Search: For - Al-Qaeda

59 results found

अहमद अल-शरा के नेतृत्व में सीरिया का भविष्य: कूटनीति की अग्नि परीक्षा
Jan 18, 2025

अहमद अल-शरा के नेतृत्व में सीरिया का भविष्य: कूटनीति की अग्नि परीक्षा

अंतर्राष्ट्रीय समुदाय के साथ राजनयिक संबंध स्थापित करन�

अमेरिकेच्या पॅन-साहेल व्हिजनचा अंत
Jun 26, 2024

अमेरिकेच्या पॅन-साहेल व्हिजनचा अंत

नायजरमधून अमेरिकन सैन्य माघारी घेणं म्हणजे अमेरिकेच्या

The end of America’s Pan-Sahel vision
Jun 07, 2024

The end of America’s Pan-Sahel vision

Does the withdrawal of the US  troops from Niger mark the end of America’s Pan-Sahel vision?

How the Taliban is navigating the war in Gaza
May 06, 2024

How the Taliban is navigating the war in Gaza

Despite the public position taken by the Taliban on the war in Gaza, its response has remained largely muted.

Reading Hamas from an Indian security vantage point
Oct 19, 2023

Reading Hamas from an Indian security vantage point

Despite Hamas’s elevation in the scale of global terrorism, India’s reasons for banning this group are much more complex

Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula: Exploiting the climate crisis in Yemen
Feb 08, 2023

Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula: Exploiting the climate crisis in Yemen

The AQAP are addressing climate change-related issues to gain popularity amongst the masses of Yemen

अमेरिका अलक़ायदा पर क्यों नये सिरे से ध्यान केंद्रित कर रहा है?
Sep 29, 2022

अमेरिका अलक़ायदा पर क्यों नये सिरे से ध्यान केंद्रित कर रहा है?

रूसी और चीनी आक्रामकता के बीच, अमेरिका ने विश्व व्यवस्था �

अमेरिका अलक़ायदा पर क्यों नये सिरे से ध्यान केंद्रित कर रहा है?
Sep 29, 2022

अमेरिका अलक़ायदा पर क्यों नये सिरे से ध्यान केंद्रित कर रहा है?

रूसी और चीनी आक्रामकता के बीच, अमेरिका ने विश्व व्यवस्था �

Why is the US renewing its focus on al-Qaeda?
Sep 21, 2022

Why is the US renewing its focus on al-Qaeda?

Amid Russian and Chinese aggressions, the US has refocused its attention on al- Qaeda to reassert its grip on the global order.

अयमान अल-ज़वाहिरी के ख़ात्मे से अल क़ायदा के सामने खड़ा ‘वारिस’ का सवाल
Aug 04, 2022

अयमान अल-ज़वाहिरी के ख़ात्मे से अल क़ायदा के सामने खड़ा ‘वारिस’ का सवाल

अयमान अल-ज़वाहिरी की मौत के बाद अल क़ायदा के सामने सबसे बड

अयमान अल-ज़वाहिरी के ख़ात्मे से अल क़ायदा के सामने खड़ा ‘वारिस’ का सवाल
Aug 04, 2022

अयमान अल-ज़वाहिरी के ख़ात्मे से अल क़ायदा के सामने खड़ा ‘वारिस’ का सवाल

अयमान अल-ज़वाहिरी की मौत के बाद अल क़ायदा के सामने सबसे बड

Death of Ayman Al Zawahiri and the end of Al Qaeda 'legacy'
Aug 02, 2022

Death of Ayman Al Zawahiri and the end of Al Qaeda 'legacy'

With the death of Ayman al-Zawahiri, the primary question that looms over Al Qaeda is who will replace him as the next chief.

तालिबान और अल-क़ायदा का गठजोड़: अफ़ग़ान शांति प्रक्रिया के लिए ख़तरा
Feb 06, 2021

तालिबान और अल-क़ायदा का गठजोड़: अफ़ग़ान शांति प्रक्रिया के लिए ख़तरा

जबतक तालिबान अल-क़ायदा के साथ सांठगांठ कायम रखता है तबतक �

Taliban and Al-Qaeda ties: A threat to the Afghan peace process
Dec 04, 2020

Taliban and Al-Qaeda ties: A threat to the Afghan peace process

This alliance is still capable of recruiting, training, and executing largescale, coordinated attacks. Hence, a need to see an end to this alliance is

The Haqqani Network and the failing US-Taliban deal
Jun 29, 2020

The Haqqani Network and the failing US-Taliban deal

While the Afghan government has begun the release of Taliban prisoners and the US prepares for a drawdown in troop numbers, the Taliban’s ties to th

Al-Qaeda, ISIS and India's challenges
Jul 10, 2015

Al-Qaeda, ISIS and India's challenges

There are two epicentres of terrorism today. One is in the AfPak region, a byproduct of the Cold War. Another epicentre which has risen in the recent times is in West Asia, which in some ways represents the first post-Cold War conflict between various competing forces.

