Search: For - pakistan

1860 results found

The elusive watersheds of Ladakh: Explaining India and China’s missing border
Aug 26, 2020

The elusive watersheds of Ladakh: Explaining India and China’s missing border

On top of the violence and upheaval of Partition, the integration of more than 550 princely states, and a war with Pakistan over Kashmir, the British

Killing militants or killing militancy? The internet and Kashmir
Aug 03, 2020

Killing militants or killing militancy? The internet and Kashmir

If there is a learning to be made, it is that in the last one year, the absence of the internet has not helped in security, commercial, economic, heal

The Haqqani Network and the failing US-Taliban deal
Jun 29, 2020

The Haqqani Network and the failing US-Taliban deal

While the Afghan government has begun the release of Taliban prisoners and the US prepares for a drawdown in troop numbers, the Taliban’s ties to th

Closing of MQM chapter in Pakistan’s politics
Jun 25, 2020

Closing of MQM chapter in Pakistan’s politics

The MQM had been the flagbearer of Mohajir nationalism in Pakistan since the party’s founding in 1984 until 2016.

Pakistan budget 2020-21: The numbers don’t add up
Jun 16, 2020

Pakistan budget 2020-21: The numbers don’t add up

Without deep structural reform, which includes reducing the size of government and curtailing the expenses on the overbearing and overfed holy cow —

पाकिस्तान में चीनी ज्वालामुखी की खट्टी-मीठी नारियल
May 29, 2020

पाकिस्तान में चीनी ज्वालामुखी की खट्टी-मीठी नारियल

चीनी घोटाले की रिपोर्ट में जिन लोगों का नाम है, उनमें से ए�

Maldives: Backing India at OIC, a new high in bilateral ties
May 26, 2020

Maldives: Backing India at OIC, a new high in bilateral ties

This is not the first occasion in recent times that Maldives figures prominently regarding Pakistan’s attacks on India.

Pakistan media’s strange silence on India-China border spat in Ladakh
May 25, 2020

Pakistan media’s strange silence on India-China border spat in Ladakh

Despite reports of unarmed clashes between the Indian and Chinese soldiers and the fact that the stand-offs are taking place at more than one place �

Notion of false equivalence: India and Pakistan at the Line of Control
May 15, 2020

Notion of false equivalence: India and Pakistan at the Line of Control

The false equivalence in terms of status as nuclear powers has led to hypothetical scenarios of India and Pakistan engaging in nuclear warfare and all

Counterterror ops in Kashmir in the times of COVID-19
May 13, 2020

Counterterror ops in Kashmir in the times of COVID-19

In coming weeks, the battleground in all probability, could be the LoC and the villages dotting the vicinity.

The Tsinghua of economic development in Pakistan
May 13, 2020

The Tsinghua of economic development in Pakistan

Despite the persistence and spread of the corona pandemic, China has managed to use cultural centres as a tool to maintain its influence and geopoliti

The military and the mullah: Priorities for the Imran Khan government
May 12, 2020

The military and the mullah: Priorities for the Imran Khan government

Is Pakistan simply incapable in securing terrorists or are they hand-in-glove with them?

Answering the nuclear conundrum
May 11, 2020

Answering the nuclear conundrum

There has been virtually no real discourse on Indian nuclear thinking in recent years, though there have been some declarative statements.

The not so curious case of Riyaz Naikoo
May 09, 2020

The not so curious case of Riyaz Naikoo

The most pertinent question after Naikoo’s death is whether Hizbul Mujahideen as an outfit matters anymore.

Pakistan using COVID-19 as a cover for crossborder militancy
Apr 29, 2020

Pakistan using COVID-19 as a cover for crossborder militancy

The formation of ‘The Resistance Front’ should be seen as an attempt to consolidate strengths, manpower, weaponry, and training of various militan

DRDO seizes mislabeled autoclave from a Chinese ship: A nuclear opportunity for India
Apr 13, 2020

DRDO seizes mislabeled autoclave from a Chinese ship: A nuclear opportunity for India

The relationship between China and Pakistan has been a major hurdle in India’s membership to the Nuclear Suppliers Group.

Re-imagining the neighbourhood through subregional connectivity
Mar 25, 2020

Re-imagining the neighbourhood through subregional connectivity

Delhi has envisioned various subregions in and around the subcontinent. Re-integrating the subcontinent by re-discovering the old as well as building

Pakistan will evade blacklisting, but remain greylisted
Feb 15, 2020

Pakistan will evade blacklisting, but remain greylisted

There is very little chance of Pakistan exiting the greylist at the FATF plenary even with the assistance of its all-weather friend China.

