Search: For - Taliban

640 results found

Will the ceasefire on India Pakistan border sustain?
Sep 29, 2021

Will the ceasefire on India Pakistan border sustain?

As tensions increase across the border, there is very little keeping the peace together  

Suspending Afghanistan from SAARC and international law
Sep 26, 2021

Suspending Afghanistan from SAARC and international law

Making a case for suspending Afghanistan from SAARC to prevent the crippling of the organisation

How the Taliban benefited from internal rifts amongst Islamic powers in West Asia
Sep 25, 2021

How the Taliban benefited from internal rifts amongst Islamic powers in West Asia

The Taliban story has only just resumed and could see a return of the US and other powers to this theatre in the future as global jihadist movements v

अफ़ग़ानिस्तान में तालिबान की तूती
Sep 25, 2021

अफ़ग़ानिस्तान में तालिबान की तूती

अफ़ग़ानिस्तान में ‘गुड’ और ‘बैड’ तालिबान के फर्क़ ने अफ़

The Quad’s Counterterrorism Priorities
Sep 24, 2021

The Quad’s Counterterrorism Priorities

Quad’s commitment to counterterrorism seems to be only vaguely defined, despite being highlighted as an area of cooperation. Given that it is a prio

Rajapaksa’s dysfunctional regime in Sri Lanka and its impact on South Asia
Sep 23, 2021

Rajapaksa’s dysfunctional regime in Sri Lanka and its impact on South Asia

How the island nation’s security conundrums will worsen an already threatened South Asia post the reemergence of the Taliban

Why are small South Asian states resorting to the “wait and watch” approach towards the Taliban?
Sep 22, 2021

Why are small South Asian states resorting to the “wait and watch” approach towards the Taliban?

Much more is at stake than domestic security when it comes to how the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan will affect the small South Asian states

Afghanistan crisis lingers over the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit
Sep 15, 2021

Afghanistan crisis lingers over the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit

Looking beyond the SCO’s inability to come to a consensus on Afghanistan to the normalising of Beijing’s influence in Eurasia

China’s practice in recognising Governments: The case of Taliban
Sep 15, 2021

China’s practice in recognising Governments: The case of Taliban

International recognition of government has always been more based on realpolitik rather than agreed upon priniciples

अफ़ग़ानिस्तान में तालिबान की वापसी और मध्य एशिया के लिए इसके मायने
Sep 14, 2021

अफ़ग़ानिस्तान में तालिबान की वापसी और मध्य एशिया के लिए इसके मायने

अफ़ग़ानिस्तान में इस वक़्त, उसके पड़ोसी मध्य एशियाई देशो

अफ़ग़ानिस्तान: तालिबान की जीत का अर्थशास्त्र
Sep 13, 2021

अफ़ग़ानिस्तान: तालिबान की जीत का अर्थशास्त्र

अपनी दूसरी हुकूमत में तालिबान अब ये सुनिश्चित करने में ज�

अफ़ग़ानिस्तान में कब तक बना रहेगा तालिबान का कंट्रोल?
Sep 10, 2021

अफ़ग़ानिस्तान में कब तक बना रहेगा तालिबान का कंट्रोल?

जहां तक मान्यता की बात है तो रूस भी अभी तक मान्यता देने को �

The economics of the Taliban takeover
Sep 10, 2021

The economics of the Taliban takeover

Taliban 2.0 are working towards ensuring that they are not dependent on external sources of revenue

Evolving dynamics of the Af-Pak region and its impact on Sri Lanka and Maldives
Sep 10, 2021

Evolving dynamics of the Af-Pak region and its impact on Sri Lanka and Maldives

How India’s island neighbours react to this new geopolitical reality and whether this will result in an emergence of a new Cold War is yet to be see

20 years since 9/11: Transnational jihadist threat remains constant
Sep 10, 2021

20 years since 9/11: Transnational jihadist threat remains constant

Two decades down the line, the “War on Terror” remains far from over

Brewing apprehensions: Bangladesh watchful of Taliban
Sep 09, 2021

Brewing apprehensions: Bangladesh watchful of Taliban

How will the takeover by the Taliban affect Bangladesh and will we see a strong resurgence of Taliban-inspired Islamist outfits?

