Search: For - Terror

936 results found

Opportunity to actualise counterterrorism cooperation between India and the US
Feb 04, 2020

Opportunity to actualise counterterrorism cooperation between India and the US

As Republicans dampen Democrats’ criticism on Kashmir by citing India’s counterterrorism imperatives, an opportunity to actualise US-India counter

Pak helping terror regroup
Nov 12, 2003

Pak helping terror regroup

More than Afghanistan and Iraq, it is Pakistan which reflects the failure of the American foreign policy. Or is it naïve on my part to say so since the possibility of Pakistan being sheltered and supported as a nation that spawns terror groups willingly by Washington could in fact be the reality? Why would Washington, or for that matter others, ignore two recent events in Pakistan which clearly point at the regrouping of terror groups under the

Pakistan cripples SCO’s anti-terror potency
May 20, 2023

Pakistan cripples SCO’s anti-terror potency

Pakistan’s use of terrorism as a foreign policy tool has neutralised the potency of the SCO to effectively tackle this menace at the regional level

Pakistan's Beirut, Karachi: A Terror Capital in the Making by Wilson John
Jan 20, 2004

Pakistan's Beirut, Karachi: A Terror Capital in the Making by Wilson John

Just as Lebanon's capital Beirut was under the thumb of an unbridled reign of crime, terrorism, sectarian and religious fundamentalism in the 1980s, Pakistan's port city of Karachi has hit headlines for all the wrong reasons during the decade of the 1990s.

Pakistan's War on Terror: A Question of Skill, or Will?
Apr 30, 2011

Pakistan's War on Terror: A Question of Skill, or Will?

A reasonably objective assessment of Pakistan's War on Terror can only begin with acknowledging two facts. First, there has been an unprecedented level of terrorist violence in Pakistan for the past three years.

Pakistan’s Schools of Terror
Apr 10, 2023

Pakistan’s Schools of Terror

Terror training schools, teaching hundreds of new and young recruits in suicide missions and use of sophisticated weapons like AK-47, Mi-5 and Surface to Air Missiles (SAMs), have been active in many parts of Pakistan, including Punjab, North West Frontier Province (NWFP), Waziristan and Pak-occupied Kashmir.

Pakistan’s use of terror as a tool
Nov 24, 2018

Pakistan’s use of terror as a tool

Pakistan’s strategy of ‘bleeding India by a thousand cuts’ has been implemented by exploiting religious sentiments and whipping up passions on c

Pakistan’s ‘good’ and ‘bad’ terrorists
Mar 08, 2018

Pakistan’s ‘good’ and ‘bad’ terrorists

Pakistan is aware that its promises sound hollow, when those whom the UN designates as global terrorists, roam freely, give speeches and raise funds t

Piracy and sea terrorism: An increasing worry for India, China
Jan 06, 2012

Piracy and sea terrorism: An increasing worry for India, China

Piracy in the Arabian Sea has been coming dangerously close to the Indian shores. Piracy and sea terrorism also affect the security and commercial interests of major powers like China who seek to ensure continued supply of energy across the Arabian Sea. The pirates collect logistical data and raise funds for Al-Shahbab, in exchange for protection.

Presence of US troops in Afghanistan has only increased terrorism: Iran
Feb 01, 2013

Presence of US troops in Afghanistan has only increased terrorism: Iran

The presence of US and NATO troops in Afghanistan has been counter-productive and has only led to increase in terrorism, according to Dr. Saeed Jalili, Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council of Iran.

Promoting Effective Collective Action to Counter Terrorism -I
Jul 06, 2004

Promoting Effective Collective Action to Counter Terrorism -I

For their survival and success, terrorist organisations need recruits, sanctuaries from which they could operate, funds and arms and ammunition, explosives and other material required for their acts of terrorism. Where, in addition, sponsorship by a State is available, it adds to their strength and to the difficulties of the counter-terrorism agencies in dealing with them.

