Search: For - GDPR

29 results found

AI and data: A tale of necessity and constraint
Mar 16, 2024

AI and data: A tale of necessity and constraint

A comprehensive and conscientious approach to ensure the ethical and considerate mainstream integration of AI technologies is imperative

EU-India FTA: GDPR’s trade barrier needs to be dealt with
Mar 12, 2024

EU-India FTA: GDPR’s trade barrier needs to be dealt with

Official effort must be made to make Indian firms aware and capable of dealing with GDPR compliance

The EU AI Act: A landmark in AI regulation
Feb 13, 2024

The EU AI Act: A landmark in AI regulation

With the AI Act, the EU has taken the first steps towards using and developing AI in a responsible manner

Digital Personal Data Protection Bill 2022: Reservations and recommendations
Nov 29, 2022

Digital Personal Data Protection Bill 2022: Reservations and recommendations

The recent iteration of Digital Personal Data Protection Bill has welcome changes, however, has lacunae that needs to be addressed

Democratising the Internet: Landscape of digital markets and its impact
Sep 28, 2022

Democratising the Internet: Landscape of digital markets and its impact

Decentralising the internet has always been about letting users have more power. India must align its regulations with global efforts that govern citi

IPEF and India’s digital trade dilemma
Sep 05, 2022

IPEF and India’s digital trade dilemma

The digital sphere is a great enabler of trade. To maintain the momentum that India has on Mode 1 service supply, a stable regulatory framework is cru

All roads connect Delhi and Brussels
Apr 24, 2022

All roads connect Delhi and Brussels

For both India and the EU, strong bilateral ties rooted in close cooperation on green transition, digital transformation, and maintenance of the geopo

When Algorithms decide and regulating those decisions
Oct 19, 2021

When Algorithms decide and regulating those decisions

How do we ensure that a user know what they are consenting to when the calculus between short-term gain of using the service against any harm due to l

Protecting personal data: Who is the governor?
May 20, 2019

Protecting personal data: Who is the governor?

African countries should learn from mistakes that have already been made while pursuing their own path in Internet security.

Data localisation: The regulatory sledgehammer
Sep 24, 2018

Data localisation: The regulatory sledgehammer

The requirement of retaining one “serving copy” of all personal data collected within India is shrouded in mystery.

Amid changing post-pandemic realities, India needs to be swift in identifying partners whom it can trust
Dec 29, 2020

Amid changing post-pandemic realities, India needs to be swift in identifying partners whom it can trust

We will see the rise of a New World Order driven by national interest, reliability of partners, and of course, economic factors. India has to use a “Gated Globalisation” framework to negotiate this change.

इंटरनेटचे लोकशाहीकरण: डिजिटल मार्केट आणि त्याचा प्रभाव
Aug 01, 2023

इंटरनेटचे लोकशाहीकरण: डिजिटल मार्केट आणि त्याचा प्रभाव

इंटरनेट विकेंद्रीकरण हे नेहमीच वापरकर्त्यांना अधिक सामर्थ्य मिळवून देण्याबद्दल आहे. भारताने नागरिकांच्या डेटावर नियंत्रण ठेवणार्‍या जागतिक प्रयत्नांशी त्याचे नियम �

डिजीटल डेटा प्रोटेक्शन कायद्याचा डळमळीत पाया
Oct 28, 2023

डिजीटल डेटा प्रोटेक्शन कायद्याचा डळमळीत पाया

पाच वर्षांतील विविध मसूदे, सल्लामसलती व मुत्सद्देगिरीचा परिपाक म्हणून जरी डीपीडीपी कायद्याकडे पाहिले जात असले तरी एका ठोस उपायापेक्षा या उपायापर्यंत पोहोचण्याची ही सु

‘इंडो-पॅसिफिक इकॉनॉमिक फ्रेमवर्क’ आणि भारताची डिजिटल व्यापार कोंडी
Jul 27, 2023

‘इंडो-पॅसिफिक इकॉनॉमिक फ्रेमवर्क’ आणि भारताची डिजिटल व्यापार कोंडी

डिजिटल क्षेत्र हे व्यापाराला चालना मिळण्याचे एक उत्तम साधन आहे. ‘मोड वन’ सेवा पुरवठ्याविषयक भारताची गती कायम ठेवण्यासाठी, एक स्थिर नियामक रचना महत्त्वपूर्ण ठरते.