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9 results found

जागतिक क्वांटम सहकार्यासाठी प्रमुख आव्हाने आणि त्यांचे उपाय
Dec 16, 2024

जागतिक क्वांटम सहकार्यासाठी प्रमुख आव्हाने आणि त्यांचे उपाय

क्वांटम तंत्रज्ञान मानवतेच्या भविष्याला नवीन आकार देऊ �

Impediments in global quantum technology collaboration
Dec 06, 2024

Impediments in global quantum technology collaboration

Quantum technology could reshape humanity's future, requiring international norms to evolve accordingly. While efforts to ease collaboration exist, th

TSAT-1A marks progress, but challenges remain in US-India defence space ties
May 31, 2024

TSAT-1A marks progress, but challenges remain in US-India defence space ties

The TSAT-1A launch opens opportunities to expand US-India defence space ties. However, other technological collaborations, like those in quantum techn

क्वांटम तंत्रज्ञान हे पर्यायी ऊर्जेचा आधार बनू शकते का?
Mar 12, 2024

क्वांटम तंत्रज्ञान हे पर्यायी ऊर्जेचा आधार बनू शकते का?

क्वांटम तंत्रज्ञान ऊर्जा निर्मितीचा एक व्यवहार्य स्त्र

Why quantum technology may hold the key to alternative energy
Mar 02, 2024

Why quantum technology may hold the key to alternative energy

Quantum technology could be a viable source of energy creation and quantum batteries could offer a reliable replacement for lithium-ion batteries in t

iCET: Promises and challenges
Feb 17, 2023

iCET: Promises and challenges

If the iCET crystallises into concrete reality, it will bring great gains for India

Qubits for climate change
Aug 23, 2022

Qubits for climate change

As nation-states and Big Tech firms continue to make advances in quantum computing, the ethical use of technology must be streamlined with R&D to

India’s race to quantum supremacy
Dec 06, 2021

India’s race to quantum supremacy

India’s quantum policies are excellent on paper, but more needs to be done to make them practically relevant

Towards the Integration of Emerging Technologies in India’s Armed Forces
Feb 24, 2023

Towards the Integration of Emerging Technologies in India’s Armed Forces

The application of emerging technologies will play a key role in the performance of India’s armed forces. All three services understand the significance of these technological innovations in modern warfare, although their development has been uneven across the branches. This analysis provides an overview of how far the three services of the Indian armed forces have gone in integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI), cyber technology, and