Search: For - nutritional security

4 results found

भारतातील हवामान बदल आणि अन्न सुरक्षेसाठी बाजरी
Feb 07, 2024

भारतातील हवामान बदल आणि अन्न सुरक्षेसाठी बाजरी

हवामान बदलाचा सध्याचा ट्रेंड लक्षात घेता, बाजरी हे अन्न �

Millets for climate resilience and food security in India
Jan 19, 2024

Millets for climate resilience and food security in India

Given the current trends of climate action, millets provide an efficient solution for circumventing the food and water trade-off

Nutritional security and efficient markets necessary for NFSA’s success?
Jun 15, 2019

Nutritional security and efficient markets necessary for NFSA’s success?

The success of the NFSA depends on the inclusion of non-food grain and nutrient rich commodities, and provision of market mechanisms.

Estimating the Productivity of India’s Agricultural Waters: Towards Water and Nutritional Security Through Crop Choices
Apr 05, 2022

Estimating the Productivity of India’s Agricultural Waters: Towards Water and Nutritional Security Through Crop Choices

This paper presents an approach towards promoting nutritional security on one hand, and water security on the other, in an integrated framework. Using econometric models, it delineates water use efficiency on the basis of calorific estimates of the productivity of agricultural water use in the context of various crops. Based on the estimated marginal product of water across the various crops, the paper finds that alternative crops such as maize a