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6790 results found

Are Hurriyat leaders taking out old ‘tricks’ to scuttle talks?
May 31, 2018

Are Hurriyat leaders taking out old ‘tricks’ to scuttle talks?

For the first time in last four years, the Modi government has expressed a willingness to hold talks with the Hurriyat. The acknowledgment of separati

Indonesia’s ‘soft balancing’ against China
May 30, 2018

Indonesia’s ‘soft balancing’ against China

The vision seeks to go beyond economic development internal to Indonesia and the mere enhancing of connectivity between the islands of the Indonesian

The changing nature of India’s Lines Of Credit to Africa
May 25, 2018

The changing nature of India’s Lines Of Credit to Africa

The many success stories of Indian LOC funded projects, which has been welcomed positively by Africa, indicates the point that African countries have

Act East through Northeast: Success depends on implementing CMs’ suggestions
May 25, 2018

Act East through Northeast: Success depends on implementing CMs’ suggestions

Considering the complexities and ground realities, development in Northeast will require special handling.

Global Britain and an emerging India in the backdrop of the Commonwealth Summit
May 02, 2018

Global Britain and an emerging India in the backdrop of the Commonwealth Summit

The possibility that over the next few years the Commonwealth might become an Anglo⎯Indian project is now in the air.

विकास सम्बन्धी कूटनीति और चीन का फायदा
Apr 16, 2018

विकास सम्बन्धी कूटनीति और चीन का फायदा

चीन की विकास संबंधी कूटनीति न सिर्फ वित्त के वैकल्पिक स्�

The sharp power of development diplomacy and China’s edge
Apr 11, 2018

The sharp power of development diplomacy and China’s edge

Chinese development diplomacy not only offers alternative sources of finance, but also presents a model that seems to overcome the major criticisms of

Weakening NHM Mission Steering Group is a mistake India can ill-afford
Mar 17, 2018

Weakening NHM Mission Steering Group is a mistake India can ill-afford

In this era of exciting developments in the health sector, where NHM is going to be the mainstay of the Ayushman Bharat through the NHPS initiative wh

Answering the call: Putting the world in women’s hands
Jan 12, 2018

Answering the call: Putting the world in women’s hands

What is driving India’s abnormally high gender gap in phone ownership? What can be done about it?

US strategy to help Kabul fight narco-terrorism
Dec 26, 2017

US strategy to help Kabul fight narco-terrorism

The root cause of insecurity — which hampers Afghanistan’s state-building process and sustainable development — lies outside of the country. The

The politics of the redback: Chinese economic statecraft and global finance
Nov 22, 2017

The politics of the redback: Chinese economic statecraft and global finance

An internationally accepted ‘redback’ and financial institutions under Beijing give China the requisite arsenal to project economic influence and

Pace the key for interlocutor’s success in Kashmir
Oct 27, 2017

Pace the key for interlocutor’s success in Kashmir

The Supreme Court is hearing the case against Article 35A. A decision at this juncture against it could once again plunge Kashmir into turmoil.

क्या एशिया-अफ्रीका विकास गलियारा चीन के बीआरआई का जवाब है?
Oct 06, 2017

क्या एशिया-अफ्रीका विकास गलियारा चीन के बीआरआई का जवाब है?

क्या एशिया-अफ्रीका विकास गलियारा(एएजीसी)चीन के बेल्ट एंड

Cybersecurity: The Internet of Risks
Sep 30, 2017

Cybersecurity: The Internet of Risks

International cooperation for cybersecurity is paramount in enabling all countries to make use of developmental potential of the Internet.

Making G20 work for SDGs
Sep 30, 2017

Making G20 work for SDGs

The G20 and SDGs are an acronym alphabet soup that do not seem to fit together at first glance.

The BRICS dilemma
Sep 25, 2017

The BRICS dilemma

The question remains: to what extend is the BRICS able to embrace and promote plural discussion.

भारत और चीन में प्रदूषण मुक्त विकास?
Sep 21, 2017

भारत और चीन में प्रदूषण मुक्त विकास?

भारत और चीन की 7 प्रतिशत से भी अधिक सालाना जीडीपी वृद्धि द�

Strategic implications of Myanmar’s domestic politics
Sep 05, 2017

Strategic implications of Myanmar’s domestic politics

India has been a beneficiary of Myanmar's democratisation. However, the positive trend in their bilateral relationship can be affected by the emerging

एसडीजी युग में प्रगति एवं विकास को गतिशील बनाना
Aug 29, 2017

एसडीजी युग में प्रगति एवं विकास को गतिशील बनाना

इस सम्मेलन की कल्पना ए​क बहु हितधारक, नीति निर्माताओं एव�

Privatisation of security can derail US-led stabilisation of Afghanistan
Aug 22, 2017

Privatisation of security can derail US-led stabilisation of Afghanistan

Using embedded PMC personnel would hinder the development of cohesive Afghan security forces, which can both deter terrorists and sensitively respond

Economic outlook remains cloudy
Aug 21, 2017

Economic outlook remains cloudy

Behind the hype of high economic growth today is a tale of average performance in various economic sectors.

Sea drones: Implications of the great underwater wall of China
Aug 02, 2017

Sea drones: Implications of the great underwater wall of China

Several emerging trends like increasing congestion of global commons, especially in the maritime domain and the rapid development of disruptive techno

Why Chabahar agreement is important for Iran?
Jul 17, 2017

Why Chabahar agreement is important for Iran?

The Chabahar agreement which entails the development of free trade zone could be capitalised to generate employment and rope in investments.

The Sino-Indian BRI equation
Jun 22, 2017

The Sino-Indian BRI equation

The rise of BRI is directly proportional to American strategic confusion in Asia.

विमुद्रीकरण (नोटबंदी) के बाद जीएसटी से विकास को खतरा!
Jun 05, 2017

विमुद्रीकरण (नोटबंदी) के बाद जीएसटी से विकास को खतरा!

विमुद्रीकरण (नोटबंदी) का प्रतिकूल असर भले ही अब समाप्‍त ह�

India's prospects in China-dominated SCO
Jun 05, 2017

India's prospects in China-dominated SCO

It is hoped that the focus of deliberations would be to promote peace, security, counterterrorism cooperation and enhance partnership in economic, bus

Friends with (risky) benefits
May 24, 2017

Friends with (risky) benefits

While CPEC will flush billions into the struggling Pakistan economy and rapidly speed up its development infrastructure, it is also one part of China'

India's 21st century jobs struggle
May 20, 2017

India's 21st century jobs struggle

India still struggles to understand the alchemy by which access to new technologies, processes and markets is converted into increase in productivity.

दुनिया के विकास पर राजनीति को हावी न होने दें
May 12, 2017

दुनिया के विकास पर राजनीति को हावी न होने दें

चूंकि वैश्वीकरण की अगुवाई में हो रहा आर्थिक विकास पूरब क�

भारत जीडीपी में आगे, पर मानव विकास में पीछे
Apr 17, 2017

भारत जीडीपी में आगे, पर मानव विकास में पीछे

भारत जब तक मानव विकास के मोर्चे पर अपनी धाक नहीं जमा पाएगा

China's worrying activities in the IOR
Mar 24, 2017

China's worrying activities in the IOR

China, owning reclaimed land at Colombo, is a worrying development in the Indian Ocean Region.

आर्थिक विकास पर भारी महंगाई
Mar 03, 2017

आर्थिक विकास पर भारी महंगाई

निवेश को बढ़ावा देने के लिए ब्याज दरों को नीचे लाने के बजा