Date: Jun 29, 2019

India's recently released draft National Education Policy (NEP) has been the subject of significant debate and discussion. A review discussion of the NEP will solicit opinion from several teachers, professors and other education policy experts. The recommendations gained as result, will be shared with the drafting committee as well as the Ministry of Human Resource Development. The discussion will be moderated by Dr. Leena Chandran Wadia, member of the Drafting Committee of the NEP and Senior Fellow, ORF.


10.30 am - 10.35 am | Opening remarks 10.35 am - 11.00 am | Presentation of salients features of the NEP by Leena Chandran Wadia 11.00 am - 1.00 pm | Discussion on different sections of the NEP by experts 1.00 pm - 1.10 pm | Closing remarks followed by lunch

(By invitation only)

Venue Address

ORF Mumbai office