Search: For - regional instability

9 results found

The fall of Assad and the battle for Syria’s future: Regional and global ramifications
Dec 09, 2024

The fall of Assad and the battle for Syria’s future: Regional and global ramifications

The collapse of Assad’s Syrian government and the broader shift in the Middle East is going to have a rupturing effect if the regional problems do n

The aftermath of post-coup Niger
Aug 21, 2023

The aftermath of post-coup Niger

Regional African blocs should try to find solutions through diplomacy before the coup in Niger causes regional instability and leads to a full-fledged

Mayhem in Myanmar: An impetus to regional instability?
Oct 10, 2022

Mayhem in Myanmar: An impetus to regional instability?

The continued violence in Myanmar is threatening stability within and around the nation

China and Russia Navigate Shared Threat of Terrorism from Afghanistan
Apr 27, 2023

China and Russia Navigate Shared Threat of Terrorism from Afghanistan

China and Russia both seek closer ties with the Taliban in Kabul, even as they have refrained from fully recognising the regime. This brief explores China’s and Russia’s converging interests in Afghanistan, and argues that their primary concern is a shared existential threat of terrorism from Afghanistan. Beijing and Moscow regard Afghanistan as a potential source of trans-regional instability, and they are adopting a pragmatic approa

Shifting alliances put the Horn of Africa on edge
Oct 26, 2024

Shifting alliances put the Horn of Africa on edge

Tensions are on the rise again on the Horn of Africa, as Egypt, Somalia, and Eritrea discuss a potential collective security alliance against Ethiopia. This heightening of hostility could spawn proxy conflicts reminiscent of the Cold War

The Middle Corridor: Reviving Connectivity for EU-Central Asia Trade and India’s Strategic Imperative
Sep 13, 2024

The Middle Corridor: Reviving Connectivity for EU-Central Asia Trade and India’s Strategic Imperative

In the backdrop of the Russia-Ukraine war, this paper explores the changing dynamics of the European Union (EU)-Central Asia relationship. It emphasises the growing significance of the Middle Corridor—also known as Trans-Caspian International Transport Route connecting South East Asia with Europe—as a potential alternative route for both the EU and Central Asia, particularly in the context of compliance issues, with sanctions on Northern Rout

बंडानंतरचे नायजर
Oct 27, 2023

बंडानंतरचे नायजर

नायजरमधील सत्तापालटामुळे प्रादेशिक अस्थिरता निर्माण होण्याआधी आणि पूर्ण युद्धाला तोंड फुटण्यापूर्वी प्रादेशिक आफ्रिकी गटांनी मुत्सद्देगिरीद्वारे उपाय शोधण्याचा प