People in smaller cities of India were more hopeful about the prospects of Digital India than the people in big cities which are traditionally thought of as 'tech savvy', according to a survey conducted by Observer Research Foundation.
People in smaller cities of India are more hopeful about the prospects of Digital India than the people in big cities and metros which are traditionally thought of as 'tech savvy', according to a survey conducted by the Observer Research Foundation.
The survey, done as part of the CyFy 2015: State of the Debate to discern key trends in the usage of the information services in the digital economy among Indians, also found that for Indians who spend nearly two hours on an average on the internet every day, Facebook accounts for a lot of the time spent online.
The survey was conducted in ten 'million-plus' cities with an average population of 6.1 million. These surveys were conducted at supermarkets in each of the cities to target the middle class. On an average 50 respondents from each city participated in the survey.
The survey found that while Indians distrust cyberspace for storage of their personal data, it does not hinder their participation in online markets.
Most of the respondents also claimed to have some knowledge of the electronic surveillance network run by the government and were overwhelmingly in support of it.

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