Search: For - COVID19

890 results found

Paisa pain pandemic and pledges
Mar 25, 2020

Paisa pain pandemic and pledges

“A simple take on the 4 Ps of the #Covid19 crisis”, and its impact on the retail investors.

Covid19 — Tech imperatives, reordering & readiness: Learnings from Taiwan
Mar 24, 2020

Covid19 — Tech imperatives, reordering & readiness: Learnings from Taiwan

Taiwan has emerged as among the few countries which have successfully managed to keep the contagion from spreading by putting in place effective early

Evolve or perish: Streamlining healthcare delivery to fight Covid19
Mar 24, 2020

Evolve or perish: Streamlining healthcare delivery to fight Covid19

A crisis of these proportions call for a combination of basic practices, innovative measures, and radical thinking.

Evolve or perish: The way forward for India’s fight against Covid19
Mar 23, 2020

Evolve or perish: The way forward for India’s fight against Covid19

Adopting conventional strategies may not work in India given its highly heterogeneous character.

US and China: Engagement, strategic competition and beyond
Mar 21, 2020

US and China: Engagement, strategic competition and beyond

A general political and technological decoupling of the US and China is now appearing inevitable. The bitterness in their public discourse is all too

COVID19: Impact and response in Southeast Asia amidst China’s ‘soft power’ diplomacy
Mar 21, 2020

COVID19: Impact and response in Southeast Asia amidst China’s ‘soft power’ diplomacy

Given Southeast Asia’s close geographical proximity to China and the number of tourists and workers who visit the ASEAN countries, if anything — t

Covid-19 and its impact on Africa
Mar 20, 2020

Covid-19 and its impact on Africa

Are African countries ready to handle a potential outbreak?

COVID19: A wake-up call for urban social protection in India
Mar 20, 2020

COVID19: A wake-up call for urban social protection in India

Having an urban welfare strategy in place would have allowed the government to act immediately to support workers affected by the coronavirus shock. U

#Covid19: Made in China pandemic
Mar 20, 2020

#Covid19: Made in China pandemic

China’s global interests, like its domestic interests, stem from a primal survival instinct: preserving the legitimacy, upholding the authority and

COVID19 adds to the woes of India's underpaid and overworked care workers
Dec 16, 2020

COVID19 adds to the woes of India's underpaid and overworked care workers

The treatment of women care workers in India highlights the gendered division of work, and continued undervaluation of women’s labour and care work.

COVID19 and India’s Gig Economy: The Case of Ride-Hailing Companies
Jul 03, 2020

COVID19 and India’s Gig Economy: The Case of Ride-Hailing Companies

The gig economy is part of a crucial transformation occurring in India’s work landscape, and ride-hailing companies are examples of platforms on which “gigs” can be found. The Indian ride-hailing market was projected to grow by 15.5 percent until 2023; the COVID-19 pandemic, however, has disrupted the trajectory. The drivers of these companies—numbering approximately four million—are considered as “independent contractors” and thus

COVID19 and Pakistan: The Economic Fallout
Jun 04, 2020

COVID19 and Pakistan: The Economic Fallout

Pakistan has been one of the countries worst affected by COVID-19, with the economic disruption caused by the pandemic exacerbating an already existing crisis. This paper discusses how the public health crisis has affected some of the most critical sectors of the Pakistani economy. While the government has implemented some mitigation measures, they are inadequate to counter the impact of the pandemic. The paper analyses the likely fallout of a ne

COVID19 and the Changing Geopolitical Order: Challenges to BIMSTEC
Feb 05, 2021

COVID19 and the Changing Geopolitical Order: Challenges to BIMSTEC

This brief explores the post-COVID-19 geopolitical order and the challenges facing BIMSTEC in meeting the most pressing needs of its member countries. It argues that strengthening regional organisations such as BIMSTEC will add weight to the counterbalancing of China that is underway. The brief calls on BIMSTEC to shift its priority to sectors like Connectivity, Counterterrorism and Transnational Crimes, as well as upgrading Human Resource, for b

COVID19 and women’s self-help groups
Jul 31, 2020

COVID19 and women’s self-help groups

Women are the worst sufferers during pandemics; at the same time, they contribute the most during such difficult times.

