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104 results found

Experts for collaborative approach to deal with water challenges in South Asia
Aug 06, 2010

Experts for collaborative approach to deal with water challenges in South Asia

Outlining the need for a concerted effort to deal with water challenges in South Asia, experts at a roundtable suggested that there was a strong reason to create collaborative rather than competitive frameworks.

Experts Policy Dialogue on India-France relations
May 01, 2013

Experts Policy Dialogue on India-France relations

ORF, the Public Diplomacy Division of the Ministry of External Affairs of India and CERI - Sciences Po and Centre d'analyse Stratégique (CAPS) of France have begun an Experts Policy Dialogue to delve into key areas, opportunities and challenges that will shape, enrich and confront the India-France relationship in the coming years.

50 shades of America’s China experts
May 14, 2020

50 shades of America’s China experts

Not much has been heard, especially from the large number of China “believers,” who helped perpetuate the notion China was liberalising, that it w

Cattle smuggling across Indo-Bangla border a security threat: Experts
Aug 17, 2013

Cattle smuggling across Indo-Bangla border a security threat: Experts

There is an urgent need to accept the reality of cattle trade across the Indo-Bangladesh border and the challenge is to bring about a change in the mindset of people on this issue, according experts and former policy makers.

Completely overhaul civil aviation sector: Experts
Dec 23, 2008

Completely overhaul civil aviation sector: Experts

Senior Supreme Court lawyer and ORF trustee Lalit Bhasin moots a comprehensive law to replace the obsolete Aircraft Act of 1934

Cyber adversaries may go after private sector systems: Experts
Jan 17, 2014

Cyber adversaries may go after private sector systems: Experts

Experts warn that while governments are getting better at managing cyber and internet threats, adversaries may go after private sector systems, in the absence of active public-private cooperation.

Cyber attacks difficult to be eliminated: Experts
Feb 11, 2014

Cyber attacks difficult to be eliminated: Experts

Cyber attacks are not a security challenge that can easily be eliminated. No kind of infrastructure is absolutely impregnable and the adverse impacts can at best be minimised by emphasising on risk containments, according to experts.

End monopoly in Coal sector by introducing competition, say experts
Feb 23, 2010

End monopoly in Coal sector by introducing competition, say experts

India is the third largest coal producer and the coal industry one of the oldest sectors of commercial involvement

Enhanced bilateral cooperation will help both India and Pakistan: Experts
Jul 30, 2013

Enhanced bilateral cooperation will help both India and Pakistan: Experts

India and Pakistan can reap multiple benefits from an enhanced cooperation on the economic and energy fronts, according to experts at a recent conference at Observer Research Foundation.

FDI need of the hour: Experts
Dec 21, 2013

FDI need of the hour: Experts

Economic experts firmly believe that FDI is the need of the hour and with political will and good governance measures, it could prove to be crucial in enhancing development in the region.

Help Bangladesh to ensure credible elections: Experts
Apr 20, 2013

Help Bangladesh to ensure credible elections: Experts

At a roundtable on the situation in Bangladesh, experts underlined the need for ensuring a credible election in Bangladesh for the country's stability and the strengthening of India-Bangladesh relations.

India has no ulterior-motives in Nepal, say experts
Aug 16, 2010

India has no ulterior-motives in Nepal, say experts

India's interests in Nepal have been to protect its own security, and that Nepal should have no doubt about its role there. This was observed during an interaction between a Nepali-media delegation and Indian scholars at ORF on 16 August.

India-Australia strategic ties should stand alone, say experts
May 27, 2013

India-Australia strategic ties should stand alone, say experts

Experts at a seminar in Chennai felt that 'rogue Sates' like North Korea could alter the security architecture as well as the geo-strategic approach in Asia. And, in light of this uncertainty, evolving ties between nations like India, Japan, South Korea and Australia gain significance. It also stressed the need for Australia-India ties to be treated as a stand-alone development.

