Books and MonographsPublished on Oct 12, 2012
ballistic missiles,Defense,Doctrine,North Korea,Nuclear,PLA,SLBM,Submarines
Perspectives On Water Constructing Alternative Narratives

Perspectives on Water: Constructing Alternative Narratives

We human beings like to make sense of the world by constructing narratives to explain and interpret events to ourselves and to others. In the last decade, we have constructed many narratives on the growing imbalance between freshwater supply, consumption and population. Yet the ecological, social and economic benefits that freshwater systems provide and the trade-off between consumptive and on-stream benefits remain contested. The collection of narratives in this volume, which go deeper into the issue from both a developed and developing country perspective, call for a global perspective on sustainable use of water with an exclusive emphasis on better management of shared river basins and individual watersheds.

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Lydia Powell

Lydia Powell

Ms Powell has been with the ORF Centre for Resources Management for over eight years working on policy issues in Energy and Climate Change. Her ...

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Sonali Mittra

Sonali Mittra

Sonali Mittra is a therapist, specializing in Regression therapy, Inner Child healing, Family Constellations, and Access bars. She is certified by TASSO International, Netherlands, Clover ...

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