Search: For - ISIS

1466 results found

Crisis in Niger: West Africa at the cusp of a proxy war
Aug 05, 2023

Crisis in Niger: West Africa at the cusp of a proxy war

Niger is quickly becoming a new flashpoint in great power competition as ECOWAS mulls military intervention in the wake of the coup in Niger

Crisis in the Middle East Amidst Global Disorder
Oct 18, 2023

Crisis in the Middle East Amidst Global Disorder

The unprecedented scale of the Hamas attack has shaken Israel and the consequences are likely to shake the Middle East.

Crisis of legitimacy in Nepal
Nov 23, 2012

Crisis of legitimacy in Nepal

In Nepal, the President is now in a better position to call for a national consensus government. He could give the parties one last chance but if the situation continues, he will be compelled to take drastic measures.

Dangers of the ISIS push in Iraq
Jun 17, 2014

Dangers of the ISIS push in Iraq

To arrest the spread of brutal Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, the US must go in with a limited military mission, thus aiding the process of bringing stability in Iraq and the region at large. However, it should not look at staying in Iraq for a long haul.

Dealing with Rohingya crisis in Nepal, Bangladesh and India
Oct 20, 2017

Dealing with Rohingya crisis in Nepal, Bangladesh and India

The exodus of Rohingyas from Myanmar affected Bangladesh and India the most. But, there is little information that they made their inroads into Nepal.

Decoding China’s response to the Sri Lankan crisis
Aug 03, 2022

Decoding China’s response to the Sri Lankan crisis

Despite the high stakes, China’s passivity to the economic crisis in Sri Lanka is related to the limitations of its elite capturing and extensive le

Decoding the ISISDecoding the ISIS
Jun 21, 2014

Decoding the ISISDecoding the ISIS

Extremists' groups like the ISIS have capitalised on Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki's ethno-sectarian politics. And, the resurgence of ethnic animosities has long-standing implications for Iraq and the West Asian region as a whole.

Deconstructing the Economic Crisis: Imbalances still worrisome
Nov 23, 2010

Deconstructing the Economic Crisis: Imbalances still worrisome

Experts from India and Germany, including academics, practitioners and policymakers, took part in a day-long seminar titled "Deconstructing the Economic Crisis" organised jointly by Observer Research Foundation (ORF) and the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung (RLS), Berlin.

Deepening crisis in US
Jan 06, 2021

Deepening crisis in US

The political health of the US is important not just for the country itself, but the world, given its outsize influence as the foremost economic and military power.

Deepening economic crisis in Nepal
Jan 23, 2024

Deepening economic crisis in Nepal

Despite the growing political instability in Nepal, the government needs to take bold steps to revamp the economy

Developing countries shouldn’t waste this crisis
Apr 25, 2020

Developing countries shouldn’t waste this crisis

If one thing needs to change after the coronavirus, it’s the relationship between the state and migrant workers.

Dire Straits: Taiwan crisis and the Indo-Pacific
Aug 16, 2022

Dire Straits: Taiwan crisis and the Indo-Pacific

China’s belligerence across the Taiwan Strait raises tensions in the Indo-Pacific.

Duflo, Lynas highlight existential crisis of Indian activism
Jan 28, 2013

Duflo, Lynas highlight existential crisis of Indian activism

Mark Lynas is right. Completely divorced from research and data Indian activism today is a cesspool of myths and misconceptions

East to West: India’s migrant crisis looms large during COVID-19
Apr 20, 2020

East to West: India’s migrant crisis looms large during COVID-19

While India has numerous policies for social security when it comes to education, healthcare, skilling, food security and pensions — most of these s

Economic and political crisis in Sri Lanka
May 19, 2022

Economic and political crisis in Sri Lanka

Analysing the Rajapaksa rule during the emergency in Sri Lanka as the country enters a state of complete chaos.

Economic crisis cripples Nepal
Aug 28, 2010

Economic crisis cripples Nepal

As political stalemate characterises present-day Nepal, analysts are worried over the impending economic fallout of the same in the erstwhile Himalayan kingdom. Already struggling with eight-hour power shortage which at times stretches up to 16 hours a day, the country is faced with a severe economic crisis.