Indian experts surprised by the election result in Sri Lanka
Jan 15, 2015

Indian experts surprised by the election result in Sri Lanka

Prof. S.D. Muni, a Sri Lankan expert, says that it was unlikely that the 13th Amendment would be implemented, but the spirit of the amendment, i.e., accommodation, would play a much larger role relative to Rajapaksa's rule.

Indian foreign policy needs civil society experts. MEA must step up, go beyond conference model
Apr 11, 2023

Indian foreign policy needs civil society experts. MEA must step up, go beyond conference model

Much of PP&R's engagement with civil society remains limited to event-oriented modes. There is a fundamental problem in the extant approach.

Most–read expertspeak, 2017
Dec 28, 2017

Most–read expertspeak, 2017

Fifteen most–read expertspeak posts this year.

Navigating controversies: The UN Panel(s) of Experts
Apr 29, 2024

Navigating controversies: The UN Panel(s) of Experts

The recurring elimination of the UN Panels of Experts by Russia although doesn’t affect the sanction regime, it does impair the monitoring of these

Political-bargaining has to stop to resolve Cauvery dispute, say experts
Oct 27, 2016

Political-bargaining has to stop to resolve Cauvery dispute, say experts

Cauvery water-sharing problem requires a political solution driven by consensus among politicians, civil society & people of the two states-an event report

West Asian countries will have to develop their path to democracy: Experts
Mar 19, 2014

West Asian countries will have to develop their path to democracy: Experts

At a conference on "Transformations in West Asia: The Next Steps" in Delhi, speakers said each country must develop its unique path to achieve democracy, based on the historical and current social, political and economic context.

'Anonymity' in cyber world important for protecting dissenting voices
Jan 22, 2014

'Anonymity' in cyber world important for protecting dissenting voices

Experts at a conference on "Internet Governance and India: The Way Forward" have unanimously agreed that "anonymity" in cyber world is important for protection of dissenting voices. They also accepted that internet stands on three basic tenets of openness, freedom, universality.

'Blue Revolution' must follow the 'Green Revolution'
Jun 08, 2012

'Blue Revolution' must follow the 'Green Revolution'

Experts at a discussion on Indus Water unanimously agreed that a 'blue revolution' must follow the 'green revolution' so that the human possibilities for development are not compromised in the basin.

5th BRICS Academic Forum Recommendations
Mar 11, 2013

5th BRICS Academic Forum Recommendations

The 5th BRICS Academic Forum, comprising experts and scholars from the research and academic institutions of India, China, Brazil, Russia and South Africa, met on the 11th and 12th of March 2013 in Durban and has come up with a 5-point recommendations.

A Future without Nuclear Weapons
Nov 09, 2011

A Future without Nuclear Weapons

The elimination of nuclear weapons is a pre-condition for peace in the 21st century. This was the key message delivered by the Hon'ble Senator Douglas Roche, renowned campaigner for nuclear disarmament in his address to Indian experts at the ORF campus in New Delhi.

Abe wants decisive responses to China's ambitions near Japan waters
Sep 24, 2013

Abe wants decisive responses to China's ambitions near Japan waters

Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe believes that his country needs quicker and more decisive responses to China's increasing maritime ambitions in waters near Japan, according to two Japanese security experts, Dr Marie Izuyama and Dr Hikaru Yamashita.

Affordable Airpower: Need for refining business processes
Oct 30, 2013

Affordable Airpower: Need for refining business processes

Pointing out that the problem for an upcoming Indian defence industry is in the basics, experts suggest that a refinement of processes in conducting business and procurement would go a long way.

