ORF hosted a Book Discussion on ‘India's Moment: Changing Power Equations around the World’, authored by Ambassador Mohan Kumar. In India’s Moment, veteran diplomat Mohan Kumar, who has represented India in multiple international forums over his career, examines the shifts in global power equations over the decades and traces how India’s position has evolved over time. A central contention of this book is that India has moved, slowly but surely, from being an alleged naysayer to becoming a putative partner for the world in key multilateral negotiations.
- Mohan Kumar, former Indian Amb to France; Dean, Strategic and International Initiatives, O.P. Jindal Global University
- Samir Saran, President, Observer Research Foundation (ORF)
- Harsh V. Pant, Vice President, Studies and Foreign Policy, Observer Research Foundation (ORF)
- Arun Kumar Singh, former Indian Ambassador to France, US and Israel.
- Arpita Mukherjee, Professor, Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER)