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The Russia-Ukraine conflict: A war of attrition
Aug 01, 2022

The Russia-Ukraine conflict: A war of attrition

For Ukraine to win this war, successful diplomatic and military approaches, a stable economic recovery, and the aid of partners are needed.

The Russia-Ukraine War, Economic Sanctions, and Global Headwinds
Jul 22, 2022

The Russia-Ukraine War, Economic Sanctions, and Global Headwinds

The negative impact of the Russia-Ukraine war and attendant economic sanctions have been seen in different parts of the world, raising a new set of ch

The Russia-Ukraine War: The Last Crisis to Break the UN Camel’s Back?
May 21, 2022

The Russia-Ukraine War: The Last Crisis to Break the UN Camel’s Back?

The United Nations (UN) has recently been plagued by several crises—the COVID-19 pandemic, the Taliban’s return in Afghanistan, and the Ukraine war—that have tested its ability to deliver on humanity’s projects of peace and security, sustainable development, human rights, and humanitarian response. Indeed, its actions and inactions in the Ukraine war have triggered an existential dilemma. India must use this moment of creative destruction

The Russian S-400 missile defence and the Amercian CAATSA: Case for an India waiver
Dec 21, 2020

The Russian S-400 missile defence and the Amercian CAATSA: Case for an India waiver

It will be hard for the US to ignore New Delhi’s distinct position while making a determination under CAATSA.

The Russia–Ukraine border crisis: Europe’s moment of reckoning
Dec 18, 2021

The Russia–Ukraine border crisis: Europe’s moment of reckoning

Much to the chagrin of the West, Russia continues to display aggression on the Ukraine front. Does this represent an opportunity for closer EU-Ukraine

The Russia–Ukraine War: Ukraine’s resistance in the face of hybrid warfare
Jun 06, 2022

The Russia–Ukraine War: Ukraine’s resistance in the face of hybrid warfare

Both the Ukrainian and Russian control and command systems are under heavy cyberattacks as an intense digital war ensues within the folds of the Ukrai

The Russo–Ukraine War: The African States’ response to Russian imperialism
Apr 08, 2022

The Russo–Ukraine War: The African States’ response to Russian imperialism

A mixed-bag response of the African nations to the Russia-Ukraine war emanates from their dependence on both Russia and the West.

The saboteur and his confederacy plan
Nov 30, 2016

The saboteur and his confederacy plan

Jawaharlal Nehru was clear with his idea of India: an Undivided India which included the Provinces under British Rule and the amorphous mass of small and big Princely States, which did not desire to be part of such an idea of ‘India’. In his battle to subjugate the Princes, Nehru found an ally in the last Viceroy Lord Louis Mountbatten sent by the new British Prime Minister Clement Attlee. The implementation was then run like a relay race whe

The Saudi crown prince lands into India’s crown security concerns
Feb 21, 2019

The Saudi crown prince lands into India’s crown security concerns

The crux of this visit should be seen from the view of what kind of tectonic changes MBS succeeds in bringing to Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi government is tying itself up in knots
Nov 25, 2018

The Saudi government is tying itself up in knots

Journalist Jamal Khashoggi’s murder has triggered a power struggle and the future of the ailing Saudi king and his overambitious son could be at stake.

The Saudi pivot to Asia and India’s role
Feb 28, 2019

The Saudi pivot to Asia and India’s role

MBS’ tour is an important one as it goes beyond the bilateral ties and at a time when anti-Saudi sentiment is at an all-time high in Washington, it has sent an important signal that Riyadh is intent on diversifying its partners.

The Saudi Shockwaves
Jun 28, 2003

The Saudi Shockwaves

For over seven decades the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia took justifiable pride in the stability of its political system, the tranquility of its social scene, and the in the overall loyalty of its citizenry. The compelling simplicity of the Saudi flag reflected the cohesion. Occasional murmurs of discontent, and an eruption or two in recent decades, did not belie this judgment.

The SCO and the conflict between India and Pakistan
Dec 08, 2020

The SCO and the conflict between India and Pakistan

Organisations don’t exist on their own; they consist of participants, and their success or failure is determined by the extent to which the goals of

The SCO Bank should wake India up to the strategic consequences of Chinese capital
Nov 05, 2016

The SCO Bank should wake India up to the strategic consequences of Chinese capital

SCO Bank should be flagged as a competitor to India-led initiatives like BRICS Bank, which may undermine New Delhi’s role as an economic power in th

The SCO illusion takes India
Jun 09, 2017

The SCO illusion takes India

As India joins the SCO, it must keep in mind certain geopolitical realities.

The Scots say it all
Sep 25, 2014

The Scots say it all

The 55-45 percent Scotland referendum against independence has revived the on-again-off-again discourse of the kind among Sri Lankan Tamils (SLT), one more time. Rather, certain Tamil web campaigns have cited even a 'No' vote in Scotland to justify their demand for a referendum in the SLT community.

The Scourge of the Pandemic on Children in South Asia
Sep 14, 2021

The Scourge of the Pandemic on Children in South Asia

South Asia has had dismal indicators for the development of children, the pandemic has only exacerbated these problems while negating most progress ma

The SDG India Index — Can bold global ambition be translated into effective ground reality?
Jan 15, 2019

The SDG India Index — Can bold global ambition be translated into effective ground reality?

The Index is a good start, but future developments will need to be watched with a critical eye.

