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19 results found

The democracy conundrum in Myanmar
Sep 15, 2022

The democracy conundrum in Myanmar

Myanmar's path to a disciplined democratic government is paved with obstacles set by the 2008 Constitution.

Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2022: Getting the regulatory incentives right
Aug 22, 2022

Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2022: Getting the regulatory incentives right

The primary focus of this bill is to open the supply side in distribution to competition in the market.

Extended state of emergency in Myanmar: No glimmer of hope
Aug 05, 2022

Extended state of emergency in Myanmar: No glimmer of hope

While the Junta has stated that no further executions will take place, one cannot assume anything for now.

India cannot take a black-and-white approach to Myanmar
Dec 24, 2021

India cannot take a black-and-white approach to Myanmar

Given the regional complexities, as well as India's own concerns, a more nuanced approach is needed

Myanmar's wheel of change
Nov 18, 2015

Myanmar's wheel of change

The landslide victory of Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy (NLD) in the November 8 elections is a harbinger of changing times in Myanmar. Winning clear majority, bagging more than 2/3rds of seats, the NLD has been placed in a position to steer reforms in the country.

Myanmar: Deadlock over the oath
Apr 27, 2012

Myanmar: Deadlock over the oath

Even before the Opposition National League for Democracy (NLD) could celebrate its victory in the recently-concluded by-elections, Myanmar is facing its first test as a nascent and evolving democracy.

Myanmar: Suu Kyi needs to do more on her'healthy scepticism'
Jun 22, 2012

Myanmar: Suu Kyi needs to do more on her'healthy scepticism'

The reforms in Myanmar took yet another symbolic step in the past few weeks with Aung San Suu Kyi, the leader of the National League for Democracy (NLD) and the nation's crusader for democracy, set foot for the first time outside the country in over 24 years.

Suu Kyi focuses on neighbourhood diplomacy
Aug 22, 2016

Suu Kyi focuses on neighbourhood diplomacy

With her visit to China now, Suu Kyi has travelled to three of the five immediate neighbours of Myanmar.

म्यानमारमधील वाढत्या आणिबाणीची स्थिती- आशेचा मावळता किरण
May 02, 2023

म्यानमारमधील वाढत्या आणिबाणीची स्थिती- आशेचा मावळता किरण

यापुढे कोणालाही फाशी होणार नाही, असे जुंटाकडून सांगण्यात आले असले तरी, सध्या काहीही गृहीत धरता येऊ शकत नाही.

म्यानमारमध्ये लोकशाहीची अडखळती वाट
Jul 28, 2023

म्यानमारमध्ये लोकशाहीची अडखळती वाट

म्यानमारचा शिस्तबद्ध लोकशाही सरकारच्या दिशेने असलेला मार्ग २००८ मध्ये घटनेने निश्चित केलेल्या अडथळ्यांमधून वाट काढत आहे.

वीज (सुधारणा) विधेयक 2022: नियामक प्रोत्साहन मिळवणे
Aug 23, 2022

वीज (सुधारणा) विधेयक 2022: नियामक प्रोत्साहन मिळवणे

या विधेयकाचा प्राथमिक फोकस बाजारातील स्पर्धेसाठी वितरणातील पुरवठा बाजू उघडणे आहे.