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वर्क फ्रॉम होम से वर्क फ्रॉम एनिव्हेयर तक: ‘को-वर्किंग’ का भविष्य
Jan 02, 2021

वर्क फ्रॉम होम से वर्क फ्रॉम एनिव्हेयर तक: ‘को-वर्किंग’ का भविष्य

कोविड-19 के दौरान पैदा हुए ‘रिमोट-वर्किंग’ के तौर तरीके, आन�

वर्क फ्रॉम होम: संभावनाओं के साथ कुछ दिक्कतें और कुछ चुनौतियां
Mar 25, 2020

वर्क फ्रॉम होम: संभावनाओं के साथ कुछ दिक्कतें और कुछ चुनौतियां

भारत में श्रम क़ानूनों के आधुनिकीकरण की ज़रूरत लंबे समय �

Workshop on 'The Naxalite Movement'
Jan 28, 2005

Workshop on 'The Naxalite Movement'

The ORF Chennai Chapter of Observer Research Foundation (ORF) brought together eminent, senior retired civil servants and police officials, well-known academicians and journalists and policy makers for two days, on January 28 & 29, 2005, at a Workshop on the Naxalite Movement. Mr D Raja, National Secretary, Communist Party of India, inaugurated the Workshop, which was conducted under the guidance of Mr B Raman, Distinguished Fellow and Convenor,

Workshop on Access to Justice
Aug 21, 2004

Workshop on Access to Justice

Observer Research Foundation on August 21 organised a day-long workshop on ¿ Access to Justice in India¿ particularly for the poor and vulnerable sections of the society. Drawing the attention of the participants, ORF Chairman R.K.Mishra, in his welcome address said there was no dearth of studies and recommendations on improving the justice delivery system in the country but the will to implement them was what was missing

Workshop on Counter-Terrorism and Human Rights
Mar 15, 2007

Workshop on Counter-Terrorism and Human Rights

On 15 and 16 March 2007, Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi, and the Center on Global Counter-Terrorism Cooperation of the Fourth Freedom Forum, USA, convened a two-day South Asia Regional Workshop, "Security and Liberty," which examined the relationship between human rights and counter-terrorism. This Chairmen's Report highlights some of the themes and recommendations put forward during the workshop.

Workshop on International Terrorism in South-East Asia and its likely implications for South Asia
Apr 28, 2004

Workshop on International Terrorism in South-East Asia and its likely implications for South Asia

A two-day workshop on international terrorism in the South-East Asian region and its likely implications for South Asia was organised by the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) at its headquarters at New Delhi on April 28 and 29, 2004, under its International Terrorism Watch Project.

DU-ORF summer workshop on contemporary challenges and the making of public policies
May 17, 2010

DU-ORF summer workshop on contemporary challenges and the making of public policies

Observer Research Foundation in collaboration with the Delhi University conducted the third summer workshop for undergraduate students of Delhi University from 17 May to 2 June. The theme of this year's workshop was "Contemporary Challenges and the Making of Public Policies".

International Workshop on Southern Silk Route
May 17, 2008

International Workshop on Southern Silk Route

An International Workshop on Southern Silk Route: Historical Links and Contemporary Convergences was organized in Kolkata by the Centre for South and Southeast Asian Studies, University of Calcutta from August 2-4, 2008.

ORF-DU summer workshop on good governance
May 21, 2009

ORF-DU summer workshop on good governance

Twenty-four undergraduate students, studying history, journalism, economics, political science, and commerce, in different DU colleges, such as Delhi College of Arts and Commerce, Hansraj, Hindu, Indraprastha, LSR, Miranda House, Ramjas, and Sri Venkateswara, took part in the workshop.

ORF-DU workshop brainstorms on India's future challenges
May 19, 2008

ORF-DU workshop brainstorms on India's future challenges

A first of its kind in India, the first Observer Research Foundation-Delhi University summer workshop for undergraduate students on "India's Future Challenges" was organised at ORF Delhi campus between May 19, 2008 and June 4, 2008.

