Search: For - democracy

567 results found

Digital democracies and virtual frontiers: How do we safeguard democracy in the 4IR?
Dec 10, 2021

Digital democracies and virtual frontiers: How do we safeguard democracy in the 4IR?

Open societies have always defended their borders stoutly and they must also safeguard the new digital frontlines

Digital Democracy: बेहद अस्थिर ज़मीन पर चल रहा है डिजिटल प्रजातंत्र
Jul 29, 2023

Digital Democracy: बेहद अस्थिर ज़मीन पर चल रहा है डिजिटल प्रजातंत्र

दुनिया के विकासशील या कम विकसित देश वैसी तकनीक के साथ जीत�

Digital Democracy: बेहद अस्थिर ज़मीन पर चल रहा है डिजिटल प्रजातंत्र
Jan 20, 2022

Digital Democracy: बेहद अस्थिर ज़मीन पर चल रहा है डिजिटल प्रजातंत्र

दुनिया के विकासशील या कम विकसित देश वैसी तकनीक के साथ जीत�

Disillusionment with democracy in Nepal
Dec 22, 2023

Disillusionment with democracy in Nepal

Nepal is witnessing a clear disillusionment with the federal political system as protests demanding the restoration of monarchy are on the rise

Egypt: Elections sans democracy and liberalism
Aug 07, 2013

Egypt: Elections sans democracy and liberalism

What are Catherine Ashton and William Burns up to in Cairo? How can they convince a legally elected President overthrown by a discredited Army to share power and work together?

Elections 2019: Democracy in the face of majoritarianism
May 13, 2019

Elections 2019: Democracy in the face of majoritarianism

India is at a precarious juncture. Our democratic structures might be strong, but can the same be said for our democratic values?

Enhancing urban youth participation in Indian democracy: Significance and pathways
Jul 04, 2023

Enhancing urban youth participation in Indian democracy: Significance and pathways

India must unleash its youth power to strengthen its core democratic principles by prioritising their enhanced participation in politics and democracy

For Love of Democracy, West Prefers Islamisation In Syria
Oct 15, 2011

For Love of Democracy, West Prefers Islamisation In Syria

The luxury bus leaves downtown Cam hotel to Qassion mountains for a panoramic view of the world's oldest, continuously inhabited city, Damascus. The picture has to be sketched because outside Syria everyone is counting on the level of chaos we did not see.

Foreign Policy Contestation and Indian Democracy
Apr 26, 2024

Foreign Policy Contestation and Indian Democracy

As a rising India engages the world with confidence in an increasingly challenging environment, informed contestations on foreign policy should be the norm.

Foreign Secretary's visit to Bangladesh showcases India's support for democracy
Dec 31, 2013

Foreign Secretary's visit to Bangladesh showcases India's support for democracy

Though Foreign Secretary Sujata Singh's Bangladesh visit was kept low key, the timely interactions she had in Dhaka helped India shed its image of a reluctant neighbour besides helping her make a realistic assessment of the situation there and evaluate possible fallouts on regional stability.

From Dictatorship to Democracy, the Peaceful Maldivian Experience
Jun 03, 2010

From Dictatorship to Democracy, the Peaceful Maldivian Experience

The Vice-President of Maldives, in his address to the ORF faculty, recounts the long and bitter-sweet struggle against autocratic rule in his country. With an elected government now at the helm and democracy gradually taking roots in different spheres of society, he outlines the crucial challenges that lie ahead for the island nation.

Governance through the digital disruption of democracy
Oct 05, 2020

Governance through the digital disruption of democracy

In order to save democracy from our own digital tools, we need to adopt a new model of governing digitally — public leaders must take a systemic app

Guided Democracy, by Whom?
May 02, 2004

Guided Democracy, by Whom?

If it is any yardstick for a vibrant democracy, India today has six former Prime Ministers around. Only two of them, namely, Atal Bihari Vajpayee and P V Narasimha Rao completed a full term, and thus became mascots of political stability in their time. Yet, subsequent elections proved that stability was not the only concern of the Indian voter. To him, political stability is a vehicle for his deliverance and in ways he understands.

