Industry Focus
This segment will focus on the strategic importance of startups, scalable insurgents, and established industry players within the deep tech space. Companies will have the opportunity to present their work and technology—from development to application and scalability; what they require (from capital to R&D) to reach their full potential and how global stakeholders can collaborate with them effectively. Conversations will include investment and funding, market access, technical knowledge, access to facilities, and talent acquisition.
In the Chair:
Maggie Sprenger, General Partner and Co-Founder, Audere Capital, United States
Scene Setting Presentation:
Charles Clancy, Senior Vice President, MITRE, United States
Pitches will encompass the following thematic areas:
Smart Manufacturing: Advances in next-generation computing and communications have completely altered the manufacturing landscape. Breakthrough developments in advanced materials, nanotechnology, and novel alloys have transformed modular manufacturing, technology integration, and circular economy principles. Discussions can centre on the approaches to overcome the physical and institutional inertia of legacy processes, to embrace a more innovation-driven future.
Kickoff Interventions:
Parag Naik, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Saankhya Labs, India
Jags Kandasamy, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, Latent AI, United States
Sandeep Shah, Managing Director, Optimized Electrotech, India
Tech For Good: Disruptive technologies have revolutionised the fields of healthcare, disaster management, space operations, transportation, and agriculture, expanding the realm of possibilities for the use of tech in welfare and human security, and providing innovative solutions to collective problems. Advanced technologies can convert structured and unstructured data into actionable insights at speed and at scale, which can elevate clinical outcomes, enhance precision agriculture, forecast weather, predict natural disasters, assess food value chains, and enhance space situational awareness.
Kickoff Interventions:
Ayushi Mishra, Chief Operating Officer and Co-founder, DronaMaps, India
Ishita Barua, Co-founder and Chief Medical Officer, Livv Health, Norway
Marie Lou Papazian, Founding Chief Executive Officer, TUMO Center for Creative Technologies, Republic of Armenia
Harnessing Dual-Use Tech: The Fourth Industrial Revolution has significantly impacted the development and proliferation of dual-use technologies, which have both civilian and military applications. Developments in augmented reality, GPS, thermal imaging, nuclear technologies, hypersonic capabilities, and drones have fundamentally transformed industries and society. The concentration of these technologies in the hands of one entity can however affect competitiveness, innovation and supply chain resilience. Governments, private sector enterprises, and civil society actors must work collaboratively to establish frameworks for the responsible development, ethical use, and continuing evolution of these technologies.
Kickoff Interventions:
Sameer Joshi, Chief Executive Officer and Director, NewSpace R&T, India
Philip Jungen, Founder, Darkstar, Germany
Fabio Masci, Lead Executive, The Edge Company, Italy
Discussant 1:
Yonghwan Kim, Chief Executive Officer and President, Smart Radar System, South Korea
Discussant 2:
Praveen Dwarakanath, Director and Chief Executive Officer, Big Bang Boom Solutions, India