Search: For - stability

444 results found

Chinese strategy behind high-level exchanges with India
May 19, 2023

Chinese strategy behind high-level exchanges with India

China is using direct communications with India while also reaching out to India’s neighbours to push for stability at the border without conceding

How India was forced to conduct the nuclear tests of 1998
May 09, 2023

How India was forced to conduct the nuclear tests of 1998

The Pokhran II tests took place when India was undergoing major domestic crises, but there was bipartisan consensus to enable India’s nuclear aspira

भारत में ग्रिड की स्थिरता को संभालने में हाइड्रोपावर की भूमिका
May 09, 2023

भारत में ग्रिड की स्थिरता को संभालने में हाइड्रोपावर की भूमिका

मौजूदा समय में पंप हाइड्रो स्टोरेज सेवा के लिए कोई बाज़ा�

Sustaining grid stability: Role of hydropower in India
May 06, 2023

Sustaining grid stability: Role of hydropower in India

As of now, there are no markets for these pumped hydro storage services but, in the future, the need for such services is likely to increase to the po

Thailand: An arduous road towards political-economic reform
Apr 12, 2023

Thailand: An arduous road towards political-economic reform

Democracy in Asia a mixed bag, Thailand still a “flawed democracy”

Myanmar’s trade relations with China
Mar 31, 2023

Myanmar’s trade relations with China

The trade relationship between Myanmar and China continues to flourish despite the growing domestic instability in Myanmar

India and Israel can be pivots in reglobalising Asia
Mar 28, 2023

India and Israel can be pivots in reglobalising Asia

In the face of growing regional uncertainty and global instability, India and Israel, with other partners, must explore and develop robust cooperation

Can flying geese‚Gujarat, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu—power India’s growth with stability?
Mar 28, 2023

Can flying geese‚Gujarat, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu—power India’s growth with stability?

These three states can develop templates for growth under fiscal stress and become guides for other states

The EU-India Relationship at 60: Where is it headed in 2023?
Mar 23, 2023

The EU-India Relationship at 60: Where is it headed in 2023?

India and the EU must work together to ensure that their partnership remains a positive force for stability and development in the Indo-Pacific region

Historic support to PM Prachanda in the Parliament: Will he give a new direction to Nepal?
Jan 16, 2023

Historic support to PM Prachanda in the Parliament: Will he give a new direction to Nepal?

A period of instability continues to loom large over Nepal as, despite the overwhelming support garnered by PM Prachanda, it won’t translate into re

Historic support to PM Prachanda in the Parliament: Will he give a new direction to Nepal?
Jan 16, 2023

Historic support to PM Prachanda in the Parliament: Will he give a new direction to Nepal?

A period of instability continues to loom large over Nepal as, despite the overwhelming support garnered by PM Prachanda, it won’t translate into re

Chinese reactions to Nepal’s election result
Dec 29, 2022

Chinese reactions to Nepal’s election result

Despite the “communist victory” in Nepal, there seem to be some apprehensions within Chinese strategic circles about the stability of this new coa

नेपाल के चुनावी परिणाम: राजनीतिक अस्थिरता की दस्तक!
Dec 22, 2022

नेपाल के चुनावी परिणाम: राजनीतिक अस्थिरता की दस्तक!

इस चुनाव में साफ जीत की कमी इस ओर इशारा करती हैं कि नेपाल र�

नेपाल के चुनावी परिणाम: राजनीतिक अस्थिरता की दस्तक!
Dec 22, 2022

नेपाल के चुनावी परिणाम: राजनीतिक अस्थिरता की दस्तक!

इस चुनाव में साफ जीत की कमी इस ओर इशारा करती हैं कि नेपाल र�

Pakistan: नए आर्मी चीफ़ के सामने है देश में स्थिरता सुनिश्चित करने की कठिन ज़िम्मेदारी!
Dec 17, 2022

Pakistan: नए आर्मी चीफ़ के सामने है देश में स्थिरता सुनिश्चित करने की कठिन ज़िम्मेदारी!

पाकिस्तान के पूर्व सैन्य प्रमुख जनरल बाजवा द्वारा छोड़ी

Elections verdict: Nepal heading towards political instability
Dec 13, 2022

Elections verdict: Nepal heading towards political instability

The lack of a clear victor in this election indicates that Nepal is bound to confront a period of political turmoil.

The new Pakistan army chief faces an uphill task of ensuring stability
Dec 12, 2022

The new Pakistan army chief faces an uphill task of ensuring stability

The tattered legacy left by predecessor Gen. Bajwa pushes Gen. Munir to mend the army’s tarnished image.

Bangladesh economy: Strong points and red flags
Dec 09, 2022

Bangladesh economy: Strong points and red flags

Bangladesh’s depleting forex reserves, falling remittances, high level of inflation, and an impending energy crisis among others are haunting its fu

India’s G20 Presidency: Shaping the post-pandemic world
Nov 22, 2022

India’s G20 Presidency: Shaping the post-pandemic world

India will have to navigate through the challenges as it assumes the G20 presidency at a time of geopolitical instability

What does the upcoming Nepal election portend?
Nov 20, 2022

What does the upcoming Nepal election portend?

