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भारतात स्वच्छ स्वयंपाक इंधनाचा प्रवेश: धोरणांची अशी होत आहे मदत
Mar 22, 2024

भारतात स्वच्छ स्वयंपाक इंधनाचा प्रवेश: धोरणांची अशी होत आहे मदत

2030 पर्यंत, केवळ 77 टक्के लोकांकडे स्वच्छ स्वयंपाक इंधनाची �

Access to clean cooking fuels in India: The visible hand of policy
Mar 13, 2024

Access to clean cooking fuels in India: The visible hand of policy

By 2030, only 77 percent are expected to have clean cooking fuel, leaving 1.9 billion with traditional sources of fuels

LPG price cuts: Will it boost demand?
Sep 18, 2023

LPG price cuts: Will it boost demand?

Although the reduction in the retail price of LPG has been hailed, more long-term factors such as an increase in household incomes, female literacy, a

Towards Universal Access to Clean Cooking Fuels and Technologies: The Role of Policy, National Incomes, and Social Behaviour
Aug 14, 2023

Towards Universal Access to Clean Cooking Fuels and Technologies: The Role of Policy, National Incomes, and Social Behaviour

Goal seven of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) commits the international community to providing access to clean cooking fuels and technologies to all by 2030. Progress has been slow, however, and in about 40 of the UN’s 189 member countries for which data is available, more that 80 percent of the populations continue to lack such access. Using case studies, this brief analyses the role of a country’s policies, i