After al-Zawahiri, what lies next for al-Qaeda
Aug 30, 2022

After al-Zawahiri, what lies next for al-Qaeda

The top job for now will possibly go to someone already blessed by Zawahiri, but the future al-Qaeda could be much more Afghanistan-Pakistan centric as the group looks towards a new era of ideological and operational leadership

Bangladesh: Huji, Al-Qaeda nexus cause for concern
Jul 17, 2015

Bangladesh: Huji, Al-Qaeda nexus cause for concern

Recently security agencies arrested 12 activists of the banned militant organisation Harkatul Jihad in Bangladesh. These arrests revealed that the group was preparing merger with the South Asia chapter of the international militant organisation Al-Qaeda.

Hamas is now what Al-Qaeda became after 9/11
Oct 12, 2023

Hamas is now what Al-Qaeda became after 9/11

Hamas was never a household name beyond a point unlike Al-Qaeda or the Islamic State. Until now

Resurgence of Al-Qaeda in South Asia Post-US Drawdown
Jul 10, 2015

Resurgence of Al-Qaeda in South Asia Post-US Drawdown

An examination of the prospects for al-Qaeda following the US drawdown in Afghanistan and the likely threats which the region, and India in particular, might face in the future. A supplementary scrutiny of ISIS, and the group's possible expansion in the region, is also proffered.

The New Face of al-Qaeda in Pakistan
Oct 08, 2004

The New Face of al-Qaeda in Pakistan

The September 26 death of Amjad Farooqi, Pakistan's most wanted terrorist, reveals the new face of terrorism taking shape in the backwoods of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Killed after a five-hour gun battle with security forces in Sindh, Pakistan, Farooqi had a bounty of Rs 20 million (436,205 USD) on his head.

9/11 च्या हल्ल्यानंतर आता हमास अल-कायदा बनलीय
Oct 18, 2023

9/11 च्या हल्ल्यानंतर आता हमास अल-कायदा बनलीय

अलीकडे इस्रायलवर झालेल्या धक्कादायक दहशतवादी हल्ल्याचे परिणाम आता उलगडून लागले आहेत. हा हल्ला हराकाह अल-मुकावामाह अल-इस्लामिया किंवा हमास ने केला आहे.

Al Qaeda is battered, but don’t rejoice yet
Nov 18, 2020

Al Qaeda is battered, but don’t rejoice yet

It may return if more structural concerns in counter-terror thinking and policies are not addressed over time

Al Qaeda video and its message for India
Sep 12, 2014

Al Qaeda video and its message for India

The al Qaeda video showing its current head Ayman al-Zawahari declaring a renewed bout of jihad in the Indian subcontinent has triggered widespread alarm in the region, especially in India. The alarm over a video may seem exaggerated but there are enough reasons for India to worry.

Al Qaeda Watchers
Dec 15, 2004

Al Qaeda Watchers

Remember the Kremlin Watchers of yore during the height of the cold war and their best-sellers on the Evil Empire? And the scary stories on communism they used to disseminate? And how the newspaper columns of those days were filled with their analyses? And the so-called classified documents of the Soviet State and Communist Party to which they managed to have access and which they used liberally in their writings and books?

Al Qaeda: Casablanca & Madrid
Mar 16, 2004

Al Qaeda: Casablanca & Madrid

Sections of the Spanish media, quoting the authorities investigating the Madrid blasts of March 11,2004, have reported that the terrorists, who orchestrated the blasts, had used the mobile telephones as timers for the improvised explosive devices (IEDs) along with copper detonators, different from the aluminium detonators used in the past by the ETA, the Basque terrorist organisation. According to one report, the IEDs had the alarms set for 7-39

Al-Shabaab emerging as a dangerous Jihadist organisation in Africa?
Feb 02, 2015

Al-Shabaab emerging as a dangerous Jihadist organisation in Africa?

