Search: For - Khalistan

23 results found

India-Canada relations: In the age of sovereignty
Oct 22, 2024

India-Canada relations: In the age of sovereignty

The India-Canada fallout underscores shifting power dynamics, as states like India increasingly prioritize national integrity over diplomatic norms

Chinese chatter links India-Canada row to BRICS’ de-dollarisation agenda
Oct 21, 2024

Chinese chatter links India-Canada row to BRICS’ de-dollarisation agenda

Is India’s participation in the Kazan Summit and its position on the BRICS 2024 agenda of expansion and de-dollarisation an important trigger point?

भारताच्या गुप्तवार्ता संस्कृतीची जटिलता आणि टिकून राहण्याची क्षमता
Oct 13, 2023

भारताच्या गुप्तवार्ता संस्कृतीची जटिलता आणि टिकून राहण्याची क्षमता

अलीकडील आरोप असूनही, भारताची गुप्तचर संस्कृती लक्ष्यित �

The complexity and durability of India’s intelligence culture
Oct 06, 2023

The complexity and durability of India’s intelligence culture

Despite the recent allegations, India’s intelligence culture has been characterised by its conflict resolution strategies instead of resorting to ta

Ottawa’s folly: A travesty of statecraft
Sep 23, 2023

Ottawa’s folly: A travesty of statecraft

Statecraft needs more than just diplomacy. This bilateral crisis with India exposes Trudeau to be lacking in these key qualities.

Canada’s endorsement of terrorism will come back to haunt it
Sep 20, 2023

Canada’s endorsement of terrorism will come back to haunt it

Giving support to Khalistani terrorists against India hyphenates Canada with Pakistan. This has security and strategic implications for the world.

पश्चिम में खालिस्तान की नीतियों की विवेचना!
Jul 12, 2023

पश्चिम में खालिस्तान की नीतियों की विवेचना!

भारत और पश्चिमी देशों की आंतरिक सुरक्षा और पश्चिम के साथ �

Decoding Khalistan’s playbook in the West
Jun 16, 2023

Decoding Khalistan’s playbook in the West

A policy response can be developed to counter the Khalistani threat to India and Western countries’ internal security and India’s relations with t

Canada’s blinkers on Khalistan hurt bilateral ties and the Sikh community
Oct 06, 2023

Canada’s blinkers on Khalistan hurt bilateral ties and the Sikh community

Sikh extremism and separatism are far from the norm, but they have somehow hijacked Canadian diplomacy

Canada’s blinkers on Khalistan hurt bilateral ties and the Sikh community
Oct 06, 2023

Canada’s blinkers on Khalistan hurt bilateral ties and the Sikh community

Sikh extremism and separatism are far from the norm, but they have somehow hijacked Canadian diplomacy

Indira Gandhi assassination parade: Canada’s pandering to Khalistani elements has gone too far
Jun 09, 2023

Indira Gandhi assassination parade: Canada’s pandering to Khalistani elements has gone too far

The Canadian government, instead of robustly standing up to extremism, has found it easier to pander to some of the most violent and aggressive groups. This is partly because of how these extremist groups have increased their influence over state institutions

India and Canada Relations: The Long Road to Recovery
Oct 16, 2019

India and Canada Relations: The Long Road to Recovery

India and Canada’s relationship is yet to develop to its full potential. This paper examines the ideological and strategic divergences between India and Canada that have shaped their bilateral engagement over the years. It argues how diaspora politics and the presence of Khalistan sympathisers in Canada has affected New Delhi’s interest in seeking a broader relationship with Ottawa. The paper points to the potential of economic relations that

India, China and the Global Chessboard
Sep 25, 2023

India, China and the Global Chessboard

Trudeau may have rolled the dice but India will now have a big role in determining how it falls.

Strategic Myopia: The Trudeau factor in India-Canada Ties
Oct 16, 2024

Strategic Myopia: The Trudeau factor in India-Canada Ties

India-Canada relations have deteriorated to unprecedented levels, fueled by accusations and retaliations over the killing of Khalistani terrorist Hardeep Singh Nijjar. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's handling of Sikh separatism and his political motives have worsened bilateral ties, leading to a severe trust deficit.

The Narcoterrorism Challenge to India’s National Security
Jul 29, 2024

The Narcoterrorism Challenge to India’s National Security

Narcoterrorism—or the trafficking of illicit drugs by terrorist and insurgent groups—has long threatened India’s national security. Security agencies are attempting to address this challenge, which involves various groups like Khalistani terrorist organisations, Kashmir’s separatist militants, and insurgent groups in the Northeast; their efforts have achieved mixed results. This brief examines recent trends in drug trafficking and narcote

Western Governments’ Response to Diasporic Separatists: Weighed and Found Wanting
Sep 28, 2023

Western Governments’ Response to Diasporic Separatists: Weighed and Found Wanting

Recent public mobilisations in certain Western countries of separatists demanding that a homeland for Sikhs be created in Punjab (or Khalistan) are raising concerns about the threats that these groups pose to India’s security. Tamil Eelam nationalists are also continuing to mobilise themselves in activities hostile to Sri Lanka that openly display militant iconography and messages. What motivates host countries, such as Canada and the United Ki

जस्टिन ट्रुडो यांच्या नंतर भारत-कॅनडा संबंध सुधारण्याची अपेक्षा
Jan 27, 2025

जस्टिन ट्रुडो यांच्या नंतर भारत-कॅनडा संबंध सुधारण्याची अपेक्षा

ट्रुडो गेल्यानंतर दोन्ही देशांमधील संबंध सुधारण्याची थोडीशी आशा निर्माण झाली आहे.

जस्टिन ट्रूडो के बाद, भारत-कनाडा संबंधों में सुधार की उम्मीद
Jan 12, 2025

जस्टिन ट्रूडो के बाद, भारत-कनाडा संबंधों में सुधार की उम्मीद

ट्रूडो की विदाई के बाद दोनों रिश्तों के संबंधों में सुधार की एक हल्की सी उम्मीद जगी है. 

वोटबैंक या तथाकथित उदारवाद, आखिर कनाडा को खालिस्तानियों से इतनी हमदर्दी क्यों?
Jun 10, 2023

वोटबैंक या तथाकथित उदारवाद, आखिर कनाडा को खालिस्तानियों से इतनी हमदर्दी क्यों?

भारत की तमाम चिंताओं के बावजूद ट्रूडो सरकार ने खालिस्तानियों के विरुद्ध कोई ठोस कदम नहीं उठाया.