Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s landslide victory in the general elections in May 2014 provided the potential for creating a broader framework for a bold and assertive foreign policy. In the last 24 months, India’s foreign policy challenges and opportunities have undergone change, influenced by rapid developments in the global situation, ranging from rising fundamentalism in West Asia to sharper territorial claims in the East. This has caused the Modi government to adopt a proactive, multi-faceted foreign policy, with a strong emphasis on improving relations with countries in the immediate and extended neighbourhood.
Bloomsbury’s path-breaking new book, Modi and the World: The Ring View Inside Out, attempts to answer a host of questions, including: What will be the Prime Minister’s foreign policy objectives and priorities in 2016-17? How can Mr. Modi maximise India’s policy options in the Gulf and West Asia? Is it time for India to join in the international coalition against ISIS? How can he ensure peace and security in India’s immediate neighbourhood, amid myriad domestic economic and political challenges?
Yamini Chowdhury, Co-editor, Modi and the World: the Ring View Inside Out
Ranjit Gupta, former Ambassador to Yemen and Oman
Anusua Diya Chowdhury, Co-cditor, Modi and the World: the Ring View Inside Out
Madhav Das Nalapat, Vice Chair, Manipal Advanced Research Group, and Editorial Director of iTV Network
Kanchan Gupta, ABP News TV Commissioning Editor
ORF Distinguished Fellow, Ambassador Pinak R. Chakravarty, will chair the discussion.
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