ORF-Forum of Federation International Workshop on 'Decentralised Delivery of Health Care'
Feb 09, 2004

ORF-Forum of Federation International Workshop on 'Decentralised Delivery of Health Care'

In partnership with the Forum of Federations (FoF), Canada, Observer Research Foundation intends to study various decentralized approaches to Health Care delivery and draw inspiration for an ideal Indian model.This programme aims to provide the Government of Gujarat and other interested parties an ideal model of decentralized delivery of Health Care in India drawing from experiences in India as well as countries such as Brazil, Mexico, Spain, Can

ORF-GIZ Urban Workshop Series Affordable and Liveable Housing for the Migrants and Urban Poor
Jul 25, 2013

ORF-GIZ Urban Workshop Series Affordable and Liveable Housing for the Migrants and Urban Poor

The demand for basic needs has outpaced supply in many cities of the world. This fact is observed in the urban housing sector. High economic growth along with urbanisation has created a huge demand for housing, and according to recent estimates, there is a massive shortage of dwelling units in many urban areas of the world.

ORF-GIZ Urban Workshop Series Need for effective implementation of urban development plans
Sep 24, 2013

ORF-GIZ Urban Workshop Series Need for effective implementation of urban development plans

Preparation of a town/city plan is a comprehensive exercise involving collection, tabulation and analysis of data on numerous urban development indicators. The enormous amount of time, labour and resources involved in this process usually go to waste as compliance to plan proposals is often quite minimal.

The ORF SDGs Young Influencers Programme 2.0: Report from Three Workshops
Oct 01, 2024

The ORF SDGs Young Influencers Programme 2.0: Report from Three Workshops

Shoba Suri, Nimisha Chadha and Oommen C Kurian, The ORF SDGs Young Influencers Programme 2.0: Report from Three Workshops, October 2024, Observer Research Foundation.

Army Aviation: Does the Army Needs it own Air Force?
Aug 23, 2023

Army Aviation: Does the Army Needs it own Air Force?

The National Security Initiative of the Observer Research Foundation held a workshop to examine the relevance of the Army Aviation Corps. This report details the outcome of a discussion amongst prominent defence personnel.

Campaign to curb gender-related crimes in Greater Mumbai municipal schools
Aug 03, 2012

Campaign to curb gender-related crimes in Greater Mumbai municipal schools

An ORF Mumbai-SPGRC workshop has decided to launch a city-wide, age-appropriate awareness campaign to curb rising gender-related crimes in Greater Mumbai municipal corporation schools. It would try to sensitise children about sexual harassment and other gender-related crimes.

Collective Action to Counter Terrorism' II
Jul 07, 2004

Collective Action to Counter Terrorism' II

Even before 9/11, many commissions had been appointed by different Governments to study the threat posed by terrorism and many seminars, conferences and workshops organised by different think-tanks on the subject. In the US alone, there were three high-powered commissions on the threat posed by terrorism. All this could not prevent 9/11.

Corporate governance, business responsibility integral to market
Apr 08, 2013

Corporate governance, business responsibility integral to market

At a workshop on responsible corporate governance at Observer Research Foundation, it was noted that corporate governance and business responsibility are no longer add-ons to markets; they are integral to them.

India-Bangladesh connectivity: Possibilities and challenges
Sep 19, 2014

India-Bangladesh connectivity: Possibilities and challenges

Participants at a Consultative International Workshop on India-Bangladesh Connectivity: Possibilities and Challenges, organised in Kolkata, emphasised the need for a common transport policy for the entire region.

India-Saudi Arabia relations must move forward to a genuine strategic partnership
Apr 25, 2013

India-Saudi Arabia relations must move forward to a genuine strategic partnership

The Fourth India-Saudi Arabia Workshop held recently in Delhi felt that India must play an active role in ensuring peace and stability in the region, which should not be limited to maritime security. It also stressed the need to move forward the relationship to a genuine strategic partnership.

Intelligence Failures in the USA, UK and Russia: Lessons for India
Oct 20, 2004

Intelligence Failures in the USA, UK and Russia: Lessons for India

Under its International Terrorism Watch Project, the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) organised a one-day Workshop at New Delhi on October 20, 2004, on the theme: "Recent Intelligence Failures in the USA, the UK & Russia: Their Lessons for India".

Is New Delhi confident of connecting North East with neighbours?
Oct 03, 2013

Is New Delhi confident of connecting North East with neighbours?

Is India confident to connect its North-East with the neighbouring countries like China, Myanmar and Bangladesh. This is one of the questions that came up during a workshop on "Increasing Connectivity of the North East with Peripheral Countries like Bangladesh, Myanmar and China" at the Kolkata chapter of Observer Research Foundation.

