Search: For - terai

4 results found

New census data creates ripples in Nepal
Apr 20, 2023

New census data creates ripples in Nepal

The recent census data sheds light on issues like an ageing population, overpopulation in the Terai region, and the ecological impact of the rising po

Promoting a ‘GDP of the Poor’: The imperative of integrating ecosystems valuation in development policy
Mar 17, 2020

Promoting a ‘GDP of the Poor’: The imperative of integrating ecosystems valuation in development policy

This paper argues in favour of integrating valuation of ecosystem services in development policy planning in India. The paper presents three cases where monetary values of ecosystem services have been estimated to illustrate the significance of the exercise: the Terai Arc Landscape (TAL) in Uttarakhand, the Kunigal Wetlands in Karnataka, and the Indian Sundarbans Delta (ISD) in West Bengal. The first two cases highlight the ecosystem-livelihoods

South Asia South Asia Weekly 61
Mar 02, 2009

South Asia South Asia Weekly 61

Terai region continues to reel under strike and the security situation remains to be worrisome. For nearly a week, the Tharu community has been staging massive protests in several Terai districts following the government's decision to label them as Madhesis.