Search: For - Russia-Africa relations

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Russian foreign policy in Africa: Lessons from the 2023 Summit
Aug 11, 2023

Russian foreign policy in Africa: Lessons from the 2023 Summit

Although Russia plays an important role in Africa, it still falls short of exercising a wider influence

Russia’s Low-Risk, High-Reward Strategy for its Return to Africa
Oct 12, 2023

Russia’s Low-Risk, High-Reward Strategy for its Return to Africa

Africa has become essential to Russia’s geostrategic posture as Moscow seeks to overcome the backlash to its invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. However, in the face of isolation and a contracting economy, Russia has realised that cultivating an entry point in Africa through conventional means such as foreign direct investment (FDI), trade, development assistance, or cultural and educational exchanges may not be its best option. Instead, Mosc