Search: For - recovery

150 results found

Putting women front and centre of India’s green recovery process
Apr 23, 2021

Putting women front and centre of India’s green recovery process

While gender has been increasingly factored into international climate policy, progress in India has been slow.

Canada’s pandemic management and economic recovery
Mar 11, 2021

Canada’s pandemic management and economic recovery

Canada holds the dubious distinction of having the worst deficit, the worst unemployment and the worst vaccination rates in the G7.

A budget ‘like never before’?
Feb 01, 2021

A budget ‘like never before’?

It is for time to tell whether the suggested reforms will lead India to play a prominent role in the post-pandemic economic recovery.

COVID-19: The lofty economic recovery for Latin America
Jan 27, 2021

COVID-19: The lofty economic recovery for Latin America

The sudden fall in commodity prices, export volumes, FDI redirection, and growing unemployment strongly disturbs Latin American economies.

Smaller states are leading India’s path to a greener economy
Dec 18, 2020

Smaller states are leading India’s path to a greener economy

Our future as a country depends upon the route we take towards growth and, at the same time, how we resolve our environmental challenges.

India’s shape of recovery
Dec 15, 2020

India’s shape of recovery

The shape of India’s recovery shows a multi-speed recovery with different sectors recovering at different paces, with the poor and marginalised bein

Q2 results bring respite, but path to recovery is longer and difficult
Dec 09, 2020

Q2 results bring respite, but path to recovery is longer and difficult

Why there is more to the Q2 GDP estimates than what is immediately discernable

Taxing international shipping to support EU’s post-pandemic recovery
Oct 06, 2020

Taxing international shipping to support EU’s post-pandemic recovery

Why the international community must stall European Parliament’s decision to include shipping in its emissions trading system

Property tax reforms key for India’s post-Covid urban transformation
Sep 24, 2020

Property tax reforms key for India’s post-Covid urban transformation

The very nature of this tax needs to be assessed to understand either why it is not paid or why recovery is poor.

GDP slump is bad news, but worse tidings are elsewhere
Sep 22, 2020

GDP slump is bad news, but worse tidings are elsewhere

If we look beyond the headline — 23.9% GDP slump — the first quarter estimates underline other crucial trends.

Industrial production remains in contraction zone, needs urgent support
Sep 16, 2020

Industrial production remains in contraction zone, needs urgent support

Any delay in taking a proactive approach on the part of the government can prove to be fatal.

A ‘Triple T Transition’ to a sustainable recovery
Aug 17, 2020

A ‘Triple T Transition’ to a sustainable recovery

As countries continue to battle the insidious virus, a chorus of voices is rising up to demand fundamental changes in the way governments and industri

Trump takes (political) charge of COVID19 economic recovery
Aug 14, 2020

Trump takes (political) charge of COVID19 economic recovery

The US President’s invocation of executive powers to continue unemployment benefits, is simply a smokescreen for his election-year politicking

France-Germany cooperation to mitigate EU challenges
Jul 02, 2020

France-Germany cooperation to mitigate EU challenges

Franco-German cooperation can mitigate the rise of the European Right, lead the EU’s post-COVID19 economic recovery, and strengthen the EU’s defen

China stares at a job crisis
Jun 18, 2020

China stares at a job crisis

China is looking back into history to tap its hallmark ‘stall economy’ for its low-middle class population.

Can the global economy survive COVID19 shocks?
Apr 19, 2020

Can the global economy survive COVID19 shocks?

The COVID19 pandemic has impacted the rich and developed countries. It has reiterated the importance of effective and adequate primary healthcare faci

Nepal’s response to Covid19
Mar 30, 2020

Nepal’s response to Covid19

Nepal is yet to make an announcement of plans to see how it works on economic recovery and how it will approach multilateral and bilateral agencies fo

BEST’s road to financial recovery may face potholes of populism
Sep 23, 2019

BEST’s road to financial recovery may face potholes of populism

With most of the grant money being used to settle loans and pay salaries, populist moves ahead of the state election may prove to be counterproductive

A Public-Private-People Partnership Model for Digital Economy Recovery in the Post-Pandemic World
Aug 03, 2023

A Public-Private-People Partnership Model for Digital Economy Recovery in the Post-Pandemic World

The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic hastened the widespread adoption of digitaltechnologies across the globe. The pace of digitalisation—from the micro levels ofeducation and e-commerce to the macro levels of supply chains and productionnetworks—has galvanised governments to advance digital regulations. Thetightrope walk of creating policies that enable digital innovation and ensureregulations are in the larger public interest have led to inte

Africa and COVID19: Impact, Response, and Challenges to Recovery
Sep 28, 2020

Africa and COVID19: Impact, Response, and Challenges to Recovery

The COVID-19 outbreak poses immense challenges to Africa’s resilience. The pandemic’s economic fallout, caused by disruptions in global and regional value chains and a slump in commodity prices, can derail the progress which the continent has recorded in recent years. Despite the bleak forecasts, however, African countries have managed to mount a concerted response to the pandemic. This paper examines the extent of the economic and health imp

G20 Turkey Summit: Towards resilience, recovery and sustainability
Nov 10, 2015

G20 Turkey Summit: Towards resilience, recovery and sustainability

The G20 Summit at Antalya in Turkey is expected to focus extensively on infrastructure investment on one hand and climate and energy policy on the other. The latter seems quite natural, ahead of the Conference of Parties in Paris in December.

Green Recovery: Opportunities for India
Nov 17, 2020

Green Recovery: Opportunities for India

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a massive economic and social fallout for India, as it has across the globe. In India, large numbers of people lost their jobs, and supply chains across industries and agriculture have been disrupted. At the same time, environmental indicators—notably air and freshwater quality—showed improvements following the long period of a nationwide lockdown. This brief outlines why India must make a focused decision to mov

India and Canada Relations: The Long Road to Recovery
Oct 16, 2019

India and Canada Relations: The Long Road to Recovery

India and Canada’s relationship is yet to develop to its full potential. This paper examines the ideological and strategic divergences between India and Canada that have shaped their bilateral engagement over the years. It argues how diaspora politics and the presence of Khalistan sympathisers in Canada has affected New Delhi’s interest in seeking a broader relationship with Ottawa. The paper points to the potential of economic relations that

India must employ more women to drive economic recovery
Nov 24, 2020

India must employ more women to drive economic recovery

Monetising the skills of the female workforce will address gender inequality and boost the 'Make in India' campaign.

Leveraging the Global Macroeconomic Environment for Recovery and Growth: Opportunities for G20 Under India’s Presidency
Aug 04, 2022

Leveraging the Global Macroeconomic Environment for Recovery and Growth: Opportunities for G20 Under India’s Presidency

The global macroeconomy has undergone unprecedented change in recent years, particularly because of the COVID-19 pandemic. While the G20 had an effective coordinating role in steering the global economy through the 2008 global financial crisis, its role in engineering an inclusive and sustainable recovery from the pandemic has been more mixed. Incomes in the advanced G20 economies are on track to return to pre-pandemic levels by end-2022 but have