Beyond the ‘Lethal’ in lethal autonomous weapons: Applications of LAWS in theatres of conflict for middle powers
Dec 21, 2018

Beyond the ‘Lethal’ in lethal autonomous weapons: Applications of LAWS in theatres of conflict for middle powers

Even as Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS) promise to revolutionise the battlefield, very little analysis moves beyond the great powers to examine the interests that middle powers may have in these systems. Shaped by their own geostrategic contexts, demographic issues and geography challenges, countries like India, South Korea, Indonesia or the Philippines may find utility in LAWS for improving the efficiency of their forces, reducing both

Block fundings to terrorist outfits to break their backbone
Oct 27, 2014

Block fundings to terrorist outfits to break their backbone

Terrorism, like almost every other human activity that involves production and creation of goods and services, needs money. Described by experts like Raymond Baker as Gross Criminal Product, this included illegal capital flight, narcotics trade, smuggling of arms and other goods, human trafficking, counterfeiting and computer crimes.

Collective regional action needed for environmental security in south Asia
Mar 22, 2013

Collective regional action needed for environmental security in south Asia

A two-day deliberations by 20 experts from India, China and U.K, have underlined the need for a collective regional action to ensure environmental security in South Asia. The meeting was organised by Observer Research Foundation in collaboration with Royal United Services Institute, London and Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing.

Council of Councils Sixth Regional Conference
Jan 11, 2015

Council of Councils Sixth Regional Conference

The Council of Councils Seventh Regional Conference brought together experts from 20 leading institutions from around the world to discuss and debate critical regional and global issues.

Cyber Mercenaries: A Call to Action for the Quad
Sep 20, 2023

Cyber Mercenaries: A Call to Action for the Quad

This paper investigates, in the context of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue or Quad, the burgeoning threats posed by cyber mercenaries acting as proxies for revisionist states bent on destabilising the institutions and societies of adversary nations. The paper offers essential definitions of what comprises cybersecurity threats, including cyber mercenaries, and delineates current trends. Drawing on open-source intelligence and insights from cy

Decoding the ban on irrational fixed-dose combination drugs in India
Nov 29, 2018

Decoding the ban on irrational fixed-dose combination drugs in India

In September this year, the Government of India banned the manufacture, sale and distribution of 328 Fixed-Dose Combination drugs (FDCs) after a protracted legal battle with manufacturers. The ban followed a report by a Supreme Court-mandated experts’ panel that not only was there no therapeutic justification for the ingredients in these drugs, but they can in fact pose health risks. This paper argues that the move against “irrational” and

Deconstructing the Economic Crisis: Imbalances still worrisome
Nov 23, 2010

Deconstructing the Economic Crisis: Imbalances still worrisome

Experts from India and Germany, including academics, practitioners and policymakers, took part in a day-long seminar titled "Deconstructing the Economic Crisis" organised jointly by Observer Research Foundation (ORF) and the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung (RLS), Berlin.

Demographic planning for cities
Sep 08, 2020

Demographic planning for cities

The megacities of India have multiplied their populations way beyond the projections arrived at by population studies undertaken by demographic expert

First Quad leaders meeting: An agenda beyond security
Mar 16, 2021

First Quad leaders meeting: An agenda beyond security

Besides vaccine diplomacy, this Quad meeting deliberated on matters like climate change, and critical and emerging technologies.

Higher education: Can PM's dreams be translated into reality?
Oct 14, 2014

Higher education: Can PM's dreams be translated into reality?

The government has to free India's top 50 institutions across all disciplines from the iron grip of UGC and AICTE. The institutions must be given the freedom to devise their own course curriculum. After all they have the best subject experts.

How radicalised is Pakistan Army?
Sep 20, 2007

How radicalised is Pakistan Army?

How radicalised is Pakistan Army today? was the question which formed the focal point of an intense discussion organised by Observer Research Foundation on September 20. Well-known academics, journalists, experts and military officers attended the discussion which was chaired by Mr Vikram Sood, Vice President (International Affairs), ORF and former chief of Research & Analysis Wing.

How should India meet the Maoist challenge?
May 14, 2010

How should India meet the Maoist challenge?

At a meeting organised by ORF several experts said the current discourse on the Maoist challenge has been dominated by a "paranoid" view