Search: For - wars

110 results found

Atomic blackmail: A little-recognised but urgent threat
Jun 27, 2024

Atomic blackmail: A little-recognised but urgent threat

The growing scale of wars worldwide has heightened the risk of atomic blackmail, shifting the perception of nuclear power plants from assets to liabil

जानिए, आधुनिक तकनीक़ ने किस प्रकार बदला जंग का तौर-तरीक़ा
Jun 25, 2024

जानिए, आधुनिक तकनीक़ ने किस प्रकार बदला जंग का तौर-तरीक़ा

हाल-फिलहाल में दुनिया में जो भी युद्ध हुए हैं उनमें पारंप�

Operational and tactical shifts: How modern wars are reshaping the battlefield
Jun 15, 2024

Operational and tactical shifts: How modern wars are reshaping the battlefield

The coupling of conventional and new, high-tech warfighting elements, as witnessed in recent conflicts, highlights the importance of a balanced approa

Tracking China’s moves on information warfare
May 22, 2024

Tracking China’s moves on information warfare

Having realised that narrative flow is key to winning modern wars, China is improving its strategic capabilities in information warfare

The great American divide
May 03, 2024

The great American divide

The American political landscape has been witnessing a great divide due to the growing immigration problem and the US’ support to ongoing wars.

The ethics of war: Proportionality and nationalism
Nov 22, 2023

The ethics of war: Proportionality and nationalism

War is a clash between competing nationalisms. Thus no wars, be it in the past or the present, have witnessed proportionality 

यूक्रेन-रूस और हमास-इज़रायल युद्ध: सफलता के लिए अनुकूलन ज़रूरी
Oct 13, 2023

यूक्रेन-रूस और हमास-इज़रायल युद्ध: सफलता के लिए अनुकूलन ज़रूरी

पूरा इतिहास दिखाता है कि युद्धों में अनुकूलन बेहद अहम हो�

Ukraine-Russia and Hamas-Israel wars: Adaptation is key
Oct 10, 2023

Ukraine-Russia and Hamas-Israel wars: Adaptation is key

Adaptation remains critical in wars as seen throughout history and the current conflicts between Moscow and Kyiv and between Hamas and Israel are no d

#DisruptiveTechnology यानी विध्वंस को बढ़ाने वाले तकनीकों के ज़माने में युद्ध का भविष्य
Aug 03, 2023

#DisruptiveTechnology यानी विध्वंस को बढ़ाने वाले तकनीकों के ज़माने में युद्ध का भविष्य

तकनीक और स्वचालन में तेज़ उन्नति संघर्ष और युद्ध के भविष�

रूस और यूक्रेन: इस युद्ध का कोई विजेता नहीं!
Jul 30, 2023

रूस और यूक्रेन: इस युद्ध का कोई विजेता नहीं!

वास्तव में इस युद्ध के पात्र सब पक्ष - रूस, यूक्रेन और अमेर�

The nuclear factor in the India–Pakistan relationship
May 09, 2023

The nuclear factor in the India–Pakistan relationship

Pakistan’s growing weakness could alter the nuclear dynamics in the subcontinent in the coming years

रुस-यूक्रेन संघर्ष: पश्चिमी देशों के हथियार उत्पादन पर यूक्रेन युद्ध का असर!
Jan 06, 2023

रुस-यूक्रेन संघर्ष: पश्चिमी देशों के हथियार उत्पादन पर यूक्रेन युद्ध का असर!

