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रायफल ते राफेल: देशाच्या संरक्षणासाठी अंतराळ संशोधनाची गरज
Oct 11, 2023

रायफल ते राफेल: देशाच्या संरक्षणासाठी अंतराळ संशोधनाची गरज

भारताच्या संरक्षण गरजांसाठी अवकाशातील संभाव्यतेचा उपय�

राइफल से रफाल तक: रक्षा के लिए अंतरिक्ष
Oct 07, 2023

राइफल से रफाल तक: रक्षा के लिए अंतरिक्ष

रक्षा के क्षेत्र में एकीकरण (थियेटराइज़ेशन) होने के साथ भ�

Space Tracker     Sep 22 2023  Rifle to Rafale: Space for defence
Sep 22, 2023

Space Tracker Sep 22 2023 Rifle to Rafale: Space for defence

With theaterisation taking place in defence, the time is ripe to tap into the potential of space for India’s defence requirements

Rifle to Rafale: Space for defence
Sep 22, 2023

Rifle to Rafale: Space for defence

With theaterisation taking place in defence, the time is ripe to tap into the potential of space for India’s defence requirements

25 years of India-France strategic partnership: Resilient in the darkest storms
Jul 17, 2023

25 years of India-France strategic partnership: Resilient in the darkest storms

France’s cognisance of India’s need to exercise its own choices has removed potential friction points such as differing positions on the Russia-Uk

India’s nuclear triad: still a work in progress
May 10, 2023

India’s nuclear triad: still a work in progress

The 160 warheads and new delivery vehicles that India possesses are enough to convey resolve to opponents and make deterrence credible

Super Hornets may pip Rafales in Indian Navy’s Carrier-based Fighter Aircraft Procurement
Jul 22, 2022

Super Hornets may pip Rafales in Indian Navy’s Carrier-based Fighter Aircraft Procurement

Purchase of F/A-18 Super Hornets can herald the beginning of a closer long-term relationship with the US, which shall be beneficial for India and espe

रफ़ाल विमानों के आने के जश्न बीच हो भारत की राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा पर नए सिरे से विचार!
Aug 01, 2020

रफ़ाल विमानों के आने के जश्न बीच हो भारत की राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा पर नए सिरे से विचार!

बड़ी ताक़त बनने की इच्छा रखने वाला भारत इकलौता ऐसा राष्ट�

Focus beyond fighters
Oct 09, 2019

Focus beyond fighters

In the absence of combat mass, technology has to do the heavy lifting. For the last twenty years, the IAF has seen combat aircraft numbers rapidly dwi

Do stolen Rafale deal papers affect national security?
Mar 08, 2019

Do stolen Rafale deal papers affect national security?

What is surprising and incomprehensible is that an Act — the Official Secrets Act — that was an effective instrument to sustain the colonial rule

New formulas to win battle 2019
Jan 04, 2019

New formulas to win battle 2019

In a recent interview, Prime Minister Narendra Modi tried to equip party cadres and leaders with a set of arguments and answers to defend his governme

Agenda for service chiefs in 2019
Dec 31, 2018

Agenda for service chiefs in 2019

India’s service chiefs would need to lay down their priorities. These would involve a mix of operational and non-operational tasks.

राफेल: क्या सरकार से सरकार के बीच का सौदा भारत के लिए उपयुक्त नहीं रहा?
Dec 13, 2018

राफेल: क्या सरकार से सरकार के बीच का सौदा भारत के लिए उपयुक्त नहीं रहा?

सरकारों ने जीटूजी (सरकार से सरकार के बीच) प्रणाली इसलिए चु

जब राफेल को लेकर नाकाम रहा भारत
Aug 01, 2018

जब राफेल को लेकर नाकाम रहा भारत

भारत अपने को परमाणु ताकत के रूप में स्थापित करने की पुरजो�

When India failed Rafale
Jul 21, 2018

When India failed Rafale

India is asserting its rights as a Nuclear Weapons Power, and France is helping us do this at great risk to itself, and the Indian public discourse se

Rafale jets won’t save India’s Air Force
Aug 11, 2020

Rafale jets won’t save India’s Air Force

Thanks to decades of underinvestment, the force has lost its edge over its increasingly aggressive rivals. A few more planes won’t fix that.

Rafale purchase points to India's failed defence indigenisation plans
Apr 27, 2015

Rafale purchase points to India's failed defence indigenisation plans

The chance of an all-out two-front war with nuclear-armed Pakistan and China are near zero; local skirmishes are always possible. The difference between planning for all-out war and a limited one is hundreds of thousands of crores of the taxpayer's precious money .

Rafale: Did India get a bad government-to-government deal?
Nov 20, 2018

Rafale: Did India get a bad government-to-government deal?

Governments chose the G2G route to avoid the perceived malpractices of an open competition, this route raises issues around possibility of malpractice in the commercial advantages to single vendors and the elimination of competition. Several revelations have emerged from the controversy over the Rafale order.

