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84 results found

Shaping China’s periphery: BrahMos missiles in Southeast Asia
Jan 21, 2025

Shaping China’s periphery: BrahMos missiles in Southeast Asia

India's export of BrahMos missiles to Southeast Asia positions it as a key arms exporter, strengthening maritime partnerships and leveraging its naval

The implications of Philippines-Vietnam security ties for Southeast Asian geopolitics
Sep 03, 2024

The implications of Philippines-Vietnam security ties for Southeast Asian geopolitics

Unlike China, Southeast Asian countries have shown more receptivity towards managing and resolving maritime boundary disputes due to a common desire t

Lingshui 36-1: Unfolding geopolitics over the ‘use’ of the Indo-Pacific
Aug 22, 2024

Lingshui 36-1: Unfolding geopolitics over the ‘use’ of the Indo-Pacific

The discovery of the Lingshui 36-1 gas field in the contested SCS is likely to escalate regional tensions, as China and other stakeholders vie for con

India’s thought-craft needs to be in tune with its statecraft
Aug 01, 2024

India’s thought-craft needs to be in tune with its statecraft

For starters, embed geopolitics into economic policy. For desserts, craft India’s grand strategy.

Stormy South China Sea: PRC’s new maritime push
Jul 24, 2024

Stormy South China Sea: PRC’s new maritime push

Fresh salami-slicing tactics may spark tensions in South China Sea between Beijing and neighbours

China uses academia to assert South China Sea claims
Jul 05, 2024

China uses academia to assert South China Sea claims

To reinforce public opinion and influence perception in favour of what China believes are the country’s “correct” maritime limits, Beijing has b

The case for militarising the Quad just got nudged
Jun 12, 2024

The case for militarising the Quad just got nudged

With the emergence of Squad, a new Pacific multilateral, the question whether the Quad should be militarised has resurfaced

भारत - नेपाळ संबंध दृढ करण्यासाठी डिजिटल कनेक्टिव्हिटीची गरज
May 10, 2024

भारत - नेपाळ संबंध दृढ करण्यासाठी डिजिटल कनेक्टिव्हिटीची गरज

भारत आणि नेपाळ यांच्यातील संबंध पुनरुज्जीवित करण्यासाठ

आसियानचा दक्षिण चीन समुद्राचा प्रश्न
May 04, 2024

आसियानचा दक्षिण चीन समुद्राचा प्रश्न

दक्षिण चीन समुद्राच्या वादग्रस्त जलक्षेत्रातील वाढत्य�

Rejuvenating Nepal-India bilateral relations through digital connectivity
Apr 26, 2024

Rejuvenating Nepal-India bilateral relations through digital connectivity

Attempts are being made by Nepal and India to revive the relationship through new avenues of cooperation with a focus on digital connectivity

The ASEAN’s South China Sea conundrum
Apr 13, 2024

The ASEAN’s South China Sea conundrum

The increasing incidents in the disputed waters of the South China Sea highlight the urgent need for ASEAN to negotiate with China to establish a Code

Governing interstate rivers in India: Need for federal consultation, clarity, and cooperation
Mar 21, 2024

Governing interstate rivers in India: Need for federal consultation, clarity, and cooperation

Strengthening institutional mechanisms and accommodating political sensitivities are key to finding a long-term solution for Interstate Water Disputes

Japan’s new security assistance to the Indo-Pacific region
Jan 08, 2024

Japan’s new security assistance to the Indo-Pacific region

Japan’s commitment to a Free and Open Indo-Pacific and its assessment of the changing global strategic environment have driven Tokyo to a new path-b

चीनचे SEZ आणि दक्षिण चीन समुद्राचे भौगोलिक राजकारण
Oct 25, 2023

चीनचे SEZ आणि दक्षिण चीन समुद्राचे भौगोलिक राजकारण

हैनान एसईझेडच्या विकासामुळे दक्षिण चीन समुद्राची भू-रा�

Parallel tracks: China’s SEZs and the geopolitics of the South China Sea
Oct 11, 2023

Parallel tracks: China’s SEZs and the geopolitics of the South China Sea

The development of Hainan SEZ stands to complicate the geopolitical situation of the South China Sea

China’s ten-dash line: Deciphering disputes in the South China Sea
Sep 19, 2023

China’s ten-dash line: Deciphering disputes in the South China Sea

South China Sea issues remain complex, but India’s geopolitical imperatives in the region are clearer than ever

