Search: For - weapons of mass destruction

18 results found

#chemicalweapons चे प्रयोग: जगातील असुरक्षित समुदायांवर प्रभाव कमी करण्याचे आव्हान?
Oct 07, 2024

#chemicalweapons चे प्रयोग: जगातील असुरक्षित समुदायांवर प्रभाव कमी करण्याचे आव्हान?

रासायनिक शस्त्रे असुरक्षित आणि गरीब समुदायांसाठी महत्त

Mitigating the impact of chemical weapons on vulnerable communities
Sep 21, 2024

Mitigating the impact of chemical weapons on vulnerable communities

Chemical weapons pose significant risks to vulnerable communities, highlighting the urgent need for legal frameworks focused on their protection and r

Including narcotics in the Chemical Weapons Convention
Jun 28, 2024

Including narcotics in the Chemical Weapons Convention

There is an urgent need to take measures to prevent the misuse of chemical substances in warfare and limit access to non-state actors.

प्रभावी निर्यात नियंत्रणासह भारताचे विश्वासार्ह अणु धोरण
Jun 24, 2024

प्रभावी निर्यात नियंत्रणासह भारताचे विश्वासार्ह अणु धोरण

‘शांततापूर्ण अणुस्फोटा’च्या ५०व्या वर्धापन दिनी, भारत �

India’s responsible nuclear exceptionalism towards effective export controls
Jun 11, 2024

India’s responsible nuclear exceptionalism towards effective export controls

The 50th anniversary of PNE highlights India's role as a responsible nuclear power, committed to full compliance and advancing global non-proliferatio

Biological weapons and biosecurity — Lessons from the COVID-19 war
May 09, 2020

Biological weapons and biosecurity — Lessons from the COVID-19 war

In the first of a two-part series on how the COVID-19 pandemic has raised consciousness about the dangers of biological warfare Ambassador Puri writes

DRDO seizes mislabeled autoclave from a Chinese ship: A nuclear opportunity for India
Apr 13, 2020

DRDO seizes mislabeled autoclave from a Chinese ship: A nuclear opportunity for India

The relationship between China and Pakistan has been a major hurdle in India’s membership to the Nuclear Suppliers Group.

Iran and the U.S.
Jun 27, 2005

Iran and the U.S.

Making his first public speech since being elected President, Mahmoud Ahmadinezad said in Mashhad on July 21 that he would not allow a violation of Iran's legal rights on peaceful use of nuclear technology. He reaffirmed that Iran would never pursue weapons of mass destruction.

Iran and the U.S.
Jul 27, 2005

Iran and the U.S.

Making his first public speech since being elected President, Mahmoud Ahmadinezad said in Mashhad on July 21 that he would not allow a violation of Iran's legal rights on peaceful use of nuclear technology. He reaffirmed that Iran would never pursue weapons of mass destruction.

Madrid Impressions I: Pakistan, the Nuclear Walmart
Mar 29, 2005

Madrid Impressions I: Pakistan, the Nuclear Walmart

At the international summit on Terrorism, Democracy and Security held at Madrid from March 8 to 11,2005, which I attended, the foremost concern in the minds of the participants was the likelihood of an act of catastrophic terrorism involving the use of weapons of mass destruction (WMD).

Maritime Security & Maritime Counter-Terrorism
Dec 07, 2004

Maritime Security & Maritime Counter-Terrorism

Post-9/11, counter-terrorism experts all over the world have been focussing attention on three new aspects of counter-terrorism: counter-terrorism relating to weapons of mass destruction (WMD), maritime counter-terrorism and counter-terrorism relating to energy security. Each of these requires a new approach and a new thinking.

Nuclear Iran and the US: A Status Report
Sep 15, 2003

Nuclear Iran and the US: A Status Report

Since the early 1990's the nuclear non-proliferation regime, the centerpiece of which is the NPT, has grappled with an increasing number of threshold nuclear weapons states. The most recent case is of Iran which is believed to be pursuing a program for weapons of mass destruction. This is complicated by the fact that the US has a troubled relationship with Iran. This Issue recommends that the US and other western powers adopt a cooperative approa

Reevaluating Bioweapons Amid Global Political Fragility
Jan 04, 2023

Reevaluating Bioweapons Amid Global Political Fragility

Unstable political systems, ineffectual international organisations, and unprecedented technological advancements have created a global environment that can enable the development and deployment of bioweapons. New-age bioweapons could be used for more than just as weapons of mass destruction. This necessitates a new approach to mitigate risks by staying apace with technological development. India must take a leadership position at the Biological

The reopened Iraq debate
Feb 04, 2005

The reopened Iraq debate

Iraq is back in the headlines, loaded with euphoria. The electoral exercise has been undertaken; the results have yet to be announced. The running commentary on CNN on January 30 tended to suggest a near perfect exercise. No mention of course was made of the invasion, the occupation, the Iraqi dead, the reduction of Iraq to a stone-age condition, the falsehood of the pretext for war and the failure to find traces of weapons of mass destruction

The Trans -Atlantic Defence Dilemma
Dec 11, 2003

The Trans -Atlantic Defence Dilemma

More than ever before, the United States needs the continued support of the European Union (EU) in defence and security matters, especially in the war against terrorism. A draft security strategy prepared in June 2003 by Javier Solana, the EU High Representative for the Common Security and Foreign Policy (CFSP) delineated the threats to security in Europe; international terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and failed states.

Use and Abuse of Intelligence
Feb 16, 2004

Use and Abuse of Intelligence

President George Bush as well as Prime Minister Tony Blair have ordered an official enquiry into the reasons why contrary to what the US and the British intelligence agencies had reported before their invasion of Iraq about the presence of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq, no such weapons have so far been found by the Iraq Survey Group set up by the US to search for them.