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1571 results found

Modi effect: Revival of trust in India-Nepal relations
Nov 07, 2014

Modi effect: Revival of trust in India-Nepal relations

To foster India-Nepal relations, the focus should be on the 3Cs -- connectivity, communication and communities - according to Sujeev Shakya, Founder CEO, Beed Management and Chair of the Nepal Economic Forum.

Modi in Mauritius: Renewing a Special Relationship
Mar 10, 2015

Modi in Mauritius: Renewing a Special Relationship

On the eve of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit, M. Ganapathi, former High Commissioner of India to Mauritius, analyses India-Mauritius ties and suggests areas of cooperation to further strengthen the relationship.

Modi-Conte meeting strengthens Indo-Italian relations
Oct 30, 2018

Modi-Conte meeting strengthens Indo-Italian relations

Italy’s presence in India counts over 600 Italian companies operating in the country, accounting for slightly less than $3 billion investment cumula

Modi-Putin meet: As global ties are being disrupted, a vital moment to shore up an old relationship
May 24, 2018

Modi-Putin meet: As global ties are being disrupted, a vital moment to shore up an old relationship

Some nuances can be captured from the opening remarks made in Sochi. Modi thanked Putin for helping India get a permanent membership in the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation. In turn, Putin noted: “Our defence ministries maintain very close contacts and cooperation. It speaks about a very high strategic level of our partnership.”

Momentum in the India-Australia Relationship on Display With 2+2 Strategic Dialogue
Nov 27, 2023

Momentum in the India-Australia Relationship on Display With 2+2 Strategic Dialogue

Canberra and New Delhi look at each other as vital partners playing critical roles in maintaining peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific.

Myanmar's transition process and India-Myanmar relations
Jul 13, 2015

Myanmar's transition process and India-Myanmar relations

A question that merits a sharper assessment is the impact of Myanmar's transition process on India-Myanmar relations. Security cooperation between the two countries since Myanmar's transition has definitely scaled up. The most visible demonstration is Indian Army's recent cross-border operation.

Myanmar: India relations on upswing
Oct 20, 2020

Myanmar: India relations on upswing

The strategic location of Myanmar is beneficial for India’s economic engagement as well as physical and social connectivity.

Myanmar: Relations with China, post COVID-19
Apr 14, 2020

Myanmar: Relations with China, post COVID-19

Myanmar is ill-equipped to handle growing COVID-19 caseload on its own — it requires external help.

Myanmar’s trade relations with China
Mar 31, 2023

Myanmar’s trade relations with China

The trade relationship between Myanmar and China continues to flourish despite the growing domestic instability in Myanmar

Nepal's Evolving Relations with India and China
Feb 23, 2011

Nepal's Evolving Relations with India and China

We are not in an easy situation in Nepal. The country is in a kind of turmoil. It is like a frozen ice cube that is melting and we do not know how we should refreeze it into the shape we want. The country has lots of energy and is ready with a new agenda for social change and progress. But how do we give it direction so that the sense of nationhood that is strongly taking root is reflected in the new constitution now being drafted by the Constit

Nepal-China relations in context to Doklam crisis
Sep 19, 2017

Nepal-China relations in context to Doklam crisis

Until 2008 when the 239 year old monarchical institution was abolished in Nepal, China was not much interested in Nepal affairs except in the Tibetan

Nepal-China relations under the shadow of geopolitics
Apr 05, 2022

Nepal-China relations under the shadow of geopolitics

Nepal's balancing act between the two development and infrastructural projects—the MCC aided by the USA and the BRI promoted by China—can hinder i

Nepal–India relations in post-COVID-19 period
Jan 10, 2022

Nepal–India relations in post-COVID-19 period

The relations between India and Nepal have reverted to the pre-pandemic period as both countries have reopened borders

New cabinet in Indonesia: Future of Indonesian foreign policy and its relations with India
Nov 04, 2019

New cabinet in Indonesia: Future of Indonesian foreign policy and its relations with India

Both India and Indonesia see ASEAN centrality as a prominent feature in their approach to the Indo-Pacific.

New dynamism in India-Japan relations
Sep 06, 2014

New dynamism in India-Japan relations

Having historical ties that date back to Nehru and Abe's grandfather Nobusuke Kishi, both India and Japan and their leaders are aware that if the 21st century belong to Asia, India and Japan are the two nations that could really shape and guide this progress.

New law on foreign relations adds to China’s lawfare arsenal
Jul 28, 2023

New law on foreign relations adds to China’s lawfare arsenal

With the Foreign Relations Law, China has added a new weapon to its arsenal against sanctions and further consolidates the Party’s grip on foreign e

Operation Geronimo and the Future of US-Pakistan Relations
May 11, 2011

Operation Geronimo and the Future of US-Pakistan Relations

Pakistan and the US have much to lose if the US disengages from Pakistan. Therefore, US-Pakistan relations are likely to overcome their present turbulence and continue being an alliance of convenience for both.

ORF- PCIP Joint Task Force on Indo-US Relations
Sep 13, 2004

ORF- PCIP Joint Task Force on Indo-US Relations

The second meeting of the ORF-PCIP Task Force on India-US Relations was held at Los Angeles on September 13-14, 2004. The first such joint Task Force between an American and an Indian think tank, it is a Track II initiative between Observer Research Foundation, India?s first multi-disciplinary think tank and the Pacific Council, a leadership forum based at Los Angeles and rooted in the American West.

