Search: For - Sundarbans

18 results found

সুন্দরবনের পরিবেশগত অবনতির তদন্ত
Aug 14, 2024

সুন্দরবনের পরিবেশগত অবনতির তদন্ত

সুন্দরবন সংরক্ষণের জন্য নয়াদিল্লি ও ঢাকার প্রচেষ্টা স�

सुंदरबनमधील पर्यावरणीय ऱ्हासाचा तपास करताना
Jun 26, 2024

सुंदरबनमधील पर्यावरणीय ऱ्हासाचा तपास करताना

सुंदरबनच्या संवर्धनासाठी नवी दिल्ली आणि ढाका सातत्याने

सुंदरबन के ‘जंगलों’ के पर्यावरणीय तंत्र में आ रही गिरावट की पड़ताल
Jun 19, 2024

सुंदरबन के ‘जंगलों’ के पर्यावरणीय तंत्र में आ रही गिरावट की पड़ताल

सुंदरबन के पर्यावरणीय तंत्र को सुरक्षित रखने के लिए भारत

Investigating the ecological decline in the Sundarbans
Jun 11, 2024

Investigating the ecological decline in the Sundarbans

Despite efforts by New Delhi and Dhaka to conserve the Sundarbans, institutional safeguards do not effectively translate into on-the-ground protection

ভারত-বাংলাদেশ সম্পর্কের নিরিখে সুন্দরবনের তাৎপর্য
Aug 15, 2021

ভারত-বাংলাদেশ সম্পর্কের নিরিখে সুন্দরবনের তাৎপর্য

ভারত ও বাংলাদেশ — এই দুই দেশেরই সুন্দরবনের পুর্ব-নির্ধা

The significance of the Sundarbans in India–Bangladesh relations
Mar 25, 2021

The significance of the Sundarbans in India–Bangladesh relations

Bangladesh and India should consider reviving the office of the Sundarbans commissioner with jurisdiction over the defined and agreed geographical are

Delta under siege: Towards the 2026 Ganges Water Sharing Agreement
Jun 02, 2020

Delta under siege: Towards the 2026 Ganges Water Sharing Agreement

The Ganges Water Sharing Agreement will expire in 2026. What awaits then?

Amphan, Sundarbans and an agenda for reconstruction
May 25, 2020

Amphan, Sundarbans and an agenda for reconstruction

Cyclones are a regular occurrence in the region and contrary to the commonly held perception, the mangrove ecosystem is quite resilient to momentary d

Between Scylla and Charybdis: Transboundary cooperation and adaptive capacity in the Sundarbans
Jun 04, 2019

Between Scylla and Charybdis: Transboundary cooperation and adaptive capacity in the Sundarbans

Sundarbans is facing twin challenges of increased population pressure in the north and rising sea levels in the south, occasionally teamed with cyclones from the Bay of Bengal.

Confronting Cascading Disasters, Building Resilience: Lessons from the Indian Sundarbans
Jan 29, 2021

Confronting Cascading Disasters, Building Resilience: Lessons from the Indian Sundarbans

The intersecting impacts of COVID-19 and climate change are compounding the vulnerabilities of coastal communities.  This paper examines the disastrous effects of cyclone Amphan in the Bengal delta region of the Indian Sundarbans amidst a countrywide lockdown triggered by the pandemic, and their cascading consequences for a rural community inhabiting this climate hotspot. It highlights the livelihood crisis experienced by internal rural-urban mi

Strategic and Managed Retreat as Adaptation: Addressing Climate Vulnerability in the Sundarbans
Jul 30, 2020

Strategic and Managed Retreat as Adaptation: Addressing Climate Vulnerability in the Sundarbans

Storm strikes are common in the Indian Sundarbans Delta on the northern Bay of Bengal and will only become more frequent and intense in this era of climate change. Every time a cyclone has hit the Sundarbans, the attempt has been to adapt in situ by creating protective infrastructure, and later return to the same conditions prevailing prior to the disaster. Such reliance on the notion of ‘resilience’ has become increasingly unsustainable and

Environmental security in the Sundarban in the current climate change era: Strengthening India-Bangladesh cooperation
Nov 01, 2019

Environmental security in the Sundarban in the current climate change era: Strengthening India-Bangladesh cooperation

The Sundarban ecoregion, straddling India and Bangladesh, is home to the largest contiguous mangrove forest in the world. Parts of the forest are designated as World Heritage Sites in both countries due to their rich biodiversity. The natural areas of the Sundarban are influenced by human use and, in recent years, increasingly by climate change. This paper explores an institutional arrangement that could help identify and implement the options th

How a delta ravaged by cyclone Amphan awaits a revival
May 23, 2020

How a delta ravaged by cyclone Amphan awaits a revival

As if COVID-19 was not enough, Amphan has not merely damaged infrastructure, rendered many homeless, and affected small businesses — but has imposed a cost on the West Bengal economy whose indelible impacts will be felt in the long-run.

Promoting a ‘GDP of the Poor’: The imperative of integrating ecosystems valuation in development policy
Mar 17, 2020

Promoting a ‘GDP of the Poor’: The imperative of integrating ecosystems valuation in development policy

This paper argues in favour of integrating valuation of ecosystem services in development policy planning in India. The paper presents three cases where monetary values of ecosystem services have been estimated to illustrate the significance of the exercise: the Terai Arc Landscape (TAL) in Uttarakhand, the Kunigal Wetlands in Karnataka, and the Indian Sundarbans Delta (ISD) in West Bengal. The first two cases highlight the ecosystem-livelihoods

Water Valuation and Pricing in India: Imperatives for Sustainable Water Governance
Dec 02, 2023

Water Valuation and Pricing in India: Imperatives for Sustainable Water Governance

This paper highlights the importance of water valuation and pricing for sustainable and efficient water allocation and management in India. An efficient water-pricing mechanism could be a tool to address the impending crisis of water scarcity, which necessitates a robust, objective, and holistic valuation technique. Every unit of water consumed for economic purposes has an ecological footprint, and this opportunity cost or externality factor need