Sanket Sudhir Kulkarni
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Sanket Sudhir Kulkarni was Fellow at ORF's Mumbai Centre. Sanket's primary area of interest is studying geopolitics of energy trade. Also, Sanket closely monitors patterns of insurgency and terrorism in South Asian countries.

Prior to his joining ORF’s Mumbai Centre, Sanket has worked as a Consultant in the Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi. He was also a Visiting Fellow at the Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses, New Delhi in the Non-Traditional Security Centre. Sanket has travelled extensively across Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Myanmar to conduct risk assessment of proposed energy infrastructures and trading in these countries. He has presented his research findings in several national and international conferences. He has published his research in reputed, peer-reviewed, international journals and contributes regularly to oped columns in newspapers and websites. He has also appeared as a subject expert to discuss issues pertaining to international affairs on Marathi news channels.

Sanket has also submitted his PhD thesis at the National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bengaluru. Sanket holds a Master’s degree in Defense and Strategic Studies from Bhonsala Military College, Nasik.

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