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2603 results found

The EU After the Ukraine Crisis: Juxtaposing Issues of Convergence and Divergence
Apr 21, 2023

The EU After the Ukraine Crisis: Juxtaposing Issues of Convergence and Divergence

The crisis in Ukraine has resulted in an unprecedented level of unity in the often-fractured European Union (EU). The member states have provided Ukraine with economic and military aid, imposed far-reaching sanctions on Russia, strengthened their own defences, and accepted millions of Ukrainian refugees. At the same time, nuanced divergences have also emerged, particularly on how the countries view relations with Russia and calculate thei

The expanding universe of biosafety and space
Feb 26, 2024

The expanding universe of biosafety and space

The year 2023 has witnessed significant advancements in space exploration. With these remarkable achievements come evolving guidelines to safeguard Ea

The facade cracks for China
Dec 28, 2020

The facade cracks for China

The more pushback Xi Jinping faces globally, the more aggressive his domestic and foreign policy agenda is likely to become.

The fall of a dictator and rising Chinese clout in Zimbabwe
Nov 22, 2017

The fall of a dictator and rising Chinese clout in Zimbabwe

China and Zimbabwe got closer ever since Mugabe started pursuing his ‘Look East’ policy after the imposition of sanctions by western countries because of human right concerns.

The fallacy of Govt's tobacco taxation
Jul 09, 2014

The fallacy of Govt's tobacco taxation

The skewed tobacco taxation policy, far removed from a reality based understanding of the tobacco consumption and economics, is not helping the government achieve any goals. It is perhaps due to either a strong lobby, or the desire to protect 36 million beedi workers or just bad strategy.

The faraway neighbour
Jul 17, 2013

The faraway neighbour

Recent developments in Bhutan reflect India's growing foreign policy challenges in the Neighbourhood. They are a reminder that many of the traditional assumptions of India's regional policy are no longer sustainable.

The Fintech Landscape in India and Africa: A Primer
Aug 16, 2023

The Fintech Landscape in India and Africa: A Primer

The adoption of digital payments has risen exponentially over the past decade in many countries including India and those in the African continent. In India, the growth has run parallel to rapid mobile penetration, aided by initiatives like Aadhaar, the Unified Payments Interface (UPI), and IndiaStack, as well as the unintended push factor created by demonetisation in November 2016. This brief discusses the landscape of fintech—‘finan

The forgotten history of Indian international relations
Nov 16, 2017

The forgotten history of Indian international relations

What does it mean to speak of an ‘Indian’ approach to international affairs? Indian International Relations (IR) is commonly presented as merely a derivative of ‘western’ disciplinary traditions in Europe and North America. This obscures the vast body of work on political science and international thought that emerged from the beginning of the 20th century amongst South Asian intellectuals, scholars, and activists. This forgotten history

The future of the Indian workforce: A new approach for the new economy
Mar 21, 2018

The future of the Indian workforce: A new approach for the new economy

India is at a crossroads. It has the largest young workforce anywhere in the world, and is the fastest growing economy today. At the same time, the economy is not creating enough jobs, and therefore not fully harnessing its “demographic dividend” in preparation for the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”. To create more and better jobs, certain fundamental realities need to be recognised – the untapped opportunities in the services sector, t

The gender dimensions of global value chains
Jul 16, 2022

The gender dimensions of global value chains

Research suggests that higher women’s participation in global value chains will prove to be economically beneficial for the world.

The Global Dividend
Aug 19, 2023

The Global Dividend

A survey shows wide youth support for the Modi government’s foreign policy.

The Global War Against Terrorism: A Progress Report
Feb 23, 2005

The Global War Against Terrorism: A Progress Report

The idea was to capture the different dimensions of the war on terror as has been perceived and to locate the war in the larger geo political context in order to appreciate and understand the consequences, according to Dr Ashley Tellis, a well-known senior US policy analyst.

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Germany’s response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
May 21, 2020

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Germany’s response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Germany’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic has earned it almost all-round approval. This special report argues that there is indeed much that German policy has gotten right. But it is also important to keep an eye on the limitations and failings, for which Germany – and other countries that seek to emulate it – might end up paying a very dear price. In contrast, a timely correction of some aspects of German policy could help pre-empt bo

The highs and lows of India–US convergence
Jun 06, 2024

The highs and lows of India–US convergence

The strategic convergence between India and the US might be weakening as the US increasingly focuses on the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East and E

The impact of public transport on traffic congestion in cities
Sep 26, 2023

The impact of public transport on traffic congestion in cities

Proper policy measures and improvement in the performance of public transport would help draw people away from private transportation and address traf

The impact of urbanisation on health
Jun 10, 2020

The impact of urbanisation on health

To control diseases in a more sustainable manner, the health of the inhabitants has to become a key factor of urban development.