The sea leg of India’s nuclear triad post Pokhran II
May 11, 2023

The sea leg of India’s nuclear triad post Pokhran II

Pakistan and China’s nuclear capabilities along with the added challenges and risks of a complex and uncertain environment in the Indo-Pacific are v

The Sea Muggers are back in Malacca Straits
Mar 24, 2005

The Sea Muggers are back in Malacca Straits

The 2004 annual piracy report published by the International Maritime Bureau (IMB) had noted that the Tsunami tidal waves that hit Sumatra in Indonesia might have destroyed the piracy related infrastructure. Some of the pirates may have even perished in the disaster. Besides, there was also a large naval presence and may have acted as a deterrent against piracy activity in the Malacca Straits.

The Search for a Model Land Legislation: The New Land Bill and its Challenges
Jul 23, 2023

The Search for a Model Land Legislation: The New Land Bill and its Challenges

While the draft Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation and Resettlement Bill 2011 makes a genuine push for a better land acquisition regime in the country, the proposed legislation fails on many fronts to address some of the vexed issues related to land acquisition. This Paper looks at the key challenges to this legislation.

The Search for Sustainable Solutions to Debt Accumulation in Sub-Saharan Africa
Jul 21, 2023

The Search for Sustainable Solutions to Debt Accumulation in Sub-Saharan Africa

Like in some other regions of the world, the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated external debt accumulation in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). This could have massive, adverse impacts on growth as governments prioritise debt servicing commitments over key development expenditures such as healthcare and education. For the countries in SSA with relatively lower GDP, this could mean getting caught in a vicious cycle of low output and mounting debt. A pa

The second golden decade of BRICS: Back to the origins
Sep 02, 2017

The second golden decade of BRICS: Back to the origins

Even if BRICS faces problems of consensus in the future, New Delhi will be able to concentrate on its efforts of promoting the Indian agenda.

The second Russia-Africa Summit: A continent at a crossroads
Aug 08, 2023

The second Russia-Africa Summit: A continent at a crossroads

Africa’s representation in the Summit can be hailed as a statement from the continent: Blind loyalty to one state is no longer the norm

The sedition law: the past, present, and future
May 27, 2022

The sedition law: the past, present, and future

The undeniable misuse of the sedition law compelled the Supreme court to revisit this archaic law.

The Sedition Law: Time to erase the blot on Indian democracy
May 17, 2022

The Sedition Law: Time to erase the blot on Indian democracy

The Indian government should review the provisions of the sedition law, a remnant of the colonial past, as it stifles the expression of dissent.

The shadow of Israel-Iran hostility amidst diplomatic détentes in West Asia
Jun 28, 2023

The shadow of Israel-Iran hostility amidst diplomatic détentes in West Asia

An unresolved and unaddressed Iran–Israel dynamic ultimately threatens any other regional normalisation

The Shangri La Dialogue: 4 key themes of US focus on Asia-Pacific
Jun 10, 2015

The Shangri La Dialogue: 4 key themes of US focus on Asia-Pacific

There is a shift in rhetoric from former Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel's statement that the US has been "clear and consistent" on not taking positions on "competing territorial claims" to Ashton Carter's clear insistence on American action in the event of assertive activities of one country.

The sharp power of development diplomacy and China’s edge
Apr 11, 2018

The sharp power of development diplomacy and China’s edge

Chinese development diplomacy not only offers alternative sources of finance, but also presents a model that seems to overcome the major criticisms of

The shift to proportional representation: Is it time for India?
Aug 20, 2023

The shift to proportional representation: Is it time for India?

Democracies constantly evolve to meet the demands of changing times and the requirements of their citizens. This continuous unfolding includes reforms in the electoral system, such as in India. Debate and discussion over the issue of First-Past-The-Post (FPTP) versus Proportional Representation (PR) electoral systems have been ongoing for decades. The issue regained momentum after the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)-led National Democratic Alliance

The Shishupala Doctrine: Narendra Modi and de-truncating the Indo-Pak power asymmetry
Jun 01, 2019

The Shishupala Doctrine: Narendra Modi and de-truncating the Indo-Pak power asymmetry

The historic second term of Narendra Modi’s government can serve to exacerbate the material asymmetry between India and Pakistan. For this reason an

The shocking gender gap in India
Nov 04, 2014

The shocking gender gap in India

India ranks 114 out of 142 countries in the Global Gender Gap index this year. Except Pakistan, most of the South Asian countries rank higher than India. What the index shows is a reflection of reality that no matter how rapidly India grows, women's status in society needs faster improvement.

The Siachen Story: The Inadvertent Role of Two German Explorers in Starting the Race to the World’s Highest Battlefield
Apr 08, 2024

The Siachen Story: The Inadvertent Role of Two German Explorers in Starting the Race to the World’s Highest Battlefield

Amit Krishankant Paul, The Siachen Story: The Inadvertent Role of Two German Explorers in Starting the Race to the World’s Highest Battlefield, April 2024, Observer Research Foundation.

The significance of Baghdadi’s end
Oct 30, 2019

The significance of Baghdadi’s end

Militarily down, the IS remains ideologically alive. Counter-terrorism must adapt to its techniques

The significance of China and Africa in Russia’s foreign policy
Apr 26, 2023

The significance of China and Africa in Russia’s foreign policy

Russia’s foreign policy underlines the significant role that both China and African countries will play

The significance of the Bengal election for the key players
Feb 13, 2021

The significance of the Bengal election for the key players

The election would conclusively indicate if the state prefers to align with the old formations which are local, less resourceful and more on the centr