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The Impact of COVID-19 on Children and Adolescents: Early Evidence in India
Healthcare Mar 04, 2021

The Impact of COVID-19 on Children and Adolescents: Early Evidence in India

This brief collects and analyses current evidence in India regarding the impact of COVID-19 on the health and well-being of children (5-9 years) and adolescents (10-19). Using the ‘snowball retrieval’ strategy, the authors identified peer-reviewed studies, reports and government articles published between January 2020 and ...

Emotions and Vote Choice: Perspectives from the US and India
Indian Foreign Policy Mar 02, 2021

Emotions and Vote Choice: Perspectives from the US and India

While the idea that emotional appeal is central to political persuasion may serve common intuition, the dynamics underscoring how and why this is so, remain underexplored. This primer collates insights from neuroscience and political psychology to show why emotions are essential to vote choice. It ...

India’s Enduring War of Water Governance Paradigms
Water Feb 23, 2021

India’s Enduring War of Water Governance Paradigms

This brief examines the silent “water war” being waged in India in the form of conflicts over two opposing paradigms in water governance: the reductionist, colonial engineering paradigm, and the emerging, holistic paradigm of integrated water governance. The brief highlights the paradigm debate at the ...

South Africa’s COVID19 Responses: Unmaking the Political Economy of Health Inequalities
Healthcare Feb 17, 2021

South Africa’s COVID19 Responses: Unmaking the Political Economy of Health Inequalities

South Africa’s Covid-19 responses are marred by policy paradoxes. How does a country with one of the most sophisticated health systems in Africa account for the highest number of Covid-19 fatalities? This brief argues that contemporary approaches to South Africa’s social, domestic, and foreign policy ...

The UK Shifts to the Indo-Pacific: An Opportunity for India-UK Ties
International Affairs | Indian Foreign Policy Feb 15, 2021

The UK Shifts to the Indo-Pacific: An Opportunity for India-UK Ties

When the United Kingdom (UK) releases the highly anticipated integrated review of its foreign, defence, security and development policy in March, it will mark the first formal iteration of the UK’s Indo-Pacific strategy. This brief explores the dynamics that are driving the UK’s tilt to ...

Annual Outlook 2021: Silver Linings
Economics and Finance | Financial Markets | Developing and Emerging Economies Feb 11, 2021

Annual Outlook 2021: Silver Linings

One year after the first deaths due to COVID-19 were announced, the world is still grappling with the twinned health and economic crises resulting from the pandemic. At the start of 2021, it is evident that an uneven economic recovery has taken shape across the ...

Indian Defence Procurement: Righting the Ship
Indian Defence Feb 10, 2021

Indian Defence Procurement: Righting the Ship

This brief examines India’s defence procurement record for fundamental platforms, weapons, and systems, as well as planned acquisitions and projects under development. The new Defence Acquisition Procedure (DAP 2020) assumes greater salience not only against India’s chequered acquisition history, but also the increasingly constrained resource ...

India’s Innovation Ecosystem: Mapping the Trends
Indian Economy Feb 08, 2021

India’s Innovation Ecosystem: Mapping the Trends

The integration of Science, Technology and Innovation goals into national policies helps achieve sustained economic and social development. This brief examines the key parameters that govern the global and Indian innovation ecosystems: research investment, education policy, researcher density, publication output, number of patents registered, and ...

COVID19 and the Changing Geopolitical Order: Challenges to BIMSTEC
Neighbourhood | Healthcare Feb 05, 2021

COVID19 and the Changing Geopolitical Order: Challenges to BIMSTEC

This brief explores the post-COVID-19 geopolitical order and the challenges facing BIMSTEC in meeting the most pressing needs of its member countries. It argues that strengthening regional organisations such as BIMSTEC will add weight to the counterbalancing of China that is underway. The brief calls ...

Defence Acquisition Procedure 2020: Imperatives for Further Reforms
Defence and Security | Indian Defence Feb 04, 2021

Defence Acquisition Procedure 2020: Imperatives for Further Reforms

The Ministry of Defence released the Defence Acquisition Procedure 2020 (DAP 2020) in September last year, in a move to further streamline the procurement process and provide a boost to indigenous arms manufacturing. This brief argues that measures articulated in the DAP—highly anticipated as it ...


Kartikeya Khanna

Kartikeya Khanna

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Sohail Mathur

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