Search: For - Hungary

14 results found

Slovakia: EU’s latest headache?
Apr 23, 2024

Slovakia: EU’s latest headache?

Peter Pellegrini’s recent presidential victory could mean Slovakia mirroring Hungary's stance on Ukraine, potentially troubling the EU

स्वीडन आणि सामर्थ्यशाली नाटो
Mar 22, 2024

स्वीडन आणि सामर्थ्यशाली नाटो

तुर्की आणि हंगेरीकडून प्रारंभीच्या अडथळ्यांना तोंड द्य

Sweden and a stronger NATO
Mar 08, 2024

Sweden and a stronger NATO

Although facing initial obstacles from Türkiye and Hungary, Sweden has ultimately secured NATO membership, marking a significant milestone for the No

युरोपचे युद्ध – वास्तव आणि कल्पना
Jan 19, 2024

युरोपचे युद्ध – वास्तव आणि कल्पना

जोवर शक्य आहे तोवर आम्ही युक्रेनला पाठिंबा देऊ, असा पुनर�

Europe’s war rhetoric vs reality
Jan 08, 2024

Europe’s war rhetoric vs reality

Time and again, Europe has reiterated that it would support Ukraine for “as long as it takes”, but recent months have shown war fatigue amongst Uk

Putin’s meeting with Orbán in Beijing: Decoding its significance
Nov 17, 2023

Putin’s meeting with Orbán in Beijing: Decoding its significance

Despite being an active EU member, Hungary intends to continue its existing cooperation with Russia.

A Divided ‘Visegrad Four’ Navigates Relations with the European Union
Oct 03, 2023

A Divided ‘Visegrad Four’ Navigates Relations with the European Union

The Visegrad Four (V4) countries—Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Hungary—are examples of communist states that have transitioned to liberal and democratic governance systems. In recent years, their visibility in the European Union (EU) has surged due to their contrarian positions on certain critical issues facing the Union, such as mass migration and, since 2022, the conflict in Ukraine. This paper analyses the impact of these trend

Can the World Breathe Easy Now?
Jan 30, 2004

Can the World Breathe Easy Now?

2004 is a significant year for Europe. In May of this year, the European Union (EU) will induct ten new members, eight of which were part of the former Communist regime of the Soviet Union. While four of these East European states (Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia) are struggling with mounting budget deficits and contemplating awkward spending cuts, France and Germany (the dominant European powers) are immersed in a deep economic

India has to play greater role in global governance: former Hungarian PM
Feb 27, 2013

India has to play greater role in global governance: former Hungarian PM

From Europe, India is viewed as a balancing power in terms of the economy and global harmony, according to Dr. Medgyessy, former Prime Minister of Hungary. He says India is ideologically closer to Europe and the US than the other BRICS countries.

State Responses to COVID19 and Implications for International Security
May 24, 2023

State Responses to COVID19 and Implications for International Security

This brief examines state responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, taking the cases of India, Israel, Brazil, Hungary and the United States. It studies the language utilised by the government leaders in these countries and finds extensive war-time semantics. The brief explores the interrelationship of such rhetoric with the legitimisation of extreme measures through the construction of an issue as an “existential threat”— a process analysts call

Xi and a tale of two Europes
May 15, 2024

Xi and a tale of two Europes

European efforts to find a footing in China present opportunities for India.