Progammes & Centres
- Raisina Dialogue
- Cape Town Conversation
- Sagarmanthan: The Great Oceans Dialogue
- Yerevan Dialogue
- The Energy Transition Dialogues
- CyFy
- CyFy Africa
- Kigali Global Dialogue
- U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy: North-Eastern Dialogues
- BRICS Academic Forum
- Colaba Conversation
- Asian Forum on Global Governance
- Dhaka Global Dialogue
- Kalpana Chawla Annual Space Policy Dialogue
- Tackling Insurgent Ideologies
- Climate Action Champions Network
DISCOMs: The weak link in India’s energy transition
India’s “big government” targets high growth
Aspirations must be backed by investments for the energy transition
Beyond the rhetoric at Dubai COP28
Realism, not rhetoric, should prevail at Dubai COP28
Reality check: Coal energy transition
Wield the stick to navigate the narrow, twisting road to net zero
Mapping India’s poor
A bright red line between social and private costs and benefits
A carbon price can rationalise mitigation outlays across technologies
Green lighting growth
On the freeway to net zero
Energy transition under fiscal and institutional stress
Decarbonisation: Institutionally adrift
Sans a supportive fiscal policy, monetary policy will struggle to manage inflation
Can flying geese‚Gujarat, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu—power India’s growth with stability?
Taming digital titans
Budget 2023: Banking on India’s optimism for the future
A fiscal council for India
Fiscal options for budget FY 2024
Dissecting the demonetisation verdict
India: Vignettes from 2022 and beyond
Plucking carbon out of built structures
Regulating political parties and opaque election finance
Public spending: Cut the fat, finance growth enablers
CBDC: Global silos retard efficiency
Monetary policy must be complemented by fiscal policy
Green accounting: Valuing our common future
India: Taming inflation without inhibiting growth
Leveraging exports for economic growth
Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2022: Getting the regulatory incentives right
Independence Day 2022: Looking ahead
Bridging the gaping holes in public policy
The Agnipath scheme: Masked socio-political impact
Green hydrogen: A pie in the sky or an unfolding transformation?
Being optimistic about India
Unshackle Indian retail e-commerce
The US sanctions Russia: The “thousand cuts” tactic inflicts collateral damage
Ukraine and slowing Indian growth: Back to basics
India’s Green Hydrogen Policy: Tentative beginnings
Storm in India’s monetary teacup
The Modi budgets: High achievements sans institutionalised change
Indian cities—Stunted by partial democratisation
India is still healing – growth momentum to follow
Institutionalising Net Zero
Sharing the pain at Glasgow
Renewing our future at Glasgow
If data is the new oil, is Hydrogen the new gas?
Indian economy — Struggling towards recovery
A Rs 6 trillion National Monetisation Pipeline – Is it for real?
Indian cities: Victims of outdated political-economy constructs
Tamil Nadu is in need of an economic reboot
Feeding the beast – training the bureaucracy
Repurposing government – trim the flab in state governments
Unravelling fiscal stress
Has democracy been downgraded in Delhi?
Improbable democracies or impossible governance benchmarks
Decentralise for efficiency and equity gains
India till 2030 — Testing the marginal utility of political stability
Us versus them
Making India’s first federated tax effective
The revolt of tax collectors