes fires

Iran which has been waging a war against the ISIS, the declared enemy of President Trump, is dubbed a terrorist country.

परमाणु समझौते के बाद चुनाव की तैयारियों में जुटा ईरान
May 20, 2017

परमाणु समझौते के बाद चुनाव की तैयारियों में जुटा ईरान

ईरान का राजनीतिक परिदृश्य कई परतों वाला है, जिसमें रूढ़ि�

भारत-ईरान संबंधों पर अमेरिकी छाया
May 17, 2017

भारत-ईरान संबंधों पर अमेरिकी छाया

ईरान द्वारा बेलिस्टिक मिसाइल का प्रक्षेपण करने पर ट्रम्