The Implications of India’s Revised Roadmap for Biofuels: A Lifecycle Perspective
Aug 14, 2023

The Implications of India’s Revised Roadmap for Biofuels: A Lifecycle Perspective

Transport activity in India has increased more than sevenfold over the last two decades, its gasoline-fuelled pathway leading to a rapid rise in negative environmental externalities. To decouple the sector’s growth from high emissions, policymakers are scaling up efforts to deploy cleaner fuels for the sector; in particular, liquid biofuels have received a significant push. However, while biofuels help lower emissions at the point of us

The importance of Modi's visit to Myanmar
Nov 11, 2014

The importance of Modi's visit to Myanmar

As the Modi government brings in a renewed push to India's Look East policy with an "Act East" policy, Myanmar's geostrategic position becomes all the more important for India to put the necessary connectivity links with the country and the wider region.

The India-China Border Question: An Analysis of International Law and State Practices
Dec 16, 2020

The India-China Border Question: An Analysis of International Law and State Practices

Over the years, India has attempted to find political as well as legal solutions to its border dispute with China; these efforts have met with little success. This paper argues that the reason a resolution to the India–China border issue remains elusive is the inadequate understanding—and enforcement—of International Law. It examines the sustainability of China’s position, as well as its general approach to International Law, its interpre

The India-China Nuclear Dynamic: India’s Options
Dec 22, 2020

The India-China Nuclear Dynamic: India’s Options

The ongoing India-China face-off in Eastern Ladakh may appear to be a small-scale confrontation between conventional forces. But it is still one between nuclear-armed states, and the threat of escalation cannot be denied. In its wake, India has carried out a series of missile tests, while China too has fired a number of ballistic missiles near the Paracel and Spratly Islands, apparently to warn the US, but hardly something New Delhi can ignore. T

The Indo-Pak stand-off gets a new twist
Aug 19, 2014

The Indo-Pak stand-off gets a new twist

New Delhi, having sent a tough message, will hopefully, be working along a coherent policy perspective. Relations with Pakistan are too important to be left hostage to knee-jerk reactions.

The International Rules Based Architecture: Identifying Indian Priorities
Jul 06, 2013

The International Rules Based Architecture: Identifying Indian Priorities

The Observer Research Foundation (ORF), in partnership with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the United Kingdom, organised a multi-stakeholder workshop on the 'International Rules-Based Governance' on March 15, 2013. The objective of the workshop was to arrive at a better understanding of the order of priorities for India within the international rules-based architecture.Three areas of focus were identified, namely: Corporate governance ben

The Ithai barrage of Manipur: To decommission or not
May 23, 2023

The Ithai barrage of Manipur: To decommission or not

The Ithai Barrage impounds the Manipur River just below the confluence of the Imphal River and the Tuitha River south of Loktak Lake, and is part of the Loktak Hydroelectric project that supplies hydropower to the seven Northeast states. Over time, the dam has affected the hydrology of the lake and caused harm to the ecology and economy of the region. The Manipur government is now urging the Centre to consider decommissioning the barrage. This br

The Jihadi Factor in India-Pakistan Peace Process
May 01, 2006

The Jihadi Factor in India-Pakistan Peace Process

The India-Pakistan peace process, punctuated with -uctuating waves of optimism and anxiety, has completed three years, and it is appropriate, and timely, to review whether the primary On April 22, 2003 the Indian Prime Minister, Mr Atal Bihari Vajpayee, told the Indian Parliament that India was unilaterally opening “the doors for talks” with Pakistan. The offer was based on two simple premises: one, that Pakistan would stop cross-border in

The Kashmir conflict: Managing perceptions and building bridges to peace
Oct 09, 2018

The Kashmir conflict: Managing perceptions and building bridges to peace

This brief examines the Kashmir conflict from the perspective of the young population who have grown up in tumultuous times in the Valley. It builds on findings of field surveys conducted by the author across the Kashmir Valley over the last two years, covering issues that remain unanswered three decades since the start of the insurgency. These topics include Kashmiriyat, the exodus of pandits, governance and administration, the post-2016 unrest

The land acquisition debate: A review
Aug 16, 2012

The land acquisition debate: A review

Land acquisition remains at the centre of many controversies and public policy paralysis in India. There are very few public policy issues in India that rival land acquisition in terms of its complexity, challenges and significance to country's growth and transition to more urbanised and industrialised status.

The legacy of Vajpayee and Singh
May 16, 2014

The legacy of Vajpayee and Singh

Narendra Modi's emphasis on Vajpayee's foreign policy legacy is politically significant for a number of reasons. It has offered much-needed reassurance all around that India will not abandon its traditional nuclear restraint, continue to seek peace with neighbours and promote regional prosperity through the economic integration of the subcontinent.