Guiding democracy through Covid19: Poland shows us what not to do
May 07, 2020

Guiding democracy through Covid19: Poland shows us what not to do

Free elections are the backbone of a democracy. But to preserve democracy during a crisis such as this, we may need to cancel, postpone or rethink the

How electoral bonds distort India’s democracy
Mar 28, 2019

How electoral bonds distort India’s democracy

The early trends on electoral bonds suggest that the new channel would greatly undermine India’s electoral democracy by inviting unbridled corporate

How Indian constitutional morality strengthens its democracy?
Jan 27, 2023

How Indian constitutional morality strengthens its democracy?

Despite several challenges to its democracy, the embedded values of India’s constitutional morality have played a pivotal role in strengthening it

In the Maldives, a resignation that keeps democracy afloat
Feb 08, 2012

In the Maldives, a resignation that keeps democracy afloat

Rather than allowing events to drift towards a political or even military showdown, Maldivian President Mohammed "Anni" Nasheed has shown great fidelity to democratic principles in a country where none existed before him by stepping down from office with grace and poise.

Indian democracy and the changing political landscape
Aug 15, 2022

Indian democracy and the changing political landscape

The diversity of India's political set up means that no electoral majority is cast in stone and no ideological hegemony can enjoy the permanence.

Indian Federalism @75: The foundation of a strong democracy
Aug 15, 2022

Indian Federalism @75: The foundation of a strong democracy

A robust federal structure needs to be in place to deliver effective governance and development in a country as diverse as India.

Latin America and the Caribbean: Facing the pandemic with more democracy, not less
Dec 29, 2020

Latin America and the Caribbean: Facing the pandemic with more democracy, not less

The pandemic has worsened the problems that Latin America and the Caribbean were already facing. 2021 will surely be challenging in terms of political

Lessons from Turkey's irony — Democratically elected leader destroying democracy
Jan 09, 2018

Lessons from Turkey's irony — Democratically elected leader destroying democracy

Turkey is split down the middle between the secular followers of Ataturk who oppose Erdogan and his supporters who are mostly the Islamist nationalist

Liberia’s presidential runoff: A test for its fragile democracy
Nov 22, 2023

Liberia’s presidential runoff: A test for its fragile democracy

The recent peaceful election in Liberia offers a glimmer of optimism for the continent otherwise shaken by coups

Little scope for genuine  democracy in Egypt
Jan 15, 2013

Little scope for genuine democracy in Egypt

Though the 'Arab Spring' had dethroned the long serving President of Egypt Hosni Mubarak, there is still little scope for genuine democracy, according to Mr. Swashpawan Singh, former Indian Ambassador to Kuwait.

Maldives: 'Democracy-deficit' and 'coercive diplomacy'
Mar 20, 2015

Maldives: 'Democracy-deficit' and 'coercive diplomacy'

A Male criminal court's sentencing of former President Mohammed Nasheed on 'terrorism charges' for 13 years in prison has revived 'democracy-deficit' charges and consequent global (read: West) discourse, this time against the government of incumbent President Abdulla Yameen.

Maldives: Of democracy and 'mobocracy'
Nov 23, 2012

Maldives: Of democracy and 'mobocracy'

If one thing is becoming increasingly clear in 'democratised' Maldives, it is that street-protests can change Governments and constitutions, policies and national priorities. It is thus that the nation found street-protests heralding 'multi-party' democracy,

Modern democracy: Data, surveillance creep and more authoritarian regimes?
Oct 10, 2020

Modern democracy: Data, surveillance creep and more authoritarian regimes?

There continues to be speculation and worry about what will happen next and about when the pandemic will end and what the world will look like after.

Nasheed Govt did not show courage to follow democracy
Jul 04, 2012

Nasheed Govt did not show courage to follow democracy

Maldives Dhivehi Rayyethunge Party (DRP) chief, Mr. Thasmeen Ali, has said that the first government under the new Constitution, the government of President Nasheed, did not display courage and patience to follow the path of democratic governance.