Economic crisis on the rise in Nepal
May 18, 2023

Economic crisis on the rise in Nepal

If the current economic crisis in Nepal continues, it could lead to a Sri Lanka-like crisis

End in Sight to Political Crisis in Maldives?
Aug 13, 2010

End in Sight to Political Crisis in Maldives?

With the Opposition-dominated Parliament passing the Judges Bill and the Government coming up with a consensus list of seven Supreme Court Judges that too was passed, there is now hope about an early end to the constitutional deadlock that had engulfed Maldives over the past weeks.

Europe and China: The impact of the Ukraine crisis
Apr 10, 2023

Europe and China: The impact of the Ukraine crisis

Has growing US-Europe ties after the Ukraine crisis impacted EU interests in China?

Examining India’s stance on the Rohingya crisis
Aug 21, 2023

Examining India’s stance on the Rohingya crisis

The current debate on Delhi’s approach towards the Rohingya crisis focuses principally on the implications. While this aspect, without doubt, deserves careful examination, there is a need for a more holistic understanding. This brief fills the gap by shifting the focus on the role that India is playing in finding a solution to the crisis. It looks beyond what the approach means for India and explores ways for Delhi to further deepen and expand

Fallout of Afghan crisis in Nepal
Nov 15, 2021

Fallout of Afghan crisis in Nepal

The growing unstable political scenario in Afghanistan has created a refugee problem for Nepal despite having no common borders

G20 summit to amplify the voice of the Global South in an era of polycrisis
Aug 16, 2023

G20 summit to amplify the voice of the Global South in an era of polycrisis

As part of the G20 Presidency, India will drive positive change for the world

Glimmer of hope in Ukraine crisis
Mar 01, 2022

Glimmer of hope in Ukraine crisis

Those who want us to join the Western bandwagon and condemn Russia seem oblivious to their own stand when it comes to supporting India against China and Pakistan.

Global Food Crisis:  A looming catastrophe
Jul 11, 2022

Global Food Crisis:  A looming catastrophe

Global challenges such as the pandemic and the Ukraine crisis have worsened the food crisis in recent years.

Greek crisis a threat to EU sustainability, says expert
Aug 20, 2015

Greek crisis a threat to EU sustainability, says expert

In the face of the Greece crisis, the fundamental problem that needs to addressed is whether the European Union was sustainable, as very soon Spain would also be faced with a financial crisis similar to Greece. A total re-writing of the books and balance sheet of the European economy is required as it was done in 1945, according to Dr. S. Narayan.

Greek crisis hits the world
May 28, 2012

Greek crisis hits the world

Greece's problems, which started in 2009, are casting a deep shadow on world stock markets. India is also feeling the impact. The BSE Sensex took a deep plunge though it has recovered recently. The rupee has been falling in terms of the dollar during the last few weeks.

Greek crisis: Only Syriza Govt strategy to blame
Jul 07, 2015

Greek crisis: Only Syriza Govt strategy to blame

If the Syriza government in Greece had the foresight to seek technical assistance from the bureaucracy of any Latin American, African or Asian country on how to deal with agitated lenders, they would never have got into the mess they are in now.

Greek crisis: The geopolitical twist to Eurozone's troubles
Feb 23, 2015

Greek crisis: The geopolitical twist to Eurozone's troubles

Did Russia's quick response of offering the new Greek prime minister with financial aid to sail through the financial crisis help him bargain the new time line for debt rescheduling? Yes or not, the victory of the 'Left' PM in the Greek general elections has given a geo-political twist to Eurozone's troubles.

Haiti: In the throes of a crisis
Sep 12, 2022

Haiti: In the throes of a crisis

Haiti is currently facing one of its worst crises in history. The need of the hour is practical intervention from the international community.

Houthi rebels drag India into Red Sea crisis
Jan 03, 2024

Houthi rebels drag India into Red Sea crisis

States are no longer insulated from distant geopolitical realities. As India has witnessed, trade and supply chain linkages can extend conflicts to uninvolved states

How do India’s choices on the Ukraine crisis affect its foreign relations?
Mar 24, 2022

How do India’s choices on the Ukraine crisis affect its foreign relations?

What are the consequences of India's “balancing act” on the Russia-Ukraine war and its impact on India's security and geopolitical interests wit