The logic behind calling out “manels”
Aug 04, 2020

The logic behind calling out “manels”

Why are there women behind the scenes but not in the discussion?

The long road ahead: Russia and its ambitions in the Far East
Sep 11, 2019

The long road ahead: Russia and its ambitions in the Far East

Indian government and businesses would do well to carefully examine their prospects.

The Long Shadow of NATO-Russia Contestation on India
Apr 07, 2023

The Long Shadow of NATO-Russia Contestation on India

There are fundamental structural changes shaping the security landscape in Europe and they are also casting their shadow on Indian foreign policy and national security.

The menace of building collapses in urban India
Oct 05, 2020

The menace of building collapses in urban India

Solutions to the problem are pretty obvious. The first step is to set the policy right. Governments have to begin by scrapping the rent laws as they s

The Narendra Modi government should engage Canberra more substantively
Jun 05, 2019

The Narendra Modi government should engage Canberra more substantively

India should not lose sight of the fact that it needs strong regional partnerships if the challenge of China’s rise is to be managed effectively.

The National Rural Livelihoods Mission: Drawing Lessons from the First Ten Years
Jul 23, 2021

The National Rural Livelihoods Mission: Drawing Lessons from the First Ten Years

The National Rural Livelihoods Mission was launched in June 2011 to create institutional platforms for the rural poor, enabling them to increase household incomes through livelihood support and access to financial services. This brief evaluates the achievements of the programme in its first 10 years. It finds that the Mission has met with some successes in improving the lives of rural women, who are the backbone of the programme, and consequently

The national security discourse is changing
Sep 10, 2021

The national security discourse is changing

Policymakers and practitioners are leading the emerging consensus on the need to fundamentally reassess assumptions

The need for a strategy to counter China’s Human Rights violations
Mar 03, 2023

The need for a strategy to counter China’s Human Rights violations

The challenge for policymakers is to identify the means necessary to tackle the threat China poses to security while also addressing threats to human

The new anti-colonialists
Apr 20, 2019

The new anti-colonialists

It’s up to India’s policymakers to effectively make use of the opportunities provided by growing concerns about the Chinese project to make India emerge as a net provider of regional connectivity.

The New Australia-China dynamic
Mar 03, 2023

The New Australia-China dynamic

Australia’s reformed policy towards China is not a turn to China; it’s a return to normality

The new Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) Quota: The changing idea of affirmative action
Nov 23, 2022

The new Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) Quota: The changing idea of affirmative action

The recent Supreme Court ruling on the EWS quota is expected to shape the procedural as well as aspirational dynamics of the discourse of affirmative

The new Sino-Russian partnership
Jun 12, 2015

The new Sino-Russian partnership

Xi Jinping's foreign policy gives acute emphasis to the development of silk roads. The closer Moscow and Beijing get, the more Russia will have to adjust to China's interests. It is important to understand that while Moscow depends heavily on Beijing, the situation is not true in the reverse.

The Obama Visit: Issues and Challenges
Jul 31, 2023

The Obama Visit: Issues and Challenges

Indo-US relations that have witnessed a remarkable transformation in recent years, both in tenor and substance, are under intense scrutiny on the eve of US President Barack Obama's forthcoming visit to India. While relations between the two democracies have moved from one of 'estrangement' to a relationship of 'engagement' at many levels, there are outstanding issues that need to be addressed. This Issue Brief explores the prospects for cooperati

The Only Way to Make Climate Progress
Jan 18, 2024

The Only Way to Make Climate Progress

Green technology and capital is concentrated in rich countries. Here’s how to address the north-south divide.

The outcome of India’s Kashmir bet could be profound
Dec 17, 2019

The outcome of India’s Kashmir bet could be profound

The altering of Kashmir’s special status poses risks, but it can also help consolidate our periphery

The outsourcing debate in the US elections
Aug 20, 2012

The outsourcing debate in the US elections

In the US presidential election, dominated by domestic issues and with little focus on foreign policy, outsourcing has emerged as a point of discussion. India is one of the top countries to which the US outsource work.

The Pathway to Affordable Housing in Urban India: A Case Study of Mumbai
Apr 25, 2023

The Pathway to Affordable Housing in Urban India: A Case Study of Mumbai

The affordable housing challenge plagues cities across India. Although city administrations have framed various strategies to tackle the issue, weak implementation, flawed policies, and an inherent lack of capacity to find longterm solutions have allowed slums to proliferate as an alternative. This paper examines the affordable housing issue in Greater Mumbai. Since affordability is not absolute but relative to the development stage and income di

The prevailing political climate in Maldives
Jan 23, 2023

The prevailing political climate in Maldives

Indian External Affairs Minister Jaishankar’s visit to the Maldives came as the politico-electoral climate in Maldives began heating up