Following the ideology of global Jihadism and maintaining links with Al-Qaeda, Al-Shabaab is emerging as a lethal organisation in Africa, posing a strategic challenge to the United States besides Somalia and its neighbours.

AQIS:  A possible Al Qaeda resurgence in South Asia?
Sep 09, 2014

AQIS: A possible Al Qaeda resurgence in South Asia?

The birth of AQIS at the time when al Qaeda is loosening its grip over the jihadist movement in the Middle East, which has been taken over by the Islamic State (IS), raises questions about al Qaeda's possible resurgence in South Asia.

Collateral damage, sovereignty, and differentiated resentment
Nov 21, 2014

Collateral damage, sovereignty, and differentiated resentment

Civil wars are drawn-out conflicts, often lasting up to a decade or even longer before a political settlement is reached. Pakistan's military campaign against Pashtun militants, variously allied to the Afghan Taliban, the al-Qaeda, and often fighting for localised interests has stretched into its 12th year.

HuM-al Qaida link surfaces in Pakistan
Jul 11, 2011

HuM-al Qaida link surfaces in Pakistan

The furore generated in Pakistan over the al-Qaeda chief, Osama Bin Laden's death in 'Operation Geronimo' by the US forces is symptomatic of Pakistan's dilemma in the 'war against terror'.

IS may not survive for long: Dr. Bernard Haykel
Mar 19, 2015

IS may not survive for long: Dr. Bernard Haykel

Islamic State (IS), metaphorically a "baby" of al-Qaeda, may not survive for a long time when public fascination with it wanes, says Dr. Bernard Haykel, professor of Near Eastern Studies and director of the Institute for Transregional Study, Princeton University, USA.

Is Syria, the next Libya?
Aug 29, 2013

Is Syria, the next Libya?

Who used chemical weapons against whom? Is Assad regime guilty? We may never know. What is certain is that one more country in the Middle East will be reduced to an ungovernable territory. Welcome home Al-Qaeda!

Kurdish militants take control of border crossing
Oct 31, 2013

Kurdish militants take control of border crossing

Kurdish militants in Syria seized a border crossing with Iraq from Islamist rebels linked to al-Qaeda which had held the crossing since March, according to activists and an Iraqi official.

Post-Fahd Saudi Arabia: Al Qaeda Waiting in the Wings
May 31, 2005

Post-Fahd Saudi Arabia: Al Qaeda Waiting in the Wings

Attention has to be focussed on Saudi Arabia as it enters a period of transition and uncertainty in the wake of reports about a deterioration in the health of King Fahd, who has been admitted in hospital. In the absence of authentic reports on his health, rumours are rife that his end may be near.

Roots of Extremism in Bangladesh
Jan 18, 2005

Roots of Extremism in Bangladesh

In many ways, Bangladesh seems an excellent place for al-Qaeda to find sanctuary in the decisive years ahead. It is an impoverished Islamic nation, politically weak and backward in its economic development. Its ports have been active hubs for transnational crime, including weapons running.

Saif Al-'Adl: New Interim al Qaeda chief
May 23, 2011

Saif Al-'Adl: New Interim al Qaeda chief

Within a fortnight of the death of Osama bin Laden, news came of the appointment of a senior al Qaeda leader, Saif Al-'Adl, as the interim chief, indicating clearly an internal tussle for the leadership of the global terrorist group, raising, in the process,

Syrian Chemical Weapons:The Danger Within
May 11, 2023

Syrian Chemical Weapons:The Danger Within

The Syrian case is a unique one. A country with a WMD-armed country has never witnessed civil strife before. The active involvement of terror groups like Hezbollah, Hamas and al-Qaeda in Iraq coupled with the weakening hold of the Assad regime over large swathes of the country makes the situation grim.

Terrorists? yes, but Al Qaeda? no
Mar 07, 2005

Terrorists? yes, but Al Qaeda? no

That is the latest position of the Government of Begum Khaleda Zia, the Bangladesh Prime Minister, in the face of growing international pressure spearheaded by the member-countries of the European Union (EU) to act against terrorist groups operating from Bangladeshi territory.

The Al Qaeda Striptease
Sep 02, 2004

The Al Qaeda Striptease

ACT 1: March 2002. Abu Zubaidah, a Palestinian member of Al Qaeda, was arrested in Faislabad in Pakistani Punjab by the Pakistani authorities and handed over to the USA's Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). He was the operational chief of Al Qaeda; his arrest was a major breakthrough, we were told. This is hardly supported by the report of the 9/11 Commission.