Barbie sails into rough seas
Jul 21, 2023

Barbie sails into rough seas

Repeated use of a particular cartographic version can be perceived as endorsing or legitimising a particular geopolitical stance. This is why Vietnam�

Maldives: Border settlement with Mauritius
May 16, 2023

Maldives: Border settlement with Mauritius

Politicising a bilateral issue with Mauritius after the now-muted ‘India Out’ campaign will have consequences in the long term for Maldives

भारत-नेपाल सीमा विवाद का अंत कैसे हो? दोनों देशों के लिये बेहद ज़रूरी..
May 02, 2023

भारत-नेपाल सीमा विवाद का अंत कैसे हो? दोनों देशों के लिये बेहद ज़रूरी..

नेपाल और भारत के बीच की सीमा 1,700 किलोमीटर से अधिक लंबी है और

Bhutan’s border conundrum: Nowhere near the finish line
Nov 10, 2022

Bhutan’s border conundrum: Nowhere near the finish line

Despite the urgency shown by all three parties—Bhutan, India, and China—to end the border disputes, divergent interests continue to pose a signifi

Institutionalisation of the Quad
Oct 15, 2020

Institutionalisation of the Quad

An Indo-Pacific security architecture would have to be evolved. This should ensure a free, open and rule-based Indo-Pacific confirming freedom of navi

Interstate river water disputes: Chasing ambiguities, finding sense
Oct 15, 2020

Interstate river water disputes: Chasing ambiguities, finding sense

It is critical to understand the context that facilitated the genesis and prolonged lingering of water conflicts in India — in order to declutter th

India-US relations: Too big to fail
Jun 29, 2019

India-US relations: Too big to fail

A new desire to cut down the “noise” about disputes was clearly visible on both the sides.

Finding a long-term solution to Cauvery water dispute
Sep 14, 2016

Finding a long-term solution to Cauvery water dispute

Water disputes like Cauvery does not lie in ad-hoc Awards by Tribunals or orders by Courts

Devas v. Antrix: Lessons for India in Navigating Bilateral Investment Treaty Disputes
Aug 14, 2023

Devas v. Antrix: Lessons for India in Navigating Bilateral Investment Treaty Disputes

In Devas Multimedia Pvt. Ltd v. Antrix Corporation Ltd, the Supreme Court of India has upheld the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) order winding up Devas Multimedia Ltd on the grounds of fraud. Antrix is the commercial arm of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), and Devas is a multimedia services company. The decision comes at a crucial time, as foreign investors of Devas are endeavouring to attach Indian assets

Dialogues required to resolve Asian disputes: 7th Fleet Commander
Apr 04, 2013

Dialogues required to resolve Asian disputes: 7th Fleet Commander

Commander of the US Seventh Fleet, Vice Admiral Scott H. Swift, feels that dialogues and frank discussions are the best solution to the ongoing disputes in the Indo-Pacific region.

Finding an End to Border Disputes: The India-Nepal Imperative
Apr 18, 2023

Finding an End to Border Disputes: The India-Nepal Imperative

India and Nepal have a long history of bilateral ties founded on connections of history, culture and religion, but their relationship is also beset by border conflicts. Although the two have managed to maintain their amiable relationship despite these differences, they both would benefit from finding a sustainable resolution. This brief highlights the efforts of both India and Nepal to resolve their border disputes. It recommends crucial

India-China trade ties hindered by border disputes, mistrust
Sep 20, 2014

India-China trade ties hindered by border disputes, mistrust

Prime Minister Modi has succeeded in adding a new zest and meaning to India-China relations with the visit of the Chinese President. However, it is evident that the full potential in trade and other areas of cooperation would not be realised unless peace and tranquility is restored on the border.

South China Sea disputes: Nearing a solution – or is it?
Jan 05, 2017

South China Sea disputes: Nearing a solution – or is it?

The likely announcement by Philippine President Duterte of the Scarborough Shoal as an environmental marine sanctuary and off limits to fishermen could prove to be the first incremental step towards defusing the South China Sea disputes and in the process endow considerable strategic advantages to Beijing.

Territorial Disputes: Can Japan and Russia Reconcile?
Sep 14, 2023

Territorial Disputes: Can Japan and Russia Reconcile?

The Ukraine crisis may have effectively ended the rapprochement between the USand Russia, and in turn affecting relations such as those of Japan and Russia. Prior to this crisis,and the subsequent Western sanctions on Russia, Tokyo and Moscow had been reaching out toeach other, and hope flickered for a resolution to the territorial dispute over the NorthernTerritories or Southern Kurils. This paper argues that with nationalist governments in powe

The South China Sea Disputes: Territorial Claims, Geopolitics, and International Law
Aug 08, 2016

The South China Sea Disputes: Territorial Claims, Geopolitics, and International Law

The verdict delivered in July by an international tribunal on the South China Sea case in The Hague is a stunning defeat for China. The Tribunal has upended the maritime claims of a number of nations in the South China Sea, but China is most affected, as its claims were also most extensive. As China had already rejected the verdict even before it was pronounced, the world sits at a juncture of two possible paths — China could become more assert

The WTO Crisis: Exploring Interim Solutions for India’s Trade Disputes
Sep 22, 2020

The WTO Crisis: Exploring Interim Solutions for India’s Trade Disputes

The ‘crown jewel’ of the World Trade Organization (WTO) — the dispute resolution mechanism — is facing a crisis. The US obstruction to new appointments in the WTO’s Appellate Body (AB) has frozen the appeals process and brought the mechanism to a halt. Until such crisis is resolved, New Delhi will need to explore other means for resolving its current and future trade disputes. This paper outlines interim solutions that India can emplo

A BRICS-only arbitration forum will not be the panacea imagined
Sep 09, 2016

A BRICS-only arbitration forum will not be the panacea imagined

An increasing number of businessmen in BRICS' countries favour arbitration over overburdened litigation systems in resolving domestic disputes.

BJP leader's illogic on boundary issue with Bangladesh
Jan 02, 2014

BJP leader's illogic on boundary issue with Bangladesh

If the BJP stands by its leader Arun Jaitley's illogic, it must necessarily oppose any negotiation of India's land boundary disputes with any of its neighbours, including China, Pakistan and Nepal. If this is a considered position of a party that is in striking distance of power, one shudders to think what the foreign policy of a BJP government might look like.

China and Europe: Trade, technology and competition
May 22, 2019

China and Europe: Trade, technology and competition

Over the last five years, Brexit, the victory of Donald Trump in the US and the assumption of power by Xi Jinping in China, the seizure of Crimea and the Ukrainian crisis, the South China Sea disputes, and the emerging Iran crisis, have all helped upend the world order. Amidst these crises, the surge of Chinese acquisitions and investments in Europe did not draw much attention. The acrimony, however, between China and the US on trade and industri

China in Bandung
Apr 21, 2015

China in Bandung

As in Bandung 60 years ago, there is little consensus in Asia on how to build a new regional order. Prickly nationalism and persistent territorial disputes are making Asia into a geopolitical tinderbox. China's growing power has made it an attractive economic partner as well as the prospective political hegemon.

China's favourability highest  in Pakistan, Bangladesh
Jul 17, 2014

China's favourability highest in Pakistan, Bangladesh

A new Pew Research Survey indicates that the US still continues to be perceived in positive light and that a conflict between China and its neighbours over territorial disputes is likely. A new Pew Research Survey indicates that the US still continues to be perceived in positive light and that a conflict between China and its neighbours over territorial disputes is likely.

China's Military Strategy: Implications for India
Jul 15, 2015

China's Military Strategy: Implications for India

In the Chinese defence paper, though nothing is directly indicative of India, the implications are quite clear with the focus on open seas protection and unbending approach to territorial disputes. Urgency and imagination will be key in tackling Chinese ambitions in what is considered New Delhi's backyard.

China-Japan-Korea:Tangled Relationships
Mar 25, 2013

China-Japan-Korea:Tangled Relationships

Territorial disputes between China and Japan over the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands in the East China Sea and between Japan and South Korea over the Takeshima/Dokdo islands in the Sea of Japan have,particularly in the second half of 2012, given rise to concerns about peace and security in North East Asia. Territorial disputes between China and Japan over the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands in the East China Sea and between Japan and South Korea over the Takes

China’s Military Modernisation: Recent Trends - 2024
Sep 24, 2024

China’s Military Modernisation: Recent Trends - 2024

Since Xi Jinping became general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in 2013, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has witnessed an accelerated modernisation drive. Following the 2015-16 organisational reforms, the CPC further standardised its services-level force structure and upgraded its military doctrine, combat capabilities, and weapons systems. This report analyses recent improvements in the structure, including the creation of t