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6 results found

WTO चा संभ्रम: EU (युरोपियन युनियन)चा भारतासोबत व्यापार शुल्कावरून सुरु असलेला वाद
Mar 16, 2024

WTO चा संभ्रम: EU (युरोपियन युनियन)चा भारतासोबत व्यापार शुल्कावरून सुरु असलेला वाद

युरोपीय संघ आणि भारत यांच्यात सध्या सुरू असलेल्या डब्ल्�

WTO’s deadlock: EU’s trade duty dispute with India
Feb 29, 2024

WTO’s deadlock: EU’s trade duty dispute with India

The ongoing WTO dispute settlement between the EU and India could encumber India’s efforts to boost the domestic electronic product manufacturing se

Does NPOS mark the beginning of India’s statistical renaissance?
Sep 02, 2023

Does NPOS mark the beginning of India’s statistical renaissance?

The draft NPOS marks a paradigm shift in the ways data has been looked at in India so far

Crime in India: A Critical Review of Data Collection and Analysis
May 16, 2024

Crime in India: A Critical Review of Data Collection and Analysis

Safe countries bestow multiple social and economic benefits on the individual and larger community. Therefore, crime levels must be controlled. While India is a relatively peaceful country by global standards, there is significant scope for improvement in terms of policing, the national criminal justice system, and how data on crimes is collected and analysed. Amid India’s rapid urbanisation, it is crucial to study the various facets of crimina

Exploring Prospects for Digital Europe in the Age of the US-China Technology Race
Mar 03, 2021

Exploring Prospects for Digital Europe in the Age of the US-China Technology Race

In today’s digital economy, the United States (US) remains a market leader in many digital technologies; meanwhile, China is fast catching up. In Europe, foreign technology companies have a strong presence, often creating dependencies that can undermine digital sovereignty. Digitisation, therefore, is high on the European Union’s (EU) political agenda. This paper analyses recent key policy responses by the EU, and finds that the union

Laboratory Biosafety in India: In Search of a Sound Regulatory Framework
Apr 09, 2024

Laboratory Biosafety in India: In Search of a Sound Regulatory Framework

In the biomedical field, laboratories must ensure biosafety while managing pathogens and microorganisms in order to protect personnel and the broader community against potential leaks and lab-acquired infections. Global standards provide a roadmap for the biosafety of laboratories, underscoring the importance of their design and equipment, personnel training, waste management, and communication in preventing potential biohazards from breaching co