Proportional response will not stop Pakistan from cross-border terrorism
May 02, 2017

Proportional response will not stop Pakistan from cross-border terrorism

India should not fall for hyped up fears of nuclear escalation; Pakistan is a rational actor that understands the limitations of nuclear weapons

Pulwama terror attack, nuclear weapons and the India-Pakistan conflict dyad
Feb 18, 2019

Pulwama terror attack, nuclear weapons and the India-Pakistan conflict dyad

India must consider military retaliation, as further inaction will only go on to reinforce Pakistan’s nuclear deterrence.

Quake Impact on Jihadi Terrorism
Oct 13, 2005

Quake Impact on Jihadi Terrorism

No accurate estimate is as yet available on the human losses and material damage suffered by the Al Qaeda and other jihadi terrorist organisations belonging to Osama bin Laden's International Islamic Front (IIF) as a result of the earthquake, which struck Pakistan-Occupied Kashmir (PoK) and the North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) of Pakistan on October 8, 2005.

Reading China’s approach to counterterrorism
Mar 03, 2021

Reading China’s approach to counterterrorism

With the absence of clarity in Chinese threat perceptions on terrorism, and next to no opportunities for independent corroboration of the same, Beijin

Recalibrating India’s foreign and counter-terrorism policies to address ISIS threats
Oct 05, 2018

Recalibrating India’s foreign and counter-terrorism policies to address ISIS threats

The ground situation in Iraq and Syria, while still ripe for an ISIS return, has also created ripples in traditional security structures of countries

Report on Maritime Counter Terrorism
Nov 29, 2004

Report on Maritime Counter Terrorism

Maritime terrorism directed at international trade and energy supplies is not just within the realm of possibility but a distinct threat that confronts the international community. Acts of maritime terrorism of a noticeable scale began with the Palestinian Liberation Front hijacking an Italian cruise ship in 1985.

Rethinking US counter-terrorism policy
May 28, 2013

Rethinking US counter-terrorism policy

President Obama recently outlined a re-oriented counter terrorism strategy that aimed at trimming down the predominance that counter-terrorism had occupied in US policymaking. The speech also made public Obama's intention to scale down the drone campaign, subject it to tighter scrutiny and oversight.

Russia and Eurasia: Can the region sustain its declining terrorism trend?
Oct 06, 2022

Russia and Eurasia: Can the region sustain its declining terrorism trend?

Since significant linkages between armed conflict and terrorism have been established, a question mark hangs on the ability of Russia and Eurasia to s

SAARC countries need to do much more to fight terrorism
Mar 20, 2012

SAARC countries need to do much more to fight terrorism

India has said that the regional efforts to counter terrorism in South Asia continue to face significant challenges though there are various SAARC frameworks on suppression of terrorism since 1987.

Saudi Arabia steps up anti-terror fight
Mar 11, 2014

Saudi Arabia steps up anti-terror fight

Over the last few years, Delhi has found Riyadh more forthcoming in tracking down terrorists of concern to India. As the Kingdom enters a more decisive phase in their war against terror, the prospects for security cooperation between India and Saudi Arabia are likely to improve.

Sharing space: Tech and terrorism
Jan 29, 2020

Sharing space: Tech and terrorism

Technology has as much potential to exacerbate as it does to mitigate the risks of terrorism. What takes place in the digital space is merely symptoma

Sharp rise in number of terror attacks since 2010
Apr 23, 2015

Sharp rise in number of terror attacks since 2010

Dr. Gary LaFree of the University of Maryland says in his studies of the data gathered by his department, he has noticed that in recent years, terrorist attacks have become deadlier with advances in technological knowhow. However, attacks using high technology, radiological, chemical and biological attacks, made up only a meager percentage of the total number of attacks.

Sleeping with terrorists
Oct 30, 2004

Sleeping with terrorists

A collusive relationship between politicians and Naxalites or the People's War (PW) and Maoist Communist Centre of India (MCCI), which have merged on September 21, 2004, to form the Communist Party of India-Maoist (CPI-Maoist), is clearly visible in Bihar, as in several other parts of the country.

Sri Lanka terror strike: One year on, it’s time for regional resolve against transnational terror
Apr 21, 2020

Sri Lanka terror strike: One year on, it’s time for regional resolve against transnational terror

While Colombo and New Delhi may carry historic baggage with each other on various issues, fighting ISIS is something that barely interjects with those

State of Global Terrorism
Sep 11, 2005

State of Global Terrorism

What are the imperatives if the international community has to ultimately prevail over international jihadi terrorism of the Al Qaeda brand?