Covid19 has sharpened great power politics
Apr 27, 2020

Covid19 has sharpened great power politics

Despite being irresponsible and concealing information, Beijing is reaping the dividends of the global disorder

COVID19 preparedness and response: Learning lessons for BIMSTEC
Apr 01, 2020

COVID19 preparedness and response: Learning lessons for BIMSTEC

ASEAN presents a very bright instance of how to deal with the situation that holds within itself the potential of being a great example for BIMSTEC.

COVID19 Vaccine: Development, Access and Distribution in the Indian Context
May 12, 2023

COVID19 Vaccine: Development, Access and Distribution in the Indian Context

The race to develop a COVID-19 vaccine is gaining ground in many parts of the world. This brief examines the challenges that India must hurdle to successfully manufacture and distribute a vaccine. It argues for a fair and equitable distribution of vaccine with an aim to save the maximum number of lives. It suggests a multi-parameter model based on age, co-morbidity, income and profession to justify one’s claim for vaccine. The imperative is to

COVID19: India competes for FDI departing China
Jul 24, 2020

COVID19: India competes for FDI departing China

Why India may not be the top of the list for FDI leaving China and what can be done to make it more attractive.

Africa and COVID19: Impact, Response, and Challenges to Recovery
Sep 28, 2020

Africa and COVID19: Impact, Response, and Challenges to Recovery

The COVID-19 outbreak poses immense challenges to Africa’s resilience. The pandemic’s economic fallout, caused by disruptions in global and regional value chains and a slump in commodity prices, can derail the progress which the continent has recorded in recent years. Despite the bleak forecasts, however, African countries have managed to mount a concerted response to the pandemic. This paper examines the extent of the economic and health imp

China’s State Responsibility for the Global Spread of COVID19: An International Law Perspective
May 23, 2023

China’s State Responsibility for the Global Spread of COVID19: An International Law Perspective

Three months since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak of COVID-19 as a pandemic, the health crisis has wreaked havoc on people’s lives and livelihoods across the globe. Can state responsibility be apportioned for the pandemic, under the current international legal system? What would the elements of such responsibility be? This brief explores the concept of “state responsibility” under public international law and exam

Demand-Inducing Stimulus as Covid19 Response: A Case for Debt Monetisation
May 11, 2023

Demand-Inducing Stimulus as Covid19 Response: A Case for Debt Monetisation

As India reels from the economic fallout of Covid-19 despite the announcement of a relief package, calls for a more refined and demand-inducing stimulus have emerged. However, the bleak state of the government’s coffers has left limited fiscal space to act. This brief explains the plausibility of financing a demand-inducing stimulus using debt monetisation as a one-time policy measure. Outlining the criticisms against such proposals and how the

How COVID19 will affect sustainability and the UNSDGs
Apr 01, 2020

How COVID19 will affect sustainability and the UNSDGs

The pandemic COVID19 doesn’t just come in the way of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, but calls for a rethinking of the timeline.

In the Shadow of COVID19: Reimagining BIMSTEC’s Health Futures
May 24, 2023

In the Shadow of COVID19: Reimagining BIMSTEC’s Health Futures

BIMSTEC member states have issued, on occasion, joint statements recognising the importance of holistic public healthcare and the need for alliances. Yet, intra-BIMSTEC collaborations so far have been limited, mostly focused on traditional medicine. Amidst COVID-19, the region’s states have an opportunity to take their health-sector partnerships to a “new normal”.  Given the highly endemic nature of communicable diseases and the porous bor

India and Africa: Charting a Post-COVID19 Future
Jun 25, 2020

India and Africa: Charting a Post-COVID19 Future

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the fragility of healthcare systems and strained economies across the globe. India and countries in Africa have emerged as hotspots due to the dual burden of large populations and weak health infrastructure. This lack of infrastructure, coupled with decreasing investments in healthcare over the years, has left their societies and governments underprepared and potentially overwhelmed by COVID-19. As developing reg

India: Assessing the political messaging in view of COVID19
Apr 09, 2020

India: Assessing the political messaging in view of COVID19

The outbreak of a gargantuan health crisis in the form of COVID19 seems to have interrupted the monotony of dysfunctional and polarised politics, albeit in a limited way.

India’s economy is ailing from more than COVID19
Jun 30, 2020

India’s economy is ailing from more than COVID19

The virus is only going to make a growth slowdown caused by declining investment even worse.

