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18 results found

Early childhood biometrics: A tool to improve healthcare delivery
Jul 01, 2024

Early childhood biometrics: A tool to improve healthcare delivery

Capturing biometrics for children will help achieve Universal Health Coverage by providing greater access to healthcare to children from vulnerable po

बजट 2022: आज के युवाओं के लिए संभावनाओं की पड़ताल
Jul 30, 2023

बजट 2022: आज के युवाओं के लिए संभावनाओं की पड़ताल

कुल मिलाकर युवाओं से जुड़ी योजनाओं में बढ़ोतरी की गई है. �

Decoding China’s response to the Sri Lankan crisis
Aug 03, 2022

Decoding China’s response to the Sri Lankan crisis

Despite the high stakes, China’s passivity to the economic crisis in Sri Lanka is related to the limitations of its elite capturing and extensive le

বাজেট ২০২২: আজকের তরুণদের জন্য সম্ভাবনাগুলি ছোঁওয়ার চেষ্টা
Feb 22, 2022

বাজেট ২০২২: আজকের তরুণদের জন্য সম্ভাবনাগুলি ছোঁওয়ার চেষ্টা

বর্তমান বেকারত্ব ও শিক্ষাক্ষেত্রে তীব্র বৈষম্য দেশের য�

Budget 2022: Capturing the prospects for today’s youth
Feb 02, 2022

Budget 2022: Capturing the prospects for today’s youth

The current unemployment and high educational inequity levels continue to weigh heavy on the country’s youth

टेकनोलॉजी: डिजिटल युग में ज़रूरी है बने ग्लोबल नियामक सहकारिता
Feb 01, 2021

टेकनोलॉजी: डिजिटल युग में ज़रूरी है बने ग्लोबल नियामक सहकारिता

ये कंपनियां दुनिया भर में सेवाएं दे रही हैं, लेकिन अगर उनक

Australia and India: Capturing the opportunities in life sciences
Oct 27, 2020

Australia and India: Capturing the opportunities in life sciences

We need investments in innovations and discover new ways of engaging. An integrated way of working together which involves sharing of skills, resource

Capturing the American mindspace
Oct 14, 2014

Capturing the American mindspace

The new generation challenge for our diplomats and policy makers today is to capture the American mindspace. This is a task that requires subtlety, but its crucial asset is the human capital connect that we have established with the US.

India’s Participation in the NSG: Capturing the Debate
Apr 27, 2015

India’s Participation in the NSG: Capturing the Debate

The paper examines how the Nuclear Suppliers Group has evolved over the years and the role the Group defines for itself. It also attempts to provide a more nuanced understanding of the consequences of India's NSG-membership.

Recapturing growth: What government should do
Sep 25, 2017

Recapturing growth: What government should do

Growth was bound to suffer because India depends significantly on private entrepreneurship and capital.

Building India’s global health strategy: Beyond the role of ‘Pharmacist of the world’
May 06, 2020

Building India’s global health strategy: Beyond the role of ‘Pharmacist of the world’

As the Covid-19 pandemic began to unfold in February, India’s dependence on Chinese inputs for the production of pharmaceutical products was debated intensely. This special report argues that the narrow discussion has fallen short in capturing India’s crucial role in global health as a provider of health-related goods to many developing countries. The report analyses trade data on over 200 categories of health-related goods, and provides quan

Examining the potential of India–Australia partnerships in mining
Apr 17, 2019

Examining the potential of India–Australia partnerships in mining

Contemporary India–Australia relations can be best described as being loaded in intent but limited in action. Over the years, pledges of “common destiny” have repeatedly been made, only to remain unfulfilled. The 2018 release by the Australian government of its India Economic Strategy 2035 is an attempt to lay down a vision for capturing the opportunities offered by India’s market. Among these opportunities is mining. This brief discusses

Indian Ocean Dialogue 2014
May 09, 2014

Indian Ocean Dialogue 2014

Observer Research Foundation, with support from the Ministry of External Affairs, hosted the Indian Ocean Dialogue 2014. The event witnessed participation of delegates from the far corners of the Indian Ocean and beyond, capturing the vastness and diversity of the region.

Nehru’s Pacifism and the Failed Recapture of Kashmir
Aug 13, 2016

Nehru’s Pacifism and the Failed Recapture of Kashmir

A preview to the author’s book-in-progress, Nehru and Kashmir. Would India have succeeded in recapturing Pakistan-occupied Kashmir if Jawaharlal Nehru heeded the advice of his generals? Using correspondence between Nehru and his private secretary, Dwarka Nath Kachru, this book will reveal how Nehru’s idealism stood in the way of the Indian Army reclaiming what eventually became PoK.

South Asia South Asia Weekly 30
Jul 28, 2008

South Asia South Asia Weekly 30

With Sri Lanka forces capturing strategic towns occupied by LTTE not long ago, the supporters of the LTTE Chief Prabhakaran have expressed fears about his safety. Prabhakaran, believed to be hiding in a bunker in the dense forests of Vanni,

Tracking Hunger and Nutrition SDG Targets: Gaps, Challenges and Possibilities
May 23, 2023

Tracking Hunger and Nutrition SDG Targets: Gaps, Challenges and Possibilities

The cornerstone of any Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) programme, especially for global targets such as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and its successor, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), is quality, comprehensive and real-time data. Without such data, M&E processes and operations are neither reliable nor relevant. This rule applies, for example, to targets related to nutrition and hunger-without effective nutrition monit

Water Valuation and Pricing in India: Imperatives for Sustainable Water Governance
Dec 02, 2023

Water Valuation and Pricing in India: Imperatives for Sustainable Water Governance

This paper highlights the importance of water valuation and pricing for sustainable and efficient water allocation and management in India. An efficient water-pricing mechanism could be a tool to address the impending crisis of water scarcity, which necessitates a robust, objective, and holistic valuation technique. Every unit of water consumed for economic purposes has an ecological footprint, and this opportunity cost or externality factor need