State of Jihadi Terrorism
Jun 30, 2005

State of Jihadi Terrorism

Since April, 2005, there has been a co-ordinated escalation of acts of jihadi terrorism in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Jammu and Kashmir (J) State of India. It is my assessment that the coming months will see more and not less incidents of jihadi terrorism in these three areas.

Tackling Terror: Calibrated restraint, incremental pressure needed
Apr 30, 2005

Tackling Terror: Calibrated restraint, incremental pressure needed

The view from Dhaka was summed up in a journal thus: ¿The cumulative case against a dependable relationship between India and Bangladesh is a very strong one¿ since Bangladesh suffers from ¿a serious lack of bargaining power¿ and hence needs ¿a viable strategy of alliances with China, Burma, Nepal and Pakistan¿. Adventurism is its logical outcome.

Tech-driven counterterrorism: Navigating new frontiers
Mar 29, 2024

Tech-driven counterterrorism: Navigating new frontiers

There is a growing need for adaptive counter-terrorism strategies and global collaboration to navigate the intersection of technology and terrorism ef

Technology and Terror: A new era of threat in a borderless online world
May 21, 2019

Technology and Terror: A new era of threat in a borderless online world

Terror requires spectacle to thrive and technology has allowed this opera of violence to find new audiences and locales.

The challenge ahead for terror-hit France
Nov 02, 2020

The challenge ahead for terror-hit France

The challenge for France is not easy. The idea that education, hard work and following French laws and customs led to upward mobility has been challenged in recent years and Covid-19 has only highlighted it

The chaos that is counter-terrorism in India
Nov 24, 2018

The chaos that is counter-terrorism in India

Ten years on from 26/11, the NSG continues to face serious logistical and transportation challenges. Simply put, the NSG cannot wait around to execute

The counterterror dimension to the planning of smart cities
Aug 21, 2023

The counterterror dimension to the planning of smart cities

The Indian government’s “Smart Cities Mission” aims to drive economic growth and improve quality of life through “smart” solutions for the delivery of infrastructure and services. This is expected to transform living spaces, enhance quality of life, and provide employment opportunities, in turn helping reduce crime rates and promoting law and order. Among the challenges to the “Smart Cities” programme is terrorism—especially in ur

The face of terror in Bangladesh
Mar 05, 2018

The face of terror in Bangladesh

Bangladesh has witnessed a resurgence in terror activities since 2013, indicating regrouping of the Neo-Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh.

The fractured diplomacy of countering terrorism
Feb 01, 2022

The fractured diplomacy of countering terrorism

What are the gains that diplomacy on counter-terrorism, resolutions of the UN Security Council and other such multilateral instruments bring to the table?

The future of counterterrorism: Evolving online tools and tactics
Feb 21, 2024

The future of counterterrorism: Evolving online tools and tactics

As terrorists and violent extremists adapt their online tactics in the era of AI, counterterrorism efforts should also evolve, employing new tools and

The Global War Against Terrorism: A Progress Report
Feb 23, 2005

The Global War Against Terrorism: A Progress Report

The idea was to capture the different dimensions of the war on terror as has been perceived and to locate the war in the larger geo political context in order to appreciate and understand the consequences, according to Dr Ashley Tellis, a well-known senior US policy analyst.

The Global War against Terrorism: Are We Safer Today?
May 26, 2004

The Global War against Terrorism: Are We Safer Today?

There has rarely been a period in modern history, when the world has not been confronted with terrorism; somewhere or the other, in some form or another, for some reason or the other. As a mean of coercion through violence, terrorism ebbs and flows and keeps undergoing many mutations.

The growing threat of lone-wolf terrorism
Dec 20, 2022

The growing threat of lone-wolf terrorism

GOI would have to develop a new counter-radicalisation programme and state-supervised counselling initiatives to curb lone-wolf terrorism

The hidden failure of US-India counterterrorism cooperation
Aug 22, 2018

The hidden failure of US-India counterterrorism cooperation

While New Delhi is getting more diplomatic support for its position, it is doing little to change the threat Pakistan poses.