Central Asia could help safeguard Indian interests in Afghanistan
Sep 09, 2021

Central Asia could help safeguard Indian interests in Afghanistan

With the Taliban taking over in Afghanistan, India must engage more closely with Central Asia for both strategic security concerns and trade

सामने आया तालिबान का असली चेहरा, भारत के लिए है चौकन्ना रहने का समय!
Sep 09, 2021

सामने आया तालिबान का असली चेहरा, भारत के लिए है चौकन्ना रहने का समय!

तालिबान सरकार के गठन और उनकी गतिविधियों से यही प्रतीत हो�

The Taliban takeover: Afghanistan-Bangladesh relations during this period of transition
Sep 08, 2021

The Taliban takeover: Afghanistan-Bangladesh relations during this period of transition

Resurgence of terrorism and a further influx of refugees are areas of concern for Bangladesh after the US withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan

The Afghanistan crisis and the question of European Union’s strategic autonomy
Sep 06, 2021

The Afghanistan crisis and the question of European Union’s strategic autonomy

Should the EU build up its own EU-based security apparatus in light of the US withdrawing from Afghanistan without truly consulting its EU allies?

अफ़ग़ानिस्तान: ट्रंप और तालिबान का शांति समझौता
Sep 06, 2021

अफ़ग़ानिस्तान: ट्रंप और तालिबान का शांति समझौता

विश्व में महाशक्ति समझे जाने वाले एक देश द्वारा अपने और अ�

Afghanistan: A call for leadership?
Sep 04, 2021

Afghanistan: A call for leadership?

What the US leadership must consider as it has beat a hasty and embarrasing retreat from Afghanistan

Trump and Taliban’s peace agreement
Sep 01, 2021

Trump and Taliban’s peace agreement

The irony of a superpower seeking security guarantees from a non-state actor for safe withdrawal of its own forces and those of its allies would not w

अफ़ग़ानिस्तान में तालिबान के शासन में  नेपाली नागरिकों की बुरी हालत
Aug 31, 2021

अफ़ग़ानिस्तान में तालिबान के शासन में नेपाली नागरिकों की बुरी हालत

हिमालय की घाटी में बसा देश नेपाल भी अपने उन नागरिकों को नि

Afghanistan: A strategic and tactical battle between the Taliban and Islamic State Khorasan Province
Aug 31, 2021

Afghanistan: A strategic and tactical battle between the Taliban and Islamic State Khorasan Province

Though small at the moment, the ISKP has the potential to gain momentum from the rebuilding of Afghanistan post US withdrawal

Resurgent Taliban and its implications on Kashmir
Aug 30, 2021

Resurgent Taliban and its implications on Kashmir

With a Taliban working in close tandem with Pakistan-backed militant groups, the spillover of violence into Kashmir might be a distinct possibility

তালিবানের ক্ষমতা দখলের পর ভূ-রাজনৈতিক মেরুকরণ এবং ভারতের কাছে তার অর্থ
Aug 28, 2021

তালিবানের ক্ষমতা দখলের পর ভূ-রাজনৈতিক মেরুকরণ এবং ভারতের কাছে তার অর্থ

সাম্রাজ্যের গোরস্থানে আরেকটি মহাশক্তিধর দেশকে কবর দেওয

তালিবানের উত্থানের সঙ্গে সঙ্গেই ভেঙে পড়ল উদারনৈতিক পশ্চিম
Aug 23, 2021

তালিবানের উত্থানের সঙ্গে সঙ্গেই ভেঙে পড়ল উদারনৈতিক পশ্চিম

আফগানিস্তানে মানবিকতার বিপর্যয়ের প্রসঙ্গ উপেক্ষা করা হ

शंघाई सहयोग संगठन: युद्ध के लिये आमादा तालिबान पर अंकुश लगाने का एक मात्र तरीक़ा
Aug 23, 2021

शंघाई सहयोग संगठन: युद्ध के लिये आमादा तालिबान पर अंकुश लगाने का एक मात्र तरीक़ा

शंघाई सहयोग संगठन(एससीओ) और क्षेत्रीय आतंक रोधी ढांचा (आर