Jane's Intelligence Review report on  Terrorism
Apr 28, 2004

Jane's Intelligence Review report on Terrorism

In its June 2004 issue, Jane¿s Intelligence Review, has carried a report on the "Workshop on International Terrorism in South East Asia and its likely Implications for South Asia"

Maritime Opportunities Await the India-Japan-France Trilateral
Mar 31, 2021

Maritime Opportunities Await the India-Japan-France Trilateral

The Indo-Pacific, often regarded as the ‘maritime underbelly’ of Asia, has emerged as the world’s economic “centre of gravity”. The home of vast geo-economic opportunities, and facing manifold security challenges at the same time, this maritime domain has attracted the keen attention of global powers in recent years. This births prospects for multilateral collaborations in maritime security, and justifies the significance of a �

Nature’s Coast Guard: Valuing and Financing Mangrove Conservation in the Indo-Pacific
Jun 20, 2024

Nature’s Coast Guard: Valuing and Financing Mangrove Conservation in the Indo-Pacific

The Indo-Pacific, which holds most of the world’s mangroves, faces serious risks from natural disasters, including those related to the long-term sustainability of coastal communities and valuable ecosystems. Mangroves uphold biodiversity, support ecosystem functionality, and sustain local livelihoods; however, financing their conservation is proving to be a massive challenge. This report examines the ecosystem services provided by mangroves, i

Re-examining India’s Nuclear Doctrine
Jul 08, 2015

Re-examining India’s Nuclear Doctrine

This paper follows the proceedings of a workshop organised by ORF in August 2014 to re-examine India's nuclear doctrine. The workshop explored the challenges posed to India by Pakistan's introduction of battlefield nuclear weapons or Tactical Nuclear Weapons (TNWs), New Delhi's interest in acquiring a Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD) system, and the growing threat perception from China.

Reframing the Climate Debate
Jun 14, 2014

Reframing the Climate Debate

The Observer Research Foundation (ORF), India and the Stanley Foundation, USA co-hosted an international workshop on climate change on February 25-27, 2014 in New Delhi. The central objective of the workshop was to unbundle the different policy responses resulting from the multilateral negotiations thus far and their impact upon the evolution of existing and future multilateral frameworks. This Policy Brief aims to capture some of the salient per

Sanctions only delay nuclear Iran
Mar 04, 2013

Sanctions only delay nuclear Iran

To understand the different aspects of the Iranian nuclear programme and its impact on the region, especially India, Observer Research Foundation, in collaboration with the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), organised a workshop on March 4, 2013.

Science & Technology Challenges for India
Jul 05, 2005

Science & Technology Challenges for India

Recongnising the pivotal role of technology in ensuring India?s emergence as a global player, Observer Research Foundation (ORF), New Delhi, has launched a ?Technology Initiative?. As the first event, a one-day workshop on ?Science & Technology Challenges for India? is being hosted on May 7, 2005. The workshop brings together renowned professionals to evolve collective, cohesive thinking on issues of significance to India?s S&T performance and as

Sustainable Development Goals: The Quest for a Post-2015 Agenda
Oct 14, 2014

Sustainable Development Goals: The Quest for a Post-2015 Agenda

The Observer Research Foundation and Saferworld, UK, with support from the UK Department of International Development, hosted a workshop in New Delhi in August 2014 with the objective of identifying priorities to help secure an inclusive agreement on the SDGs. This Policy Perspective presents a summary of key issues raised by participants from India, China, Brazil, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan and the African Union.

Text, Context' Mismatch: UGC Vice-Chairman
Apr 19, 2005

Text, Context' Mismatch: UGC Vice-Chairman

Inaugurating a workshop on 'Role of Universities in Public Policy-Making', hosted by Observer Research Foundation (ORF), New Delhi, University Grants Commission Vice-Chairman Prof V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai, on April 19, 2005, urged Vice-Chancellors and educationists to recreate linkages between universities and Government, research organizations, administrators and society, in order to render universities more relevant and help in enacting effecti

The Hague-Delhi Initiative on Global Governance
Nov 22, 2012

The Hague-Delhi Initiative on Global Governance

Observer Research Foundation (ORF) and the Hague Institute for Global Justice (THIGJ) recently hosted the second workshop of 'The Hague Initiative on Global Governance' in New Delhi between 21st and 23rd November, 2013.