NATO को हथियारों की कमी के साथ ही तेज़ी से घटते आयुध भंडार का

The Ukraine war’s impact on Western arms production
Dec 27, 2022

The Ukraine war’s impact on Western arms production

With the NATO facing shortages in weapons and rapidly declining stockpiles, the protracted conflict has exposed the limits to the West’s arms produc

श्रीलंकाई बंदरगाह पर चीनी नौसैनिक युद्धपोत: सच्चाई की पड़ताल
Aug 23, 2022

श्रीलंकाई बंदरगाह पर चीनी नौसैनिक युद्धपोत: सच्चाई की पड़ताल

भारत चाहता है कि चीनी जहाज की यात्रा के 'वास्तविक उद्देश्�

China’s ‘spy ship’ poses a dilemma for New Delhi
Aug 20, 2022

China’s ‘spy ship’ poses a dilemma for New Delhi

India’s security officials worry that China would use the ship’s visit as a precedent for future deployments by Chinese warships to Sri Lanka.

China seeks to create military icons to win future wars
May 30, 2022

China seeks to create military icons to win future wars

Amidst student discontent, a plan to create influencers for Gen X is being undertaken

Explained: India’s arms imports from Russia
May 17, 2022

Explained: India’s arms imports from Russia

The dependence on Russian exports will most likely disappear if current TIV trends continue.

Lessons from the Ukraine conflict for India’s national security management
Feb 28, 2022

Lessons from the Ukraine conflict for India’s national security management

India should strengthen its national security as the Ukraine conflict unveils new fronts on which future wars would be waged.

Afghanistan-Pakistan relations and the Durand line: Why is it important?
Jan 31, 2022

Afghanistan-Pakistan relations and the Durand line: Why is it important?

The historical Durand line continues to be a thorn on the side as both Pakistan and Afghanistan are unable to come to a mutually beneficial conclusion

Transnational corporations and the challenge to underwrite trade disruptions scare
Nov 29, 2021

Transnational corporations and the challenge to underwrite trade disruptions scare

The flailing multilateral system has led global corporations to rethink just how connected they ought to be

Could Poland leave the European Union next?
Nov 02, 2021

Could Poland leave the European Union next?

The growing disjunction between Brussels and Warsaw sheds light on the overall questioning of Eurocentric values in the region.

Information wars and regime stability. How can nations respond?
Apr 14, 2021

Information wars and regime stability. How can nations respond?

There is no one-size-fits-all solution, as dis-/misinformation and manipulation are versatile weapons and they adapt to the target, and there is no de

Digitalisation of confrontation: 2020 continues the trend
Dec 30, 2020

Digitalisation of confrontation: 2020 continues the trend

There is high urgency for new international legislation which would prevent unfriendly actors from using contemporary technologies for psychological w

Water Wars: Could the dispute over GERD project push Egypt and Ethiopia closer to an armed conflict?
Jul 02, 2020

Water Wars: Could the dispute over GERD project push Egypt and Ethiopia closer to an armed conflict?

The challenge for leaders is to strike the right balance between Ethiopia’s developmental needs while considering Egypt and Sudan’s water rights a

Water wars over paradigms
May 14, 2020

Water wars over paradigms

The ongoing “water wars” is presently a war over two paradigms — namely the colonial engineering paradigm that is visibly reductionist, and the

India must pursue a politically neutral trade deal with the US
Feb 20, 2020

India must pursue a politically neutral trade deal with the US

In exploring a limited deal to dampen trade tensions, India must refrain from handing Trump a political endorsement ahead of the 2020 presidential ele

The horror story of urban water wars
Jul 11, 2019

The horror story of urban water wars

Unless a sectoral re-allocation of water resources enforcing adequate demand management is done, the issues of water scarcity might not be resolved.

Trade wars: Can the WTO strike back?
Oct 05, 2018

Trade wars: Can the WTO strike back?

More worrying are Washington’s actions before the WTO, which can affect the efficiency and capacity of its robust Dispute Settlement Mechanism. This

Trump’s protectionist policies can lead to another great depression
Sep 13, 2018

Trump’s protectionist policies can lead to another great depression

In the past, protectionism led to the Great Depression. According to Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman, trade wars have always led to fall in world trade an

A roadmap for skills universities in India
May 25, 2018

A roadmap for skills universities in India

Setting up skills universities across the country is an ambitious and expansive initiative. It cannot afford to fall prey to the ignorance of the poli