Osama: Impact on Indo-Pak Relations
May 16, 2011

Osama: Impact on Indo-Pak Relations

The end of Osama bin Laden will loom so big in global consciousness that anything resembling terrorism, even the cross border variety, will come under close scrutiny of the international community. Pushed thus against the wall, the mind may furnish some sensible solutions.

Pakistan: Relationship with US deteriorating
Jun 28, 2015

Pakistan: Relationship with US deteriorating

The relationship between the United States and Pakistan is one that grew exponentially in the first decade of the new millennia. However, following the post-US drawdown from Afghanistan, the United States' relationship with Pakistan has hit a roadblock of sorts.

Partners in unfamiliarity: India-Gulf intelligence relations in a changing West Asia
Mar 14, 2024

Partners in unfamiliarity: India-Gulf intelligence relations in a changing West Asia

A fluid global security landscape does not alter the fundamentals of intelligence cooperation between India and its Gulf partners, but widens the rang

People should be counted in any India-Bangladesh relations
Jun 01, 2012

People should be counted in any India-Bangladesh relations

Interest of the people should take precedence in foreign policy formulations which have a direct impact on their lives. This was the overwhelming sentiment expressed by the people living on either side of the India-Bangladesh border during a field visit early May this year.

PM Meloni’s visit signals a progressive future for India-Italy relations
Mar 02, 2023

PM Meloni’s visit signals a progressive future for India-Italy relations

Prime Minister Meloni’s visit to India showcases the robust ties between India and Italy

Potential for further improving India-Bangladesh relations, say visiting MPs
Sep 03, 2016

Potential for further improving India-Bangladesh relations, say visiting MPs

Experts at the event opined that it is a win-win situation for India and Bangladesh to have a functional river, rail and road network.

Power and transformation: Jayantanuja Bandyopadhyaya’s hybrid International Relations theory
Aug 20, 2023

Power and transformation: Jayantanuja Bandyopadhyaya’s hybrid International Relations theory

This brief explores the work of the Bengali diplomat and academic Jayantanuja Bandyopadhyaya, whose book, The Making of Indian Foreign Policy (1970) is considered a classic in Indian scholarship in International Relations. It analyses Bandyopadhyaya’s distinctive contribution to IR theory, especially his attempt to craft a “hybrid” approach derived from Gandhi and Mao, on the one hand, and behavouralist systems theories, on the other. It

President Moon’s visit can provide a new impetus to India-Korea relations
Jul 06, 2018

President Moon’s visit can provide a new impetus to India-Korea relations

The potential of the India-Korea partnership has not been fully tapped. The present visit will provide a great opportunity for President Moon and Prim

Prince Salman tour spotlights Saudi Arabia variable in India-Pakistan-China relations
Feb 28, 2019

Prince Salman tour spotlights Saudi Arabia variable in India-Pakistan-China relations

The voyage highlighted Riyadh’s role in the balance of ties between the three states and India’s continued concerns on that front.

Realism in the study of International Relations in India
Aug 21, 2023

Realism in the study of International Relations in India

Attempts to arrive at a non-Western understanding of International Relations have often been made to counter the “hegemonising” influence of realism in the Indian milieu. This brief examines realist scholarship in India in recent years to understand what variants of realism have been given prominence. It also notes the absence of scholarship of the neoclassical realist variant and how this gap leads critics to arrive at an incomplete understa

Rebuilding Indo-Pak relations through people-to-people interactions
Feb 21, 2019

Rebuilding Indo-Pak relations through people-to-people interactions

It is important to humanise the ‘other’ and move away from the stereotypical ‘enemy’ perception that have dominated Indo-Pak relations.

Recent Trends in India-China Relations
Jul 14, 2003

Recent Trends in India-China Relations

It has been said that any foreign observer who spends a month in China is apt to write a book on the country; if he spends a year in China, he is content to write an article; and if he lives in China for five years, he deems it wise to refrain from making any prediction! I spent three and a half years in China ¿ too long a period for a book but perhaps but perhaps not for a short talk on India-China relations.

Redrawing India-Latin America Relations in the 21st Century
Apr 19, 2023

Redrawing India-Latin America Relations in the 21st Century

India and Latin America have never been more economically relevant to each other than they are today, with trade reaching an all-time high of US$50 billion in 2022. Key to improved economic ties in the recent few years is the heightened political will on both sides. Today there is a sense of optimism that India and the countries of Latin America can continue on this upward trajectory in the coming years of the 21st century. While the private sect

Rejuvenating Nepal-India bilateral relations through digital connectivity
Apr 26, 2024

Rejuvenating Nepal-India bilateral relations through digital connectivity

Attempts are being made by Nepal and India to revive the relationship through new avenues of cooperation with a focus on digital connectivity

Renewable Energy Diplomacy: Enhancing India-Sri Lanka relations at its 75th milestone
Mar 30, 2022

Renewable Energy Diplomacy: Enhancing India-Sri Lanka relations at its 75th milestone

It would be prudent for both the countries to further consolidate their relations by exploring the opportunities available in renewable energy

Repairing the complex India-Nepal relationship
Apr 07, 2022

Repairing the complex India-Nepal relationship

There needs to be quiet dialogue to resolve their many differences, with New Delhi needing to be sensitive and generous

Resetting Indo-Nepal relations
Aug 05, 2014

Resetting Indo-Nepal relations

The new Indian approach to Nepal, and to the South Asian region, form a core of the Modi government's foreign and security policy. The goal is to bind them closer to India through a web of economic relationships. To implement this vision, Modi also needs to untangle political issues that have bedevilled relations between India and them.