Rafale: The deal is kosher, politics over it is not. The price we are paying is national security
Mar 05, 2019

Rafale: The deal is kosher, politics over it is not. The price we are paying is national security

The political ambitions of a few could potentially derail the Indian defence purchase mechanism for a long time to come. This will delight our nation's adversaries.

Decoding the Rafale controversy
Oct 16, 2018

Decoding the Rafale controversy

The opacity in the Rafale deal only raises doubts, with its fallout on national security and the 'Make in India' programme.

Looking beyond the Rafale
Oct 15, 2019

Looking beyond the Rafale

Even as the Indian Air Force gets ready to welcome its new acquisitions, ad hocism should give way to strategic thinking

NDA government has no reason to be secretive about Rafale deal
Feb 09, 2018

NDA government has no reason to be secretive about Rafale deal

The opposition is right to demand information on the pricing. Providing information on the cost of an aircraft, its engine, missiles, radar warning receivers, radars, does not undermine the country’s security.

India's defence policy challenge
May 08, 2019

India's defence policy challenge

India must streamline its defense procurement processes, and reverse declining capital investment relative to personnel costs

India's search for a fighter
Sep 17, 2016

India's search for a fighter

Whatever fighters India might opt to purchase would attempt to rectify imbalances in this mix.

India’s Russia Defense Gambit
Jan 11, 2024

India’s Russia Defense Gambit

The uncertainty and possible further disruptions in the defense supply chain out of Russia could accelerate India’s diversification and indigenization efforts.

Let us get our wings at home
Jun 12, 2015

Let us get our wings at home

Even if the Centre's Rafale deal for the two squadrons comes through, it will only temporarily arrest the decline of squadrons for the IAF. The long-term answer may just lie in the home-grown Advanced Multi-role Combat Aircraft, being developed by the Aeronautical Development Agency , Bangalore.

Modi’s France Visit Strengthens Defense Cooperation
Aug 03, 2023

Modi’s France Visit Strengthens Defense Cooperation

New Delhi has ambitious plans to bolster its armed forces with French procurements, but it is unclear how these deals are to be delivered

Why India's military isn’t getting the weapons it needs
Aug 06, 2020

Why India's military isn’t getting the weapons it needs

New Delhi's labyrinthine procurement organization is an obstacle to the country's national security. And the external security threats that India confronts, especially that from Beijing, will not miraculously disappear.

भारत आणि रशिया यांच्यातील डिफेन्स गॅम्बिट
Jan 29, 2024

भारत आणि रशिया यांच्यातील डिफेन्स गॅम्बिट

रशियाच्या बाहेर संरक्षण पुरवठा साखळीतील निर्माण झालेली अनिश्चितता, तसेच त्यात येणारे व्यत्यय यामुळे भारताच्या  विविधीकरण आणि स्वदेशीकरणाच्या प्रयत्नांना गती मिळण्य�

भारत-फ्रान्स धोरणात्मक भागीदारीची २५ वर्षे
Oct 20, 2023

भारत-फ्रान्स धोरणात्मक भागीदारीची २५ वर्षे

फ्रान्सने भारताचा हक्क आणि स्वतःच्या निवडींचा वापर करण्याची आवश्यकता लक्षात घेतल्याने रशिया-युक्रेन संघर्षावरील भिन्न भूमिकांसारखे संभाव्य संघर्षाच्या मुद्द्यांन�

मोदी का अमेरिका दौरा: कूटनीतिक रूप से कितना महत्वपूर्ण?
Feb 08, 2025

मोदी का अमेरिका दौरा: कूटनीतिक रूप से कितना महत्वपूर्ण?

ट्रंप के साथ बैठक में मोदी द्विपक्षीय संबंधों के लिए अगले चार साल की रूपरेखा तैयार करेंगे.

राफेल सौद्यातल्या गुंतागुंतीच्या पलिकडे
Feb 11, 2019

राफेल सौद्यातल्या गुंतागुंतीच्या पलिकडे

निवडणुकांचे पडघम वाजू लागलेले असताना, राजकीय चर्चेमध्ये तारतम्य आणि परिपक्वतेची अपेक्षाच ठेवता येत नाही. या पार्श्वभूमीवर राफेल कराराकडे पाहायला हवे.

सुपर हॉर्नेट्स विमान खरेदी भारतीय नौदलासाठी फायदेशीर
Apr 26, 2023

सुपर हॉर्नेट्स विमान खरेदी भारतीय नौदलासाठी फायदेशीर

F/A-18 सुपर हॉर्नेट्सची खरेदी यूएस सोबत जवळच्या दीर्घकालीन नातेसंबंधाची सुरुवात करू शकते, जे चीनच्या प्लॅनच्या आधिपत्यपूर्ण ब्लू-वॉटर महत्त्वाकांक्षेला तोंड देण्यासाठी �