As Nepal heads to polls, many hope for a clear victory of any one political party to avoid a period of instability

Caught in the crossfire: The establishment’s Imran problem
Nov 11, 2022

Caught in the crossfire: The establishment’s Imran problem

Imran’s unceasing attacks on the government and the military have increased the instability in Pakistan

Imran Khan’s long march: Capitulation, chaos or coup
Nov 03, 2022

Imran Khan’s long march: Capitulation, chaos or coup

Though nobody is sure what will be the outcome of the march to Islamabad, it is clear that Pakistan is in for a period of continued instability

अशांत म्यांमार: क्षेत्रीय सुरक्षा फिर ख़तरे में
Oct 15, 2022

अशांत म्यांमार: क्षेत्रीय सुरक्षा फिर ख़तरे में

म्यांमार में लगातार जारी हिंसा राष्ट्र के भीतर और आसपास �

Mayhem in Myanmar: An impetus to regional instability?
Oct 10, 2022

Mayhem in Myanmar: An impetus to regional instability?

The continued violence in Myanmar is threatening stability within and around the nation

Central Asia is back in the “game”
Sep 14, 2022

Central Asia is back in the “game”

With the threat of instability looming over Central Asia, the need for regional cooperation has increased significantly.

Human trafficking across the BBIN subregional borders: Awaiting a concrete framework
Jul 30, 2022

Human trafficking across the BBIN subregional borders: Awaiting a concrete framework

Better border management and regulations need to be set in place by the BBIN member states to curb human trafficking in this region.

पाकिस्तान: पंजाब सूबे के चुनावी नतीजों से अस्थिरता और खलबली का दौर
Jul 27, 2022

पाकिस्तान: पंजाब सूबे के चुनावी नतीजों से अस्थिरता और खलबली का दौर

हालिया उपचुनावों से पाकिस्तान के सियासी और आर्थिक हलकों

Pakistan: Aftermath of a destabilising verdict
Jul 23, 2022

Pakistan: Aftermath of a destabilising verdict

Pakistan further descends into chaos as the recent bye-elections send shockwaves throughout the political and economic domains.

एशिया-पैसिफिक क्षेत्र: दक्षिणी प्रशांत क्षेत्र में अस्थिरता ने बढ़ाई चिंता!
Apr 15, 2022

एशिया-पैसिफिक क्षेत्र: दक्षिणी प्रशांत क्षेत्र में अस्थिरता ने बढ़ाई चिंता!

इंडो-पैसिफिक आइलैंड (द्वीप) में चीन की बढ़ती आर्थिक और भू-र�

CEPC: पाकिस्तान में अस्थिरता पैदा करता चीन और पाकिस्तान का आर्थिक गलियारा!
Mar 05, 2022

CEPC: पाकिस्तान में अस्थिरता पैदा करता चीन और पाकिस्तान का आर्थिक गलियारा!

अफ़ग़ानिस्तान और पाकिस्तान में सक्रिय संगठनों को क़ाबू �

The Pakistan quagmire
Mar 03, 2022

The Pakistan quagmire

Pakistan’s economic instability accompanied by the growing crisis in Afghanistan has pushed it in a tight corner

The Canadian truckers’ protests could have global implications
Feb 23, 2022

The Canadian truckers’ protests could have global implications

In the long run, the truckers’ protests could lead to economic and political instability.

Political economic instability and Wang Yi’s peripheral diplomacy in Sri Lanka  
Feb 04, 2022

Political economic instability and Wang Yi’s peripheral diplomacy in Sri Lanka  

Will Sri Lanka be able to withstand both domestic instability and critical foreign policy concerns?

The near future of international law in cyberspace: Contentions and realities
Jan 15, 2022

The near future of international law in cyberspace: Contentions and realities

International stability can be endangered if the fine points of how international law applies to cyber operations are not determined

The domestic and international significance of protests in Kazakhstan
Jan 10, 2022

The domestic and international significance of protests in Kazakhstan

What does the growing instability in the oil-rich Central Asian country mean for India and the world?

The road to an evenly distributed TechFuture should put the needs of the Global South front and centre
Oct 17, 2021

The road to an evenly distributed TechFuture should put the needs of the Global South front and centre

Countries in the Global South are keen on leveraging cyberspace for their economic development, and thus, have a considerable interest in the security

A new edge in global stability: What does space security entail for states?
Oct 13, 2021

A new edge in global stability: What does space security entail for states?

The recent multiplication of space actors, whether States or non-government entities, as well as assets and activities, became a game-changer for law-

देश-दुनिया: शी जिनपिंग ले सकते हैं मौजूदा वक़्त का सबसे महत्वपूर्ण रणनीतिक फ़ैसला
Aug 13, 2021

देश-दुनिया: शी जिनपिंग ले सकते हैं मौजूदा वक़्त का सबसे महत्वपूर्ण रणनीतिक फ़ैसला

शी जिनपिंग की दृष्टि से चीन के सामने मौजूद विकल्पों को दे�

Fragile politics: A necessary and sufficient condition for reforms
Jul 24, 2021

Fragile politics: A necessary and sufficient condition for reforms

India’s polity seems to accept big-bang economic reforms only under two co-existing circumstances: Political instability and an economic crisis.

The Southern African Development Community and the Mozambique insurgency
Jul 13, 2021

The Southern African Development Community and the Mozambique insurgency

The stability and security of Mozambique is a cause of international concern.

The borders that bind us
May 12, 2021

The borders that bind us

The greatest learning and empathy reveals itself only when walls are brought down.