Search: For - terror funding

7 results found

पाकिस्तानचे काश्मीरमधील प्रॉक्सी वॉर तीव्र
Dec 12, 2024

पाकिस्तानचे काश्मीरमधील प्रॉक्सी वॉर तीव्र

जम्मू आणि काश्मीरच्या प्रदेशात दहशतवादी कारवाया वाढल्य

Pakistan's proxy war intensifies in Kashmir
Dec 07, 2024

Pakistan's proxy war intensifies in Kashmir

Foreign terrorist activity has seen a rise in the J&K region, calling for increased collaboration between local agencies

Exploring the nexus: Cryptocurrency, Zakat, and terror funding
May 08, 2024

Exploring the nexus: Cryptocurrency, Zakat, and terror funding

Cryptocurrencies have transformed financial transactions and donations, yet the anonymity they offer has been exploited by terrorist organisations

Countering terrorism in today’s world
Jul 11, 2023

Countering terrorism in today’s world

Global terrorism can only be countered through cooperation, mutual collaboration, and confidence building amongst the international community

India’s unaddressed concerns from the SCO-RATS summit
May 26, 2022

India’s unaddressed concerns from the SCO-RATS summit

The SCO member states need to resolve their disagreements and divergences and build trust to achieve a peaceful, safe, and thriving Eurasia.

Will demonetisation overshadow the Kashmir challenge?
May 24, 2023

Will demonetisation overshadow the Kashmir challenge?

In an announcement that caught the nation by surprise, Prime Minister Narendra Modi ordered the demonetisation of ₹500 and ₹1,000 notes of the Indian currency in November to arrest ‘black money’, end corruption, and choke terrorist finances. This move represents a policy departure and it has far-reaching implications. As national debate has been hijacked by the possible fallouts of demonetisation, other critical issues have been pushed to

जागतिक दहशतवादाचा मुकाबला करण्यासाठी परस्पर सहकार्य आवश्यक
Oct 14, 2023

जागतिक दहशतवादाचा मुकाबला करण्यासाठी परस्पर सहकार्य आवश्यक

जागतिक दहशतवादाचा मुकाबला करण्यासाठी आंतरराष्ट्रीय समुदायांमध्ये आत्मविश्वास निर्माण करावा लागणार आहे. परस्पर सहकार्यातून हा प्रश्न सुटण्यास मदत होईल.