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11 results found

क्रिप्टोकरन्सी, जकात आणि टेरर फंडिंग यांचा संबंध
May 31, 2024

क्रिप्टोकरन्सी, जकात आणि टेरर फंडिंग यांचा संबंध

क्रिप्टोकरन्सीमुळे आर्थिक व्यवहार आणि देणग्या देण्याच�

Exploring the nexus: Cryptocurrency, Zakat, and terror funding
May 08, 2024

Exploring the nexus: Cryptocurrency, Zakat, and terror funding

Cryptocurrencies have transformed financial transactions and donations, yet the anonymity they offer has been exploited by terrorist organisations

States’ use of non-state actors in cyberspace
Aug 17, 2023

States’ use of non-state actors in cyberspace

Without proper legislation, states using non-state actors for cyberwarfare pose a significant threat to governments, businesses, and individuals

'Anonymity' in cyber world important for protecting dissenting voices
Jan 22, 2014

'Anonymity' in cyber world important for protecting dissenting voices

Experts at a conference on "Internet Governance and India: The Way Forward" have unanimously agreed that "anonymity" in cyber world is important for protection of dissenting voices. They also accepted that internet stands on three basic tenets of openness, freedom, universality.

A Proposed Architecture for a Central Bank Digital Currency for India
Dec 16, 2021

A Proposed Architecture for a Central Bank Digital Currency for India

Most central banks across the globe are today seized with the idea of cryptocurrency, with countries like Sweden and China already embarking on their pilot projects. This paper argues that most of the proposed architectures for a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) are not designed to mimic the paper currency in its digital form. It proposes an architecture that largely retains all the properties of a paper currency, with only one limitation—i

Jammu and Kashmir: On the Cusp of Change, But Challenges Remain
Jun 17, 2022

Jammu and Kashmir: On the Cusp of Change, But Challenges Remain

The recent killings of minorities, migrant workers, and local police officers in the Kashmir Valley have led to an impression that the security situation in Jammu and Kashmir is once again becoming uncontrollable. On ground, however, the situation is said to be firmly under the control of the Indian State. This does not mean that terrorism has been eliminated; small terrorist groups continue to operate and attack soft targets, heightening the sen

The Arab Spring & India: Promises and Challenges
Jul 20, 2011

The Arab Spring & India: Promises and Challenges

Saeed Naqvi, Distinguished Fellow at the Observer Research Foundation, traveled to Bahrain, Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia, Baghdad, Najaf, Amman, Cairo, Jerusalem and Ramallah after the Arab Spring broke out. Earlier, he visited Tunisia, Iran, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, Western Sahara and Libya. In this paper, he shares his first-hand experiences and discussions with leaders and diplomats, many of whom have requested anonymity. This paper follows