Maldives: COVID19 brings out best again in India relations
Apr 09, 2020

Maldives: COVID19 brings out best again in India relations

If the COVID19 situation does not reverse and dramatically so over a short term, India may have to redouble its current efforts and also increase supplies.

Post COVID19 Green Mobility: Time for a long-term vision for Electric Vehicles in India
May 11, 2023

Post COVID19 Green Mobility: Time for a long-term vision for Electric Vehicles in India

The Electric Vehicle (EV) segment in India has gathered momentum in recent years, but a mismatch in intent and action has resulted in limited on-ground adoption of EVs. However, the expected growth of the automobile sector (especially in the personal-mobility space), due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and people’s increased understanding of vehicular emissions, creates immense scope for the exponential growth of the EVs industry in India. Ess

Post-COVID19 Recovery: Harnessing the Power of Investment in Sustainable Infrastructure
Apr 10, 2023

Post-COVID19 Recovery: Harnessing the Power of Investment in Sustainable Infrastructure

Infrastructure investments are required to enable economic growth and provide the services required by a growing population. The infrastructure already available is threatened by climate change, damaging existing assets and reducing future productivity. Investment in new infrastructure has to increase to fill the gap; as this occurs, the operation and maintenance cost of infrastructure are also expected to rise. Furthermore, as resources are scar

Re-envisioning the future of Asian regionalism in the Post COVID19 era
May 25, 2020

Re-envisioning the future of Asian regionalism in the Post COVID19 era

The COVID-19 pandemic has made clear that global health crises are geopolitical events with far-reaching and long-lasting effects across the globe. It creates prodigious disruptions across economic, security, and social sectors, with spillover effects through trade, financial linkages, and tourism, to name the least. This essay argues that as the American-led order in Asia arguably falters, instead of China rushing to fill the post COVID-19 vacuu

Regulatory Changes in India in the Time of COVID19: Lessons and Recommendations
Jun 10, 2020

Regulatory Changes in India in the Time of COVID19: Lessons and Recommendations

This report tracks the changes to India’s business regulatory framework in the first 40 days of the nationwide lockdown due to the COVID-19 virus. The Union and state governments have been highly proactive in creating spaces for doing business while managing the ongoing health crisis. The governments have attempted to modify the business-related legal infrastructure within the confines imposed through the lockdown. While under normal circumstan

South Africa’s COVID19 Responses: Unmaking the Political Economy of Health Inequalities
Feb 17, 2021

South Africa’s COVID19 Responses: Unmaking the Political Economy of Health Inequalities

South Africa’s Covid-19 responses are marred by policy paradoxes. How does a country with one of the most sophisticated health systems in Africa account for the highest number of Covid-19 fatalities? This brief argues that contemporary approaches to South Africa’s social, domestic, and foreign policy responses should be viewed through the theoretical lenses of racial capitalism—a racially hierarchical political economy constituting war, mil

State Responses to COVID19 and Implications for International Security
May 24, 2023

State Responses to COVID19 and Implications for International Security

This brief examines state responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, taking the cases of India, Israel, Brazil, Hungary and the United States. It studies the language utilised by the government leaders in these countries and finds extensive war-time semantics. The brief explores the interrelationship of such rhetoric with the legitimisation of extreme measures through the construction of an issue as an “existential threat”— a process analysts call

Sweden’s ‘Soft’ COVID19 Strategy: An Appraisal
Jul 20, 2020

Sweden’s ‘Soft’ COVID19 Strategy: An Appraisal

Many countries imposed stringent lockdowns in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Sweden, however, adopted a ‘soft’ approach of self-imposed social precautions without state regulation. This evoked extensive criticism within and outside the country, especially in view of its high death rates in comparison to its Nordic neighbours. The Swedish government, however, has been steadfast with its strategy. As countries emerge from lockdowns and begi

The COVID19 Pandemic: Why It Won’t Be the Last
May 22, 2023

The COVID19 Pandemic: Why It Won’t Be the Last

In the last two decades, the world has witnessed disease outbreaks that have resulted in massive loss of lives and economic disruptions.[1]  The current pandemic of the novel coronavirus or SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, might still not be the last of the pandemics that the world will suffer in the years to come—as long as human activities that use natural resources beyond their capacities, resulting in the spread of viruses, continue unab