Search: For - triangular cooperation

6 results found

Partnering for development: Bolstering data for capacity-building
Jul 10, 2024

Partnering for development: Bolstering data for capacity-building

To make the most of the demographic dividend, strengthening access to data and fostering robust capacity-building programmes under development partner

India’s triangular cooperation with the US, UK and Japan in Africa: A comparative analysis
Jan 23, 2020

India’s triangular cooperation with the US, UK and Japan in Africa: A comparative analysis

Triangular cooperation aims to forge global partnerships and foster sustainable global development. In such a system, traditional donors provide financial and technical support to facilitate development activities between two developing countries in the South, i.e. one emerging donor country and a beneficiary. Triangular cooperation allows nations to learn from the mistakes of the pioneers of the development cooperation process, bringing about co

Combining the Best of North-South and South-South Development Cooperation: The Case for Triangular Partnerships
Mar 30, 2023

Combining the Best of North-South and South-South Development Cooperation: The Case for Triangular Partnerships

The COVID-19 pandemic pushed most economies into recession and heightened inequalities within and across countries. Mitigating current challenges requires greater solidarity, innovative thinking, and more effective international development cooperation. This paper makes a case for triangular cooperation as an instrument of development cooperation in current times. It outlines its advantages, examines the challenges involved in such partnerships,

India as a partner in triangular development cooperation: Prospects for the India-UK partnership for global development
Mar 20, 2018

India as a partner in triangular development cooperation: Prospects for the India-UK partnership for global development

riangular cooperation is a growing trend in India’s global engagement. The term refers to development cooperation in which traditional aid donors work together with Southern partners to address challenges in developing countries. Largely absent from this type of cooperation in the past, India has gradually become a more visible partner. The current government’s endorsement of triangular cooperation in joint statements with key partners, as we

Indian and European engagement patterns in Sub-Saharan Africa
Apr 01, 2021

Indian and European engagement patterns in Sub-Saharan Africa

A cross-analysis of the three regions indicates multiple complementarities between India and Europe vis-à-vis Africa — and that there are good reasons to initiate triangular cooperation in certain sectors.