नए दशक में भारत पाकिस्तान के रिश्ते: इतिहास ख़ुद को ही दोहराएगा
Jan 10, 2020

नए दशक में भारत पाकिस्तान के रिश्ते: इतिहास ख़ुद को ही दोहराएगा

अविश्वास के ऐसे माहौल के साथ ही भारत और पाकिस्तान ने 2020 का �

Death for an academic: Pakistan’s blasphemy law again in global focus
Dec 27, 2019

Death for an academic: Pakistan’s blasphemy law again in global focus

The blasphemy law under Section 295-C of the Pakistan Penal Code is a prime example of savagery a modern nation could impose on its citizenry with leg

Death for the dictator: Interplay of Pakistan’s politics, military and judiciary
Dec 17, 2019

Death for the dictator: Interplay of Pakistan’s politics, military and judiciary

As things stand in Pakistan, the army and the government claim to be on the same page. The judiciary — for now — is standing apart.

Russia’s silently returns to South Asia to balance the US, China
Oct 25, 2019

Russia’s silently returns to South Asia to balance the US, China

Right from 1947, big powers have had their geopolitical interests in South Asia.

The Sino-Indian tango: Choosing sides
Oct 23, 2019

The Sino-Indian tango: Choosing sides

India may well find itself being dragged into a confrontation that is not of its own making, especially if the Chinese perceive our closeness to the A

चीन-पाकिस्तान का रणनीतिक गठजोड़ भारत के लिए बड़ी चुनौती
Oct 21, 2019

चीन-पाकिस्तान का रणनीतिक गठजोड़ भारत के लिए बड़ी चुनौती

1960 के दशक में जब चीन में माओ की सांस्कृतिक क्रांति अपने चर�

OIC and its views on Kashmir: India’s Achilles heel in the Islamic world?
Oct 14, 2019

OIC and its views on Kashmir: India’s Achilles heel in the Islamic world?

Influenced by Pakistan, OIC — a prominent organisation of Islamic countries — has consistently commented on the situation in Kashmir much to Indi

India’s two-front war challenge: The problem of choice, scenarios and uncertainty
Oct 10, 2019

India’s two-front war challenge: The problem of choice, scenarios and uncertainty

Since war is a contest between animate entities, how is it possible for India to escape the realities of confrontation with both Pakistan and China?

The suspension and future of US‒Taliban talks: The good, the bad, or the inevitable?
Oct 07, 2019

The suspension and future of US‒Taliban talks: The good, the bad, or the inevitable?

For Trump, although bringing American troops stationed in Afghanistan has been one of the most important objectives, the calling off of the talks coul

आर्टिकल 370 और 35A ख़त्म होने के बाद का पाकिस्तान!
Oct 03, 2019

आर्टिकल 370 और 35A ख़त्म होने के बाद का पाकिस्तान!

अब हमें पाकिस्तान के साथ शांति और अमन की संभावनाओं के लिए

Sri Lanka: Will China’s ‘carrier-gift’ to Pak impact IOR neighbourhood security?
Sep 25, 2019

Sri Lanka: Will China’s ‘carrier-gift’ to Pak impact IOR neighbourhood security?

Colombo has to find ways to permanently ally apprehensions of a section of the Indian strategic community — particularly naval experts.

Pakistan's quick U-turn on its trade ban on pharmaceutical products with India
Sep 07, 2019

Pakistan's quick U-turn on its trade ban on pharmaceutical products with India

Pakistan’s knee-jerk decision to suspend all trade relations with India could have only created a barrier of access to medicines for the Pakistani p

J&K: Not letting an ‘internal affair’ become ‘external’
Sep 03, 2019

J&K: Not letting an ‘internal affair’ become ‘external’

Having failed the first round at the UN Security Council (UNSG), Pakistan continues to seek internationalising the ‘Kashmir issue’, as an ‘inter

No country for good peace deals
Aug 31, 2019

No country for good peace deals

Taliban commanders may continue to fight the Afghan government in spite of any deal that may be signed with the US. So, is there really a point in mak

The strategic logic of the No First Use nuclear doctrine
Aug 30, 2019

The strategic logic of the No First Use nuclear doctrine

India’s No First Use policy was a result of the lessons that India’s key strategic thinkers learned in the long decades they spent thinking about

Partition 1947 and its bitter legacy
Aug 23, 2019

Partition 1947 and its bitter legacy

The division of India remains a long litany of tragedy for the consequences it threw up in the times following August 1947.

Communications blackout in Kashmir: A quick fix that can backfire
Aug 14, 2019

Communications blackout in Kashmir: A quick fix that can backfire

India has always lacked the counter-narrative to Pakistan’s misinformation campaigns, but will the current communications clampdown make it lose the