Search: For - digital technology

20 results found

भारत में नागरिक ड्रोन: ऊंचाइयों को छूता हुआ भविष्य
Jan 29, 2025

भारत में नागरिक ड्रोन: ऊंचाइयों को छूता हुआ भविष्य

भारत की विकास संबंधी आवश्यकताओं की व्यापक श्रृंखला में �

डिजिटल परिवर्तन से समुद्री व्यापार में क्रांतिकारी बदलाव
Nov 30, 2024

डिजिटल परिवर्तन से समुद्री व्यापार में क्रांतिकारी बदलाव

वैश्विक व्यापार काफ़ी हद तक समुद्र पर निर्भर है और इस लिह�

The road from Hiroshima
Jul 20, 2023

The road from Hiroshima

A new dawn emerges for the G7 and Quad alliances, in their resolute response to China's technological ascendancy and its implications for global secur

Cities need systemic change to eliminate pandemics of inequalities
Nov 30, 2021

Cities need systemic change to eliminate pandemics of inequalities

All treatment facilities and protocols had a significant bias in favour of the ‘apartment-living citizen’, which is why the Dharavi model is so im

Decrypting China’s Big Tech crackdown – Part 2
Oct 24, 2021

Decrypting China’s Big Tech crackdown – Part 2

The CPC is employing strict measures to keep the Tech industry under its thumb to  ensure that their goals align to achieve the greater “Chinese Dr

The road to an evenly distributed TechFuture should put the needs of the Global South front and centre
Oct 17, 2021

The road to an evenly distributed TechFuture should put the needs of the Global South front and centre

Countries in the Global South are keen on leveraging cyberspace for their economic development, and thus, have a considerable interest in the security

Tech for All: Access, rights, and innovation moving forward
Oct 12, 2020

Tech for All: Access, rights, and innovation moving forward

Digital technologies are quickly becoming an everyday necessity. What can we do to bridge this gap of inequality and establish digital technology as a

Using digital technology for strategic management of healthcare; Moscow shows the way
May 01, 2017

Using digital technology for strategic management of healthcare; Moscow shows the way

Moscow's Healthcare Department is closely working with the Information Technology Department since 2011 to achieve the goal of providing high quality

India calling with quite a lot of trade in mind
Feb 05, 2022

India calling with quite a lot of trade in mind

A ‘new age’ free trade deal with India remains critical in anchoring the United Kingdom economically to the Indo-Pacific

Modi's per drop more crop dream needs a digital cover
Aug 14, 2014

Modi's per drop more crop dream needs a digital cover

The prime minister has shown a refreshing approach towards Indian agriculture, but for the real challenges to be surmounted he needs a massive dose of digital technology in all part of the value chain.

Mumbai - A city of maximum contrasts
Jan 03, 2012

Mumbai - A city of maximum contrasts

For long we have been fed lies. Mumbai has no scarcity of houses and the key to the truth lies in using digital technology to unlock the city's housing potential.

Real Politics, Imagined Futures: The Influence of Geopolitics and Technological Development on Science Fiction Since the 20th Century
Jul 10, 2024

Real Politics, Imagined Futures: The Influence of Geopolitics and Technological Development on Science Fiction Since the 20th Century

This brief examines the reciprocal relationship between science fiction and real-world technological, geopolitical, and policy developments throughout the 20th century and into the 21st. Beginning in the 1940s, the analysis explores how the genre has evolved amid historical events such as the World Wars and the Cold War, and the rise of digital technology. The brief gives particular attention to the role of science fiction during periods of criti

The tyranny of the written word
Nov 19, 2011

The tyranny of the written word

Digital technologies have the potential to annihilate the rich sources of oral history. It is time that we stopped looking at digital technology with rose-tinted glasses

हिरोशिमातील परिषद आणि चीनच्या तांत्रिक प्रगतीचा प्रतिसाद
Oct 20, 2023

हिरोशिमातील परिषद आणि चीनच्या तांत्रिक प्रगतीचा प्रतिसाद

G7 आणि Quad च्या युतीसाठी नवीन पहाट उदयास आली आहे. चीनच्या तांत्रिक उन्नतीमुळे जागतिक सुरक्षा आणि स्पर्धात्मकतेवर त्याचे दृढ प्रतिसाद पाहायला मिळणार आहे.