Satoru Nagao

Dr. Satoru Nagao is a Visiting Fellow at ORF. Dr. Nagao’s primary research area is India-U.S-.Japan security cooperation. 

Dr. Nagao holds numerous other research positions, including Fellow (non-Resident) at Hudson Institute. He was awarded his Ph.D. by Gakushuin University in 2011 for his thesis, “India’s Military Strategy,” the first such research thesis on this topic in Japan. Gakushuin University is a premier institution from which members of the Japanese Imperial Family have also graduated. Dr. Nagao has authored numerous books and articles on security issues, and he also contributes to the column, “Age of Japan-India ‘Alliance’” at Nikkei Business, the journal of one of Japan’s leading newspapers.

  • Fellow (Non-Resident) at Hudson Institute
  • Senior Research Fellow at Japan Forum for